Cornelia Amalinei
Associate-Professor Cornelia Amalinei, M.D., Ph.D., Histopathologist, of the “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, is the author of 10 books and 110 articles, being also involved in international research projects. She is an editorial advisory board member of The Open Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery Journal. Based on her publications, she was invited as a member of the scientific committee and speaker in the first International Congress of the Kosova Association of Oncology, in 2004. The “Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme” selected her for a grant, in 2005. She was the beneficiary of a travel grant offered by the International Academy of Pathology, in 2006. The Adriatic Society of Pathology awarded her the Prize Pio Sodalizio Dei Piceni, in 2007.