Qiguang Miao

Xidian University China

Qiguang Miao is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of School of Computer Science and Technology in Xidian University. In 2012, he was supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University by Ministry of Education. He received his doctor degree in computer application technology from Xidian University in December 2005. In the field of teaching, he was awarded as one of Pacemaker of Ten Excellent Teacher twice in 2008 and 2011. His research interests include machine learning, intelligent image processing and malware behavior analysis and understanding. As principal investigator, he is doing or has completed 3 projects of NSFC, 2 projects of Shaanxi provincial natural science fund, more than 10 projects of National Defence Pre-research Foundation, 863 and Weapons and Equipment fund. He has published over 50 papers in the significant domestic and international journal or conference.

Qiguang Miao

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Qiguang Miao

Image Fusion is an important branch of information fusion, and it is also an important technology for image understanding and computer vision. The fusion process is to merging different images into one to get more accurate description for the scene. The original images for image fusion are always obtained by several different image sensors, or the same sensor in different operating modes. The fused image can provide more effective information for further image processing, such as image segmentation, object detection and recognition. Image fusion is a new study field which combined with many different disciplines, such as sensors, signal processing, image processing, computer and artificial intelligence. In the past two decades, a large number of research literatures appear. This book is edited based on these research results, and many research scholars give a great help to this book.

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