Part of the book: Probiotics
On example of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, approaches in creation of human multistrain probiotic metabolite mixtures for different goals were proposed. Human probiotic lectin systems (LS) (mucosal, others) reveal functions needed for organism. Advanced features of such systems include capability to recognize synthetic polymeric polyvalent glycoconjugates (GC)—imitators of natural ones (modified polysaccharides, glycoantigens of medical significance). Probiotic lectin systems function as imitators of multipro-/sym-/synbiotics in their resulting actions. They serve as carriers of the biotope glycoconjugate décor including glycoprebiotics, glycometabiotics, glycodrugs, and agents supporting décor organization and resistance. Probiotic lectin systems represent new perspective system agents to improve the health of mucosal microbiocenoses (MB) organized as communicative bodies to be corrected according to the principle “there is body—there are diseases.” They act as metabolomebiotics according to the principle “the network in the network.” They deepen biotope resistance allowing quicker return to balance. They support prophylactic and therapeutic procedures directed to prolong aging and improve quality of life. Multistrain metabolite constructions can predict perspective cellular formulas of multipro-/synbiotics for prophylaxis, supporting and accompanying therapy. Approaches developed are universal. They are useful in the study of any Gram-positive and eukaryotic (yeasts and yeast-like fungi) mono- and mixed cultures. The methodological principles proposed and described are of value for extended fields of clinical microbiology and medical bio-/nanotechnology.
Part of the book: Oral Health by Using Probiotic Products