Gerhard Held

Sao Paulo State University Brazil

1968 - PhD (Meteorology), University of Vienna, Austria Registered Natural Scientist (Pr.Sci.Nat.) - Reg.Nr.401639/83 1965-70: Met-Office Vienna & Austrian Air Force (climatology, solar radiation, radar meteorology) 1970-92: CSIR (radar meteorology & hail storm research; implementation of South Africa’s only multiple Doppler radar facility; boundary layer meteorology & air pollution) - Pretoria, South Africa 1992: Eskom Technology Research & Investigations (T-R-I; boundary layer meteorology & air pollution; climate modelling; dispersion modelling of stack plumes and dust emissions from area sources, airborne pollution sampling, transboundary transport of pollutants, drought cycles risk analysis; participation in international co-operative projects, such as the Southern African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI’92) and the Southern African Land-Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions (SAFARI 2000) – Johannesburg, South Africa 1999: Promotion to Chief Consultant (T-R-I, now Technology Services International) 2000: Visiting Professor (Radar Meteorology) at Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Bauru, S.P., Brazil (one-year Research Grant from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP). Main objectives of research: To analyze Doppler radar data from the Bauru S-band radar to identify signatures which would be suitable for early identification of severe storms and Nowcasting. Also international networking, input into and presentation of Project Proposals to FAPESP and presentations at National and International Conferences. 2001: Subsequently, Consultant to IPMet (activities as above; three months). 2002: Appointed as Senior Researcher in Radar Meteorology at Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Bauru, S.P. Continuing research of severe convective storms in the State of São Paulo by means of Doppler radars, lightning observations, synoptic weather studies, satellite observations, Meso-scale model forecasts, etc. Project Coordinator: “Quantification and nowcasting of precipitation in the State of São Paulo” (sub-project of SIHESP submitted to FAPESP). Phase 1 for upgrading of radars (ca 1/3 of total value of USD 2,0 million) approved in December 2004. Brazilian Coordinator: “Tropical Convection, Cirrus, and Nitrogen Oxides (TROCCINOX) Experiment” - a European Community project with field campaign in January - March 2004. 2003: Brazilian Coordinator: HIBISCUS project - a European Community project with field campaign in Jan/Feb 2004. General Coordinator of “Tropical Convection and Cirrus Experiment Brazil” (TroCCiBras) with a joint field campaign with TROCCINOX and HIBISCUS during January - March 2004. Research Coordinator of IPMet (4-year term from October 2003) 2004: Invited by Osaka University (Lightning Research Group) as one of the Keynote Speakers in the “Darwin Observatory Workshop” (8-10 March 2004) in Osaka, Japan. 2005: Invited by the South African “National Association for Clean Air” to participate as expert in the “Workshop on Ecological Impact of Coal Use-Related Air Pollutants” (15-19 October 2005), with the objective to review past and present research on deposition and impact, identify gaps of knowledge and recommend a strategy for future research programs to South African industries and Government Agencies. 2007: Coordinator of Operations and Coordinator of Informatics of IPMet (4-year term from November 2007). 2008: Accredited as Professor of the Post-Graduation Programme of the Instituto de Geociências of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Coordinator for IPMet’s sub-project of the Projects “Implementation of an Atmospheric Monitoring System to Study the Impacts of Biomass Burning on the Air Quality and Climate” (Infra-Structure Project funded by Petrobras) and the FAPESP Project “Physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols and their relation-ships with precipitation and meteorology in rural areas”, FAPESP No.2008/58073-5. 2010: Coordinator of Research Project: “O Impacto das Queimadas de Cana de Açucar na Qualidade do Ar na Região de Ourinhos, S.P.: Campanha Piloto” (Processo FUNDUNESP: 00598/10). Brazilian Coordinator: “Multiscale water budget in the upper tropo-sphere and lower stratosphere in the TROpics (TRO-Pico)” - a joint project CNRS x IPMet. Academic Activities: Examiner of 3 MSc and 6 PhD Defenses; Advisor for Scientific Initiation, MSc and PhD Projects; invited Lecturer in South Africa and Amazonia (Brazil); Organizer of Scientific Conferences and Workshops in South Africa and Brazil.

Gerhard Held

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