Thais Russomano

King's College London United Kingdom

Thais Russomano, MD PhD - graduated in medicine from the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil (1985), has a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Medicine - Wright State University, USA (1991), and PhD in Space Physiology - King\'s College London (1998). She founded and coordinated for 18 years the Microgravity Centre, PUCRS, a unique Latin American reference centre in the study of human space physiology and space biomedical engineering; is senior lecturer at King’s College London; Director of InnovaSpace Consultancy; Director/CMO of International Space Medicine Consortium; and International Relations Director of HuSCO. More than 25 years of experience in the fields of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Biomedicine, Aerospace Biomedical Engineering and Telemedicine, including participation in 200+ scientific events with 300+ scientific papers presented. She further holds 7 patents related to Space Life Sciences and Aerospace Biomedical Engineering.

Thais Russomano

3chapters authored