Paweł Woś

Rzeszów University of Technology

Paweł Woś, PhD, DSc, associate professor at Rzeszów University of Technology, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Rzeszów University of Technology in 1995. He earned his PhD degree in Internal Combustion Engine engineering in 2003. From 2005 to 2006, he served as a post-doc fellow at the Wayne State University in Detroit (USA) where he was involved in advanced combustion processes in ICE. Since then he continues these studies with application of variable compression ratio (VCR) technology in combustion engines design. He serves as an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Automotive Vehicles and Transportation Engineering in Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics.

Paweł Woś

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Paweł Woś

The matters discussed and presented in the chapters of this book cover a wide spectrum of topics and research methods commonly used in the field of engine combustion technology and vehicle functional systems. This book contains the results of both computational analyses and experimental studies on jet and reciprocating combustion engines as well heavy-duty onroad vehicles. Special attention is devoted to research and measures toward preventing the emission of harmful exhaust components, reducing fuel consumption or using unconventional methods of engine fueling or using renewable and alternative fuels in different applications. Some technical improvements in design and control of vehicle systems are also presented.

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