E-Wen Huang
Dr. E-Wen Huang has been an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering at National Central University since February, 2010. He graduated from Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School in 1994. He received his BS degree from Chemical Engineering of Chang Gung University with an internship at Formosa Plastic Group (http://www.fpg.com.tw/index_eng.asp). After performing his obligatory army service as a second lieutenant, he studied Materials Science and Engineering at the National Dong Hwa University under Dr. Ming-Show Wong (http://tns.ndhu.edu.tw/~tflab/mainframe.htm). He worked at the Spintronics Laboratory (http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~magnetic/) under Dr. Dr. Yeong-Der Yao for two years before pursuing Industrial Engineering in Texas A&M University, College Station (http://ise.tamu.edu/). He joined Dr. Peter K. Liaw’s group at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (http://www.engr.utk.edu/publications/pdfs/COE_AnnualReport_2009.pdf). He collaborated with Dr. Rozaliya Barabash and Dr. Wei-Ren Chen using scattering techniques to investigate the structural information of the metallic alloys. Prior to joining the National Central University faculty, he starts to investigate the thermomechanical responses subjected to deformation.