Joseph Essandoh-Yeddu
Dr. Joseph Essandoh-Yeddu joined the energy sector of Ghana in 1989. He was the leader of the Ghana Energy Commission’s team that produced Ghana’s Strategic National Energy Plan for 2006 – 2020. He has been the head of the Strategic Planning and Policy Division of the Ghana Energy Commission since 2003. Dr. Essandoh-Yeddu has been a member of Government of Ghana’s negotiating team on UN Climate Change Convention and Kyoto Protocol since 2005 and currently, a lead author for IPCC Working Group Three Assessment Report (AR5). Mr. Essandoh-Yeddu has a B.Sc in Physics and holds an MSc Engineering degree in Environment and Energy Planning from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg Sweden. He did his doctoral thesis at the Bureau of Economic Geology of the Jackson School of Geosciences of the University of Texas at Austin in the USA, from 2006-2008. His thesis looked at evaluating the technical and economic considerations of capturing carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources to produce more oil in Texas Gulf Coast and eventually storing the gas in the geologic formations. Whilst in Texas, Dr. Essandoh-Yeddu also worked as a U-temp (university temporary staff) with the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) as an energy economist/planner. He was attached to the Center for Energy Economics (where he participated in some courses) and the Gulf Coast Carbon Center (both, departments of BEG). Whilst with the Center for Energy Economics, he produced a number of papers and made presentations on natural gas. He returned to Ghana in 2009 for his final and PhD graduation at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana one of the rare sea-front universities in the world.