Yen-Hsun Su

Professor Yen-Hsun Su earned his BSc in material science and engineering, and a PhD in physics from National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan. He acted (as his postdoctoral fellow) in Academia Sinica, Taiwan in 2010. He is a professor in the Department of Material Sciences, Engineering and Physics at National Dong Hwa University where he teaches general physics, thermodynamics of materials, and material analysis. His research interests include bioenergy, bio-LED, nanomaterials, plasmonic material, computing materials and green energy materials.

Yen-Hsun Su

1books edited

Latest work with IntechOpen by Yen-Hsun Su

This book provides a broad spectrum of insights into the optical principle, resource, fabrication, nanoscience, and nanotechnology of noble metal. It also looks at the advanced implementation of noble metal in the field of nanoscale materials, catalysts and biosystem. This book is ideal not only for scientific researchers but also as a reference for professionals in material science, engineering, nonascience and plasmonics.

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