Joi L. Moore

University of Missouri United States of America

Dr Moore received her B.S. degree in Computer Science and M.S. degree in Management from North Carolina State University, both focusing on a minor in Management Information Systems. Her professional experience includes consulting with technology companies in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and teaching in the Department of Computer Information Systems at Shaw University. Dr. Moore earned her Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from the University of Georgia – with a cognate area of Management Information Systems. Her current research agenda is the application of appropriate design principles for technology environments that support learning and/or effectively improve a desired performance. Additional areas of research include: analyzing information architecture and evaluating performance in distance learning environments; designing performance-centered applications; and Human Computer Interaction.

Joi L. Moore

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Joi L. Moore

This book, written by authors representing 12 countries and five continents, is a collection of international perspectives on distance learning and distance learning implementations in higher education. The perspectives are presented in the form of practical case studies of distance learning implementations, research studies on teaching and learning in distance learning environments, and conceptual and theoretical frameworks for designing and developing distance learning tools, courses and programs. The book will appeal to distance learning practitioners, researchers, and higher education administrators. To address the different needs and interests of audience members, the book is organized into five sections: Distance Education Management, Distance Education and Teacher Development, Distance Learning Pedagogy, Distance Learning Students, and Distance Learning Educational Tools.

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