Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Food Additives: Recent Trends in the Food Sector

Written By

Mary M. Mwale

Submitted: 18 October 2022 Reviewed: 12 December 2022 Published: 25 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109484

From the Edited Volume

Health Risks of Food Additives - Recent Developments and Trends in Food Sector

Edited by Muhammad Sajid Arshad and Waseem Khalid

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Certain chemical substances have been recognized and used for centuries through different cultures and civilizations either to enhance or preserve flavor, freshness, appearance, taste, texture or keeping quality attributes of foods. Many of these substances are of little or no nutritive value, but are added in small quantities during food processing, seasoning, packaging, storage, or display of both human and animal foods for a specific desired effect. Food additives provide an opportunity to feed the world through sustaining availability of convenient nutritious and affordable food for human consumption, while also providing an avenue to minimize food loss and waste. Sustained research innovations and advancement in food technology that began in the 20th century have led to introduction of over 3000 natural and artificially made substances that are added to food during preparation or processing to impart specific desirable characteristics. However, although use of food additives has contributed to the rapid growth of the food industry, this has also brought other unwanted health consequences that are of public health concern. This chapter explores the important role of food additives in the food industry, recent developments and trends and in the food sector to uncover some health risks associated with certain food additives to promote safe use and minimize negative health consequences.


  • food
  • food additives
  • health risks
  • technology
  • preserving agents

1. Introduction

Food as a basic need of life provides us with nutrients to thrive and be productive. Selection of nutritious foods is bound to continue, so long as people want to live healthy and remain productive. Food additives provide an opportunity to feed the world sustainably and an avenue to minimize food loss and waste [1]. Food additives have been used through different cultures and civilizations to improve or maintain the nutritive value of food, improve the freshness, prolong the shelf-life and availability making seasonal foods available throughout the year; bringing convenience- cheap, time saving, ready to eat foods [2].

Food additives have become very common and central to modern food industry. The ready-to- eat food that is not prepared at home, but is available in the market may often contain some kind of additives so that their quality in terms of appearance, texture, taste and flavor attributes are guaranteed or maintained [3]. Many low-calorie snacks and ready-to-eat convenience foods would not be possible without the use of food additives. Rapid population growth and the growing changes in food preferences and taste have sustained demand for quality food and will continue to influence the supply of nutritious safe food. This will further drive the need for greater use of food additives and introduction of new ones in the food industry [2].

Since the 20th century, sustained research innovations and advancement in food technology have led to introduction of over 3000 natural and artificially made substances that are added to food during preparation or processing to impart specific desirable characteristics [3, 4]. Many of these substances are of little no nutritive value, but are added in small quantities during processing, seasoning, packaging, storage, or display of both human and animal foods. Food additives have also proved useful for maintaining the distribution network for food and introduced convenience through ready to serve safe, wholesome and appealing foods from farm to fork. Chemistry is central to the history of how we produce, store and consume food, preservation, flavoring, pest control and quality testing.

The improvements in understanding of food chemistry and advancements in food technology have led to commercialization of many naturally occurring or artificially synthesized food additives, which together with the emergence of new processing technologies have greatly contributed to the rapid growth of the food industry [2, 5]. The commercialization of food additives has also been driven by consumer taste and preferences, nutrition consciousness, as well as improvement in marketing techniques.

The rising concerns about the technological advancements in the food industry and growing scientific evidence of some associated risks have created the need for regulations primarily to protect human health. Through the years, debate continues on whether food additives are appropriate for use due to inconsistencies in research studies and sometimes controversies over public health risks. Food manufacturers must comply with food safety standards as set by the relevant regulatory authorities. Manufacturers are encouraged to seek certification before use of any form of food additive to comply with standards for consumer products [2, 6]. Several studies have indicated negative effects of some synthetic food additives on human health thereby raising consumer dissatisfaction and calling for stricter regulation of their use in food products. However, there is a general lack of knowledge among the populace about the functions of the commonly used additives in processed foods [7].

This chapter delves in to the benefits and health risks of food additives as a result of growing and indiscriminate use by the food industry, recent developments and trends in view of rising consumer concerns.

1.1 Defining food additives

A food additive is any substance that is not normally consumed as a food on its own, but is intentionally added to food in small quantities such that it does not define or constitute a major part of the food regardless of whether it has nutritive value or not to produce a specific desirable effect [3, 8]. The purpose of food additives may be to enhance or maintain some food characteristics that consumers demand; whether physical, chemical, biological, or sensorial characteristics [9]. A food additive may be a naturally occurring or artificially manufactured substance, but when added to food it does not meet the threshold to qualify as a main part or a characteristic nutritional ingredient of that food other than the specific desirable effect it imparts.

The Food and Drug Administration of United States in collaboration with the Food Protection Committee has defined food additive as a substance or their mixture that other than basic foodstuffs and are present in food as a result of any aspect of production, processing, storage or packaging.

According to Codex Alimentarius [8], food additive means any substance not normally consumed as a food by itself and not normally used as a typical ingredient of the food, whether it has nutritive value or not, the intentional addition to food for a technological (including organoleptic) purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport, or holding of such food results reasonably expected to result (directly or indirectly) in it or its by-products becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of such foods [8]. The term does not include contaminants, or substances added to food for maintaining or improving nutritional qualities.

1.2 Classification of food additives

Food additives are classified as direct, meaning intentionally added to foods for a particular purpose during processing, or indirect implying not added, but found during or after food has been processed and becoming part of the food during handling, packaging or storage [10]. Some chemical substances indirectly get in touch or into our foods through exposure to the environment from packaging material or a result of chemical reactions of the components in the packaged food product [11].

1.2.1 Direct food additives

Direct food additives are naturally occurring, or artificially manufactured substances that are intentionally added to food for a specific desirable quality or characteristic whether physical, chemical, biological, or sensorial that consumers demand [9].

1.2.2 Indirect food additives

Indirect food additives are not intentionally added and do not perform any technical function in food. They may be regarded as contaminants as they get into food unintentionally, through food contamination, or arise from chemical and biochemical interactions in food during processing or storage resulting in higher concentrations than is permitted [12]. Indirect food contaminants are a matter of concern as the high concentrations in food and water pose serious public health risks. The results may be inflammation and enteric infections conveyed through consumption of the contaminated foods, and the daunting task of treating or protecting individuals from the harmfulness of food contaminants.

The phrase chemical contamination indicates the presence of a chemical where it should not be [11, 13]. A chemical hazard may originate from the plate, packaging material, air, water, soil, disinfectants, detergents, pesticides, of from excess levels of metals in or on contaminated meat, vegetables and fruits, infected animals, among others [12, 14, 15, 16]. However, this chapter does not describe food contaminants as they are not regarded as additives.

Food processing can lay the foundation for contamination of food by introducing undesirable contaminants and compounds formed in the food during preparation- baking, roasting, canning, heating, fermentation, or hydrolysis; preservation, or transportation. Indirect food contaminants can originate from migration of chemical compounds from plastic food containers or bags when heated; and printed closed packaging materials, glue and adhesives [13]. This is of concern as high concentration in food and water pose serious public health risks especially when the level of migrant chemical is significant [14, 16, 17, 18]. The growth in agribusiness and globalizations have aided the increasing risk and challenge that has become a global problem [19].


2. Categories of food additives

Food additives are categorized based on how they function. There are four general categories of food additives: nutritive additives, preservatives, processing agents, and sensory agents [2]. However, these classifications are not strict, as many additives fall into more than one category. The following sections explain the five main categories (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Generalized categories of food additives.

2.1 Nutritive additives

This category of additives is used for the purpose of restoring nutrients, mainly essential micronutrients, lost or degraded during food processing. The process is termed fortification or enrichment as is done purposely to add nutrients to foods, food supplements, or substitutes used to correct or prevent dietary deficiencies [20]. Fortification of commonly eaten foods and condiments is recognized as an effective medium to long-term solution to alleviate specific micronutrient deficiencies to improve quality of lives and accelerate development at a low cost. For instance, in the process of milling wheat to produce white flour, the germ, bran and endosperm get separated, thereby removing the vitamins and minerals rich part of the grain. In order to restore the nutritive value thiamine, nicotinic acid, iron and calcium, are added to the flour [21].

The fortification of foods began way back in 1924 when iodine was added to table salt for the prevention of goiter [22]. Later fat soluble vitamins were added to fats and oils, dairy and cereal products to improve their nutritional value. Vitamins A and D are still added to dairy and cereal products; Iron and several of the B vitamins are added to flour, cereals, baked goods, and pasta; and vitamin C is added to fruit beverages, cereals, dairy products, canned citrus fruits and confectioneries for enrichment to make up the loss of the vitamin during processing. Other nutritional additives include the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, minerals such as calcium and iron, and dietary fiber [23].

Fortification of food with water-soluble vitamins- Vitamin C and the Vitamin B group- thiamin, riboflavin, niacin/niacinamide, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin can remain stable for at least 1 year when sealed in unopened containers. The fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin A and the pro-Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene) are the most labile being sensitive to oxygen, light and heat. The alcohol form of Vitamin E is useful as an antioxidant, but for purposes of nutrition should be in the esterified form, purchased as Vitamin E acetate [22]. Vitamin K is seldom used as a food additive other than in infant formulae and meal replacements.

Micronutrients are essential for a normal and healthy life and the safe or tolerable limits for vitamins and essential trace elements have been established by Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) [3]. Overuse of some micronutrients can be dangerous as may lead to toxicity or nutrient–nutrient interactions causing adverse reactions and interfering with nutritional benefits of a routine diet [24]. Food additives standards and regulations to protect the health of the consumers and to ensure fair practices in the food trade have been developed and is subjected to monitoring by Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) [2]. Hence, food manufacturers are obliged to indicate the type of additives used in their food products.

2.2 Health risks associated with nutritive additives

Unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K nutrients can be stored in your liver and fatty tissues. Overuse or excessive consumption can result in toxicity. General symptoms of micronutrient (Vitamins and minerals) toxicity include cardiac arrhythmias, headache, nausea and vomiting, and in severe cases, headaches, seizures, general body pain, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, metallic taste, high blood pressure, no urine output, and high doses may cause nutrient-nutrient interactions such as between iron and copper, changes in skin, hair and nails, and birth defects among other symptoms. On the other hand, continuous overuse of nutritive sweeteners and fatty acid additives may cause overweight and obesity, precursors for many related non-communicable diseases.

2.3 Processing agents

Food processing agents are substances that are added to foods primarily to aid or facilitate the processing of a specific food product; or to maintain the desired characteristics of a product such as consistency, color, safety, quality and nutritive value of the product [4, 25]. Food-processing agents perform valuable functions making them indispensable in processing, and are considered extremely safe when used as recommended in small quantities/volumes for safety without altering the taste or appearance of the finished product. They are commonly used in a wide variety of products including confectionery, jams, jellies, bakery, meat and meat products to improve product quality and consistency; enhance nutrition; help maintain product wholesomeness; enhance shelf life; help in packing and transportation. The use of a processing aid can unintentionally introduce a “residue” into the final processed material, resulting in an indirect food additive [26].

A processing aid may be natural or synthetic in origin, but must be approved by the relevant recognized institutional authority prior to commercial use [2]. Processing agents should be evaluated from the standpoint of food safety, efficiency and ethics, which every manufacturer should identify, disclose and explore. Most ethical considerations for processing aids are centered around consumers/personal, cultural, or religious beliefs on diets such as kosher, halal or vegetarian, around which particular concerns are valid. Therefore, it is important to give full disclosure of the type of additive processing aid used for consumer to act on informed judgment of a food product from a personal, cultural, religious, or public health point of view such as kosher, halal, vegetarian, low fat, or safety aspects; and to avoid adverse reactions. For instance, a vegetarian might want to avoid foods that have contacted processing aids made from animal fat or any such by product.

The sections below describe the types of processing aids:

2.3.1 Emulsifying agents

An emulsifying agent is used to maintain homogeneity or uniform dispersion of one liquid in another and give foods a good texture. Emulsifiers give foods a good texture and homogeneity by making it possible for immiscible liquids, such as water and oils, to mix well without any separation during storage or before use and prevent coalescence of oil droplets promoting the separation of the oil phase from the aqueous phase such as in ice-creams or mayonnaise. The basic structure of an emulsifying agent includes a hydrophobic portion of a long-chain fatty acid that attaches to the oil phase, and a hydrophilic portion which may be charged or uncharged and dissolves in the aqueous phase of the liquid. This configuration forms a dispersion of small oil droplets, resulting in a stabilized oil-in-water emulsion.

Emulsifiers also act to prevent the formation of ice and sugar crystals in foods in case of temperature changes such as in ice cream with sugar; can be used to encapsulate flavor compounds; and improve volume, fineness and uniformity of processed baked products.

The stabilization of foam in a food product occurs by a similar mechanism except that the oil phase is replaced by a gas phase. Silicone is identified as an antifoaming agent for beverages and lecithin is a common emulsifying agent.

2.3.2 Stabilizers and thickeners

Stabilizers and thickeners are used as gelling agents to increases the smoothness, viscosity or consistency of food products such as in dressings, frozen desserts, confectionaries, pudding mixes, jams and jellies by acting as stabilizing or thickening emulsions. Examples are pectin, gelatin, carrageenan, and gums (arabic, guar, locust bean). Gelatin with gums is commonly used to eliminate suspended particles in apple juice. In case of Vegans foods, Agar-agar is used as a substitute for gelatin. Most stabilizing and thickening agents are polysaccharides (starches or gums), or proteins such as gelatin. The mechanism of action is by adsorbing to the outer surface of oil droplets thereby increasing the viscosity of the water phase. However the use of a thickener or stabilizer must be authorized by the recognized food safety regulatory institution such as FDA and EFSA, before use [27].

2.4 Miscellaneous agents

2.4.1 Chelating agents

Chelating agents, also known as sequestering agents are used in processing to protect food products from specific enzymatic reactions that cause deterioration during processing and storage. The mode of actions is mainly the binding of any minerals that may be present in food, such as calcium and Magnesium, which are necessary as cofactors for the enzymatic activity. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is used as a chelating agent in dressings, mayonnaise, sauces, dried bananas; and potassium bromate used for conditioning flour.

2.4.2 Humectants

Moisture in food can be controlled by dehydration or chemically binding it with humectants. Humectants are hygroscopic substances used for moisture control in foods to prevent foods from drying out, and also prevent crystallization of sugar contained in confectionaries. The hygroscopic substances stabilize product properties by binding the moisture that is contained in the food and by absorbing moisture from the air making foods remain fresh for longer and are preserved [28]. Water activity has an influence on the physical and sensory properties and accelerates chemical changes that may make the foodstuff unfit for consumption. Bacterial and fungal growth is influenced by the water activity of the food and affects the shelf life of food. The shelf life of intermediate moisture foods is limited because of fungal and bacterial growth. The higher the free water in food the higher the water activity, hence faster microbial growth and spoilage.

Glycerol has a moisture control effect and is used as a humectant in confectionery such as marshmallows, soft candies, chocolates and chewing gum. Further, cookies do not dry out so quickly, and meat and fish products have a longer shelf life. Cellulose ground to fine powder is a raw material obtained from plant fibers such as wheat, oat and bamboo and is used as a natural humectant. It can be used in bakery, confectionery, processed meats and fish products. Cellulose powder is preferred because when used it does not affect the color or sensory properties of the food. The benefits include extended shelf life, improved stability and viscosity, texture is maintained and growth of microorganisms is slowed down. Some individuals show sensitivity to humectants, especially when ingested in large amounts. Symptoms are nausea or diarrhea and large doses of sugar alcohols may have a laxative effect. As a food additive, powdered cellulose is labeled E 460ii.

2.4.3 Anticaking agents

Anticaking agents stop powders and granulated ingredients from clumping. They can be derived from natural sources or manufactured from chemical or artificial ingredients [28].

2.4.4 Rennet

Rennet is used in cheese making to separate curd and whey, and Xylanase is used in dough to increase its flexibility.

2.4.5 Ozone

Ozone is an antimicrobial that is used in chilled water to prevent microbial activity. Ozonated water offers benefits in both clinical and industrial spaces, from preventing cancer and fighting free radicals in the body due to its potential antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can also support dental health and food preservation and safety [29]. The mechanism of actions of Ozone is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system [29].

2.4.6 pH control agents

Chemical and biological reactions are optimized within certain PH ranges. Citric acid, and lactic acid are used for either controlling or changing the acid–base balance of foods or to get specific flavors or colors. The acids are commonly used in cheese making, confectionaries, jams and jellies. In yoghurt making, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus are used to produce lactic acid bacteria that decreases pH causing milk protein to coagulate [30]. Rennet is used in cheese making to separate curd and whey, and fermented yoghurt is known to have positive effects on gut microbiome on building immunity [25, 31].

2.5 Preserving agents

Preserving agents are substances that are added to a food to prevent or delay undesirable changes caused by the action of microorganisms, enzymes and/or physical agents in contact with food [32]. Food preservation is one of the oldest technologies used by humans for centuries- salt, vinegar, and sugar, perfected through use of chemicals the most effective type in preservation for longer periods [33, 34].

Preservatives help to keep food safe, and/or wholesome. The high utilization of preserving agents by the food industry is due to the growing demand for chemically stable, safe and durable foods [32]. The most commonly used preservatives are: sulfur dioxide, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, propionic acid, nitrites and sodium and potassium nitrates [35]. Food preservatives are classified into two main groups: antioxidants and antimicrobials.

2.5.1 Antioxidants

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that delay or prevent the deterioration of foods by oxidative mechanisms. They act as free radicle scavengers, metal chelators, and enzyme inhibitors. Hence, they slow down the auto-oxidation of foods to preserve the flavor and appearance such as in baked foods by preventing the fats and oils from going rancid; minimizing the damage to some amino acids and vitamins in fat foods, and keeping fresh fruits and vegetables from turning brown when exposed to air. Examples area ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), citric acid, sulfites, tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and tocopherols. Tocopherols are used in processed meats as an alternative to using nitrites, potatoes and some baked products.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is fat soluble, water soluble, white solid and volatile. It is heat stable and mildly alkaline (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Molecular structure of TBHQ, BHA and BHT.

TBHQ acts as an antioxidant and is added to processed foods to extend the shelf life, prevent iron containing foods from discoloration and rancidity of fats and oils [36]. TBHQ is a light-colored crystalline product with a slight odor and is found in a wide range of processed products including vegetable oils and animal fats, snack crackers, noodles, in fast and frozen foods, and fish in products. It is often used in combination with other additives like propyl gallate, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The chemicals are closely related and are usually discussed together as TBHQ forms when the body metabolizes BHA. However, recently TBHQ has gained a controversial reputation [36]. Recent studies on TBHQ have linked it to development of tumors, vision disturbances, liver enlargement, neurotoxic effects, convulsions, and paralysis in laboratory animals. BHA and TBHQ are both suspected to affect human behavior, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Behavior (ADHD). Its safe limits are still under investigation and close monitoring by FDA.

2.5.2 Antimicrobials

Antimicrobials are preservative compounds that inhibit the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in food. The excess water in the foods can cause the growth of bacteria, fungi, molds and yeasts developing undesirable characteristics. Antimicrobials control the growth of pathogenic microbes, or reduce the activity of the spoilage micro-organisms [37] to maintain the quality and consistency, palatability, wholesomeness, and nutritional value of the foods. It also controls pH changes, provides leavening and color, and enhances food flavor.

Antimicrobials are used in combination with other preservation techniques, such as refrigeration. An example is common salt also recognized as sodium chloride (NaCl), the oldest known antimicrobial agent. Organic acids such as acetic acid, benzoic acid, propionic, and sorbic acid are applied for control of growth of microorganisms in low PH foods.

Chemical preservative compounds have been introduced in the industry and work more effectively than the natural antimicrobials [17]. Examples are nitrates and nitrites commonly are used to inhibit bacterium Clostridium botulinum in meats and meat products, such as ham and bacon. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfites act as antimicrobial agents, structure modifiers, antioxidants, and enzyme inhibitors. They are used for the control of spoilage microorganisms in dried fruits and vegetables, juices, sugar syrups, wines, beer and, pickles. Some microorganisms produce Nisin that inhibits bacterial growth and natamycin that acts against molds and yeast. Benzoates, sorbates potassium and sodium salts, propionates act against bread molds and spore forming bacteria responsible for ropiness in bread and mycotoxins in flour.

Their mode of action is by disruption of cell membrane function, or inhibition of enzymatic actions; binding sterols groups in fungus, cell membrane of molds, yeasts, and some bacteria); and inhibits spore germination (yeasts, molds, some bacteria). Others active compounds are propionic acid, sorbic acid, sulfites and sulfur dioxide, Ozone, Ammonium hydroxide, Salt, Chlorine, Nitrates, nitrites, acetic acid, benzoic acid. For instance, ozone is an antimicrobial that is used in chilled water to prevent microbial activity. Table 1 explains the mechanism of action for various antimicrobials (Table 2).

Common name
allura red ACgelatin, puddings, dairy products, confections, beverages
brilliant blue FCFbeverages, confections, icings, syrups, dairy products
erythrosinemaraschino cherries
fast green FCFbeverages, puddings, ice cream, sherbet, confections
indigo carmineconfections, ice cream, bakery products
sunset yellow FCFbakery products, ice cream, sauces, cereals, beverages
tartrazinebeverages, cereals, bakery products, ice cream, sauces

Table 1.

Examples of synthetic food colorants.

Acetic aciddisrupts cell membrane function (bacteria, yeasts, some molds)
Benzoic aciddisrupts cell membrane function/inhibits enzymes (molds, yeasts, some bacteria)
Natamycinbinds sterol groups in fungal cell membrane (molds, yeasts)
Nisindisrupts cell membrane function (gram-positive bacteria, lactic acid-producing bacteria)
Nitrates, nitritesinhibits enzymes/disrupts cell membrane function (bacteria, primarily Clostridium botulinum)
Propionic aciddisrupts cell membrane function (molds, some bacteria)
Sorbic aciddisrupts cell membrane function/inhibits enzymes/inhibits bacterial spore germination (yeasts, molds, some bacteria)
Sorbic acid is widely used to inhibit yeast and molds in processed cheese, wine, fruit juices, and some baked goods (pastries).
sulfites and sulfur dioxideinhibits enzymes/forms addition compounds (bacteria, yeasts, molds)
OzoneAntimicrobial that is used in chilled water.
Ammonium hydroxideAntimicrobial function in meat
Salt.Decrease water activity to improve shelf life of fish (seafood), and meat
ChlorineOrganic acid washes Antimicrobial function for fruit and vegetable washes Sodium sterol lactylate - Strengthens dough for Frozen dough (e.g. waffles and pancakes)

Table 2.

Antimicrobials and mechanism of action.

Source: Bakers journal—a primer on preservatives.

2.5.3 Health effects of antimicrobials

The gut microbiota is vital for normal development, functioning and priming of the human adaptive immune system. Prolonged use or misuse of antibiotics can have negative effects on the gut microbiota, including reduced species diversity, altered metabolic activity, and the selection of antibiotic-resistant organisms. This in turn can lead to antibiotic-associated diarrhea and recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections [38]. Food antimicrobials are nontherapeutic because they are not intended to cure disease and have been shown to introduce antimicrobial resistance in Humans and livestock [39]. However, elimination of non-therapeutic antimicrobials may reduce the growing environmental load of resistance genes. Studies have indicated elevated antibiotic resistance in bacteria associated with animals fed on feed containing antimicrobials, which spreads to other animals and humans either directly or indirectly via the food chain, water, air, and manure and sludge-fertilized soils [39].

Further, antimicrobial agents may disturb the gut microflora of the humans and livestock resulting in increased incidences of infections [40]. Various gut cells are controlled by regulatory mechanisms that counter the effect of inflammatory substances. Any defect in this mechanism can favor the development of chronic intestinal disorders, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the principal forms of inflammatory bowel diseases. Diet quality including broad use of food additives can perturb gut homeostasis, thereby promoting tissue-damaging inflammatory responses and increases susceptibility to infections [40].

2.5.4 Health effects of antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body by neutralizing unstable molecules, called free radicals, and can lower the chances of developing certain disease conditions. However, when too many free radicals build up in the body, they can cause serious damage to body cells as scavenging for ions, or may cause oxidative stress, setting the trajectory for disease development [41, 42]. Free radicals are any molecular species capable of independent existence that contains an unpaired electron in an atomic orbital. This makes them unstable and highly reactive and behaves as either oxidants or reluctant in the body and can damage biologically relevant molecules such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the nucleus, or in the membranes of cells. Studies indicate that such reactions accelerate cell damage and homeostatic disruptions [41], and conditions like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes can develop. Hence, misuse of antioxidants should be avoided to avoid oxidative stress and reap the beneficial functional properties when consumed responsibly.

High molecular-weight Phthalate esters are used in a wide range of consumer items and in industrial food processing [9, 43]. Phthalates are used to make vinyl plastics for a variety of applications, including flooring, clear food wrap, and flexible plastic tubing often used throughout food manufacturing. Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP), which belongs to the High molecular-weight group, is of special importance since DEHP-containing plastics are extensively used in industrial food processing.

Laboratory studies have associated metabolites of phthalates Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) with oxidative stress, which appears to reduce insulin-dependent stimulation of insulin-signaling elements and glucose transport activity, as well as endothelial relaxant nitric oxide [43]. This appears to promote vasoconstriction, platelet adhesion and the release of proinflammatory cytokines effects that may potentially cause arrhythmia, alter metabolic profiles, and cause cardiac myocyte malfunction [44]. Exposure to PFOA and PFOS has been linked to negative health consequences such as a diminished immunological response to vaccinations, metabolic changes, and low birth weight [45].

DEHP is an endocrine disruptor and ovarian toxicant. Diisononyl phthalate (DiNP), a DEHP replacement, is a rising human toxicant due to its increased use as a DEHP substitute. The Diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) urinary metabolites were detected in 98% of population in the 2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) [46]. A cross-sectional data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2009 to 2012 [47] the metabolite concentrations Diisononylphthalate (DINP) and diisodecyl (DIDP) commonly used as food additive have been linked to insulin resistance and systolic blood pressure z scores in children and adolescents [48]. Thyroid hormone is important for brain development and other functions in early life. Significant changes in normal hormone concentrations can have long-term cognitive implications. High maternal nitrite-cured meat consumption has also been related to an increased incidence of infantile brain cancers, particularly astroglial tumors [49].

Ozonated water has antioxidant properties and offers benefits in both clinical and industrial spaces as it has potential of fighting off free radicals in the body and preventing cancer. Ozonated water can be used to support dental health; and food preservation and safety through inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa; stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system [29].

2.6 Sensory agents

2.6.1 Sweetening agents

These are substances that give a sweet taste to food. Carbohydrate sweeteners are also called nutritive sweeteners, and are the most popular as they provide high-quality sweet taste, are generally tolerable, and have an acceptable texture and shape. Sucrose commonly known as “table sugar”, is the most popular sweetener in foods and plays an important role in some body functions. Sucrose is a naturally occurring non-reducing disaccharide compound composed of two molecules, glucose and fructose only. Sucrose is produced commercially from sugar cane, sugar beets and various other plants through a refinement process, but is also found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and nuts (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Molecular structures of sucrose and fructose—monomers and dissacharides. Nutritive sweeteners

Sucrose a white odorless solid substance that has a sweet taste is the most common sweetener. When broken down sucrose yields one glucose and one fructose molecule. Human body cells directly use glucose molecule. Glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream immediately and used directly to make energy ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), or stored as glycogen. Fructose is absorbed via the hepatic portal and converted to fat in the liver and can be further converted to yield energy through further chemical process when needed [50].

Nutritive sweeteners fall under the food group carbohydrates. All carbohydrates, including sugar, contain the same three elements: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Monosaccharides and disaccharides are the simplest of the saccharides, considered simple sugars, containing one and two monomers respectively. Sucrose is a disaccharide consisting of 12 carbon atoms, 11 oxygen atoms, and 22 hydrogen atoms, chemical formula is C12H22O11.

Oligosaccharides fall between simple sugars (monosaccharides) and polysaccharides (starches), and contain three to ten monomers linked together. Polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates composed of large number of monomers. Oligosaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that also act as prebiotics, providing food for the good bacteria in the gut [51]. A healthy balance of gut bacteria can boost human immune system and contributes to overall health [31]. Health effects of nutritive sweeteners

Sugar contains calories which give energy to the body when consumed, can be harmful when consumed in high quantities. Too much sugar can induce undesirable changes in osmotic pressure in body cells, insulin rush and intolerance reactions in diabetic patients. However, consumption of too much fructose is harmful to health. Fructose, when consumed is converted and stored as fat in the liver eventually causing Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Figure 4, precursor for metabolic diseases. High fructose consumption as contained in soft drinks and its exclusive hepatic metabolism, has been associated with excessive hepatic energy, simple steatosis and hepatic fat accumulation known as Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) [52].

Figure 4.

Histopathology of nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), compared to normal liver (left), histologic features of NASH include steatosis ballooning, and lobular inflammation (middle), and is often paired with the pathological changes NASH fibrosis (right), and hepatocellular carcinoma. Adopted from: Roeb and Weiskirchen, [52].

NAFLD is associated with initiation of liver cells damage and metabolic syndrome, chronic diseases that include non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance/diabetes type 2, arterial hypertension, and hyperuricemia [52]. The latest recommendations by WHO is to minimize added nutritive sugar intake to below 10 percent of free sugars per day, based on RNI. Artificial sweeteners (sugar substitutes)

Artificial sweeteners are low-calorie or calorie-free chemical substances used as substitutes for table sugar to sweeten foods and drinks [2]. A sugar substitute is a food additive that provides a sweet taste like that of table sugar or more intense. Artificial sweeteners are not carbohydrates, but are referred to as ‘intense sweeteners’ because they are many times sweeter than table sugar and are low in calories. Some artificial sweetening agents, are so intense that dextrose or maltodextrin is added to reduce the intensity of the sweetness. Examples are: Aspartame, Acesulfame K, Saccharine, Sucralose, Sorbitol, Stevia and Xylitol (Table 3 and Figure 5) [50].

Common nameNumber of times sweeter than sucrosekcal/gCommercial uses
Acesulfame-K2000Baked goods, frozen desserts, candies, beverages, cough drops, breath mints
Alitame20001.4Baked goods, hot and cold beverages, milk products, frozen desserts and mixes, fruit preparations, chewing gums and candies, tabletop sweeteners, toiletries, pharmaceuticals
Aspartame2004General-purpose foods
Cyclamate300Tabletop sweetener, beverages
Neotame7000–13,0000Baked goods, soft drinks, chewing gum, frosting, frozen desserts, jams, jellies, gelatins, puddings, processed fruit and fruit juices, toppings, syrups
Saccharin200–7000Tabletop sweetener, baked goods, soft drinks, jams, chewing gum
Sucralose∼6000Tabletop sweetener, beverages, chewing gum, frozen desserts, fruit juices, gelatins

Table 3.

Commonly used types of artificial sweeteners, intensity of sweetness, and commercial uses.

* FDA, Food and Drug Administration; *GRAS, generally recognized as safe. Source: Krishnasamy, [50], Artificial Sweeteners (Weight Management Book).

Figure 5.

Molecular structures of some commonly used artificial sweeteners.

Aspartame, one of the most widely used artificial sweeteners is the methyl ester of dipeptide derived from aspartic acid and phenylalanine. It is about 100,100 times sweeter than sucrose. Aspartame is unstable at cooking temperature and can be used as a sugar substitute for cold foods and soft drinks. Alitame is high potency sweetness and is more heat stable compared to aspartame, but is difficult to control the sweetness of the food to which they are added. Sucralose, a colorless trichloro derivative of sucrose has an appearance and taste similar to table sugar and stable at cooking temperatures.

Artificial sweeteners are obtained from the substitutes of synthetic sugar, but can also be derived from natural substances, such as herbs or natural sugars. The sweeteners are used directly in foods such as puddings, dairy products, candy, soft drinks, baked goods, jams and many other foods and beverages as they are highly water soluble and heat stable. The interaction between the receptor and sweetener accounts for the sweetness of an artificial sweetener or food product [53].

Artificial sweeteners are attractive substitutes for sugar, because they are water soluble and do not add calories to the food significantly nor increase blood sugar levels. They can also be used in combination with starch starch-based sweeteners without altering the physical properties of the food. Health effects of artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have been critically evaluated by the US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) and European Food Safety Regulatory Agency (EFSA) and what is commercialized are GRAS within the acceptable limits.

There is rising concern over high consumption of nutritive sweeteners/sugars commonly associated with overweight and obesity, a risk factor for metabolic comorbidities- diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease [54]. However, improved nutrition consciousness has increasingly diverted interests towards increased intake of artificial sweeteners [50]. While artificial sweeteners have no nutritive value and will not critically affect blood sugar, some studies have liked saccharin, acesulfame-K (Ace-K) and aspartame to negative health effects [23, 50, 54]. This three have been found to induce DNA damage in human peripheral lymphocytes [50, 54]. While artificial sweeteners have some health benefits, in normal concentrations the Ace-K is broken down to acetoacetic acid and acetoacetamide-N-sulfonic acid, which are known to be toxic in high amounts. The toxicity symptoms of Ace-K are headache, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver and kidney malfunction effects [50, 54, 55]. Although low consumption of artificial sweeteners causes mild symptoms, at high concentrations can induce threatening brain damage [55]. Aspartame causes gastrointestinal problems and is toxic to humans at high levels [23].

2.6.2 Flavoring agents

The flavor sensation of food results from the stimulation of specialized cells the taste buds located on the tongue, mouth, throat and olfactory cells for smell in the nasal cavity from which more than 10,000 different stimuli can be detected [53]. The taste cells are specific to five flavor molecules from which the sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami taste sensations get fine-tuned and expressed [53]. Flavoring substances are used to impart taste and/or smell to food and are used in a wide variety of foods from confectionery and soft drinks to cereals, cakes and yoghurts, in comparatively small amounts.

A flavor additive is a single chemical or blend of chemicals of natural or synthetic origin added to food to enhance natural flavor; introduce a new flavor, or to replace flavor that may be lost during processing of a food product. Natural flavorings are extracted from plants, spices, herbs, animals, or microbial fermentations, but artificial flavorings are derived from synthetic compounds chemically formulated to act as natural flavorings.

Over 1200 flavoring compounds are known, making them the largest group of food additives for commercial use in the food industry. Artificial flavorings are preferred for commercial purposes, because of the scarcity, higher cost, and insufficient potency of natural flavorings.

Flavor enhancers originated from Far- East-Asia when seaweed was found to enhance the flavors of soup stocks that were generally bland. Seaweed contains Monosodium glutamate (MSG) also known as Monosodium L- glutamate, a sodium salt of glutamic acid that elicits a unique flavor in food known as umami (a different flavor from bitter, salty, sour, sweet). Since then, Monosodium glutamate Figure 6, is commonly used to intensify the natural flavor of certain foods, mainly broths, soups, canned and frozen vegetables, spice blends, gravies, meats, poultry, seafood, and sauces.

Figure 6.

MSG formula is C5H8NO4Na and molecular weight, 169.11.

MSG is now produced commercially from bacterial fermentation of starch and molasses, and reaction with ammonium salts. Other compounds used as flavor enhancers include the 5′-ribonucleotides, inosine monophosphate (IMP), guanosine monophosphate (GMP), yeast extract, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

2.6.3 Health effects of food flavorings

Extravagant use of MSG is not desireable as when ingested in large amounts it may produce negative physical reactions such as burning sensations, facial tightness or pressure, and a tingling sensation in some individuals [56]. MSG may also cause increased sodium in in blood, undesirable for salt sensitive hypertensive individuals. Further, monosodium glutamate reportedly elicits harmful effects of in children affecting brain development. Foods that contain salicylates have been proven to cause tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia, hearing loss, behavioral changes in children and others. Other effects of flavor enhancers are: migraines, asthma, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, numbness, heart palpitations, depression, shakes, skin irritation, hyperactivity, brain damage, nervous system damage, obesity and diabetes [9, 56].

2.7 Food colorants

Food color is important, because humans have evolved to notice it. Besides food aroma, sound and texture, color is an extremely important characteristic of food as it directly influences the perception of both flavor, taste of a food product and reaction as it enhances flavors and stimulates the appetite.

Food coloring has been around for centuries, since 1500 B. C when the Romans used natural food colourings extracted from mulberries, flowers, carrots, beets pomegranates, saffron and wine. The first artificial food coloring was made from coal tar in 1856, but today most food dyes are mainly petroleum-based [57]. Food color is also the easiest way to determine if a food is fresh, spoiled or toxic. However, food colorants are often added to food to vary the color, increase the intensity of the color, or produce a more uniform product from raw materials [57]. Sometimes colorants are added as a desirable characteristic to make food more appealing, but can be used to.

A food dye is a chemical substance that uses artificial color to enhance the appearance of food and is particularly appealing to children. Artificial food dyes are responsible for the bright colors and appealing look of candy, sports drinks, baked goods and other foods like pickles, smoked salmon and salad dressing. Food processing, handling or storage may sometimes change the natural color pigmentation or degradation of the raw materials for food products. Manufacturers typically use dyes to return the natural look of food and food products, mimic natural foods, or conceal a fault in food preparation or processing. This is the main influence towards coloring drinks, snacks, confectionaries, ice cream and baked products to make them more appealing.

Food coloring agents may be natural- extracted from plants, animals, or mineral resource; or synthetic- derived from petroleum based compounds. However, manufacturers prefer artificial food dyes to natural options because the get more vibrant colors, last longer shelf life and are of low cost. Examples of natural colorants are are indicated below based on the chemical class (Table 4).

Natural food colorants
Chemical classColorPlant sourcePigmentProducts
anthocyaninsredstrawberry (Fragaria species)pelargonidin 3-glucoside*beverages, confections, preserves, fruit products
bluegrape (Vitis species)malvidin 3-glucoside*beverages
betacyaninsredbeetroot (Beta vulgaris)betanindairy products, desserts, icings
carotenoids**yellow/orangeannatto (Bixaorellana)bixindairy products, margarine
yellowsaffron (Crocus sativus)crocinrice dishes, bakery products
red/orangepaprika (Capsicum annuum)capsanthinsoups, sauces
orangecarrot (Daucuscarota)beta-carotenebakery products, confections
redmushroom (Cantharelluscinnabarinus)canthaxanthinsauces, soups, dressings
phenolicsorange/yellowturmeric (Cuycuma longa)curcumindairy products, confections

Table 4.

Examples of natural food colorants.

Plus other similar compounds.

Many carotenoids used as food colorants are chemically synthesized.

2.7.1 Natural colorants

2.7.2 Synthetic colorants

Most synthetic colorants are water-soluble and commercially available as powders, solutions, pastes, or granules that are to be added to food. Synthetic colorants are insoluble in water and organic solvents, and their stability is affected by light, heat, pH, and reducing agents. A number of synthetic colorants/dyes have been chemically synthesized and approved for usage in various countries. The colorants are designated according to special numbering systems specific to individual countries. For example, the FDA approved colorants uses FD&C numbers, while the EU approved colorants uses E numbers. All synthetic colorants undergo extensive analysis and toxicological test before approval, but are not universally approved in all countries.

2.7.3 Health effects of food colourings

Synthetic artificial food colors (AFCs) are added to drinks and snacks for appealing purposes, and the vividly colored food items that are particularly attractive to young children. Over the last several decades, studies have raised concerns regarding the effect of artificial food colors (AFCs) on child behavior and their role in exacerbating attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms [58]. Analysis has shown that some synthetic colorants like Brilliant Blue FCF, Indigo Carmine, Fast Green FCF, and Erythrosine are poorly absorbed, but show little toxicity. However, consumption of foods containing artificial dyes can cause an inflammatory response in the body, causing activation and disruptions of the immune system. Although dyes may make drinks, candy and other foods look better, many are associated with adverse side effects [59]. Studies have indicated that Tartrazine induces hypersensitive reactions in some persons, while a very high concentration of Allura Red AC, greater than 10 percent, causes psychological toxicity.

In order to determine the possible harmful effects of a food additive or its derivatives, the additives must be subjected to trials or an appropriate toxicity assessment [60]. Artificial colors or a sodium benzoate preservative (or both) in the diet results in increased hyperactivity in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the general population [58, 61]. Hence, all food additives remain under continuous observation and evaluation, considering the conditions of use in case any new scientific information may arise [62].

Natural colors are known to be highly unstable under various food processing conditions; hence stabilization of natural pigments is the main challenge to overcome. The development and commercialization of natural food colors is growing exponentially in lieu of synthetic colorants as a result of consumer preference for natural pigments. Thus, more detailed scientific studies are needed to assess the availability and potential of large unexploited plant dye-yielding resources.


3. Regulation of use of food additives

Regulatory Authorities and law enforcement agencies have established restrictive regulations governing the licensing and control of food additives. Regulation is used so that no risks or ill intention happens. Even so, the use of food additives should remain under close observation and evaluation whenever appropriate, considering the conditions of use and emergence of new scientific data [62]. For instance, humectants and anticaking agents are used in very small quantities to safeguard the food supply and maintain quality during shelf life. Studies have indicated that these additives are safe when used within permitted levels. This area remains an active area of research and development to identify safer, natural alternatives and technologies that can offer additional benefits to food systems and human health. In some instances, food additives may be used in a wrong way to conceal an adulteration of food or a flop in processing or preparation of the food. They may be used to conceal or disguise damage, spoilage, poor quality, faulty ingredients, or replace a lengthy cumbersome process.

A processing aid with any evidence of allergic reactions, intolerance or religious concern must adhere to the food labeling regulations regarding food additives, or consumer protection.


4. Safety evaluation of food additives

Two groups of ingredients are exempted from regulation under the Food Additives Amendment [4].

Group I: Sanctioned substances that FDA or USDA has determined safe for use in food prior to 1958 amendment such as Sodium nitrate and Potassium nitrate.

Group II: all the substances approved by experts as safe based on their extensive history of use in food before 1958, or based on published scientific evidence, accorded Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status such as salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), for which varying maximum allowable limits have been determined depending on the type of food and additive used. Table 5 show some permitted GRAS food additives and Tolerance levels.

AdditiveFood usedFunctionTolerable level
AI Ca SilicateTable saltAnticaking agent2.0%
BHAVarious foodsAntioxidants≤ 0.02%
BHTVarious foodsAntioxidants≤0.02%
CaffeineCola type beveragesAnticaking2.0%
Table saltFumigants
Ca SilicateBaking Powder5.0%
Cashew nutsFlavoring agent
Ethyleformate GelatinBaking Powder
Pudding fillings
Flavoring agent0.05%
KMSGeneral PerspectiveAntimicrobialGMP
Sodium BisulphateVarious foodsAntimicrobialGMP
Sodium SulphateVarious foodsAntimicrobialGMP
Wines, fruit juicesAntimicrobial
SO2Dehydrated fruitsGMP
Various foodsSequestrants0.15%
Stearylcitrate Thiodipropionic acidVarious fat containing foodsAntioxidants0.02%

Table 5.

Some permitted GRAS food additives and tolerance levels.

Source: Sunitha and Preeti [21].


5. Identification system of food additives

Owing to the wide variety and application of food additives, an identification coding system became necessary. E-numbers are used for additives that are recognized as safe (GRAS) to enable easy recognition and application. The International Numbering system (INS) was developed by the Codex Alimentarious Commission, based on the E-system, but is broader and intended for food additives that are approved in one or more countries. The INS adopted the E system, but without the numerals.


6. Principles of using food additives

The need for use food additives should be ascertained and should not result in any adverse effect upon consumption or regular use. Food additives should not be used to accomplish any physical or technical failure. The quantity added should be as little as possible and within safe limits for humans based on expected servings. It should not reduce the nutritive value; not cause any adverse effect upon consumption; and should follow the agreed standard specifications and defined regulations. Even when approved, additives should be kept under continuous legislation. Labelling is mandatory and should appear on the list of ingredients together with specific names or INS. Food labelling can help consumers who are sensitive to certain food additives to avoid them.


7. Recent developments and trends in the food sector

The need for food additives in the food processing industry has risen dramatically due to consumer preferences, and the economic benefits they bring to food products such as ease of processing, consistent quality and longer shelf life. Nonetheless, food science and technology has progressed rapidly in recent decades resulting in an increasing variety and number of food additives. Through the years there have been increasing debate regarding whether food additives are appropriate for use due to some controversies over revelations on public health risks.

Despite of all these successes, the manipulation of food has had a profound effect on our body’s unique biochemical balance. Notably, some food additives have been associated with negative consequences that are a matter of public health concern. Food additives whether natural or synthetic serve the same purpose or function as when applied in food processing. However, some people who consume foods containing additives, mostly synthetic food additives, have experienced some type of allergies and negative side effects raising consumer dissatisfaction.

Several studies have linked some food additives have been linked to a variety of health risks, including allergies, asthma, cancer, metabolic changes and behavioral abnormalities such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, multiple sclerosis (MS). ADHD is characterized by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity and is considered to encompass a spectrum of neurobehavioral symptoms and severity [59, 63]. Some food additives disrupt endocrine system of children, causing hormonal imbalance, which affects normal growth and development children [17].

Additives in foods can also alter normal metabolic functioning of the body and causing negative hormonal imbalance and chemical processes and/or physiological responses in the body that lead to childhood obesity and poor immunity [64] brain damage, nausea, and cardiac disease among others [61]. Some additives and metabolites of food additives can also block certain growth hormones thereby causing side effects that may diminishing the growth and development of a child [64]. Although most commercialized food additives are regarded as safe, some are known to be carcinogenic or toxic. As these substances are intentionally added to food, it is essential to know their properties so as to ensure their safe limits or application [65]. Food additives must therefore be subjected to trials or appropriate toxicity assessment for possible harmful effects before approval [60].

BPA is classified as an endocrine disruptor as it can attach to the estrogen receptor and trigger tissues response as if estradiol is present [13, 66]. Human epidemiologic studies have shown that BPA exposure has been linked to a variety of endocrine-related effects, including lower fertility changed puberty timing, alterations in mammary gland development, and the progression of neoplasia [48, 67].

Worldwide the assessment of food additives is supported by the control system of the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) developed by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) [3, 8]. The International Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) is responsible for examining the safety aspects of food additives and only food additives that have been tested and certified safe by JECFA, for which the Codex Alimentarius Commission has determined maximum usage levels, can be used in globally traded foods. Consequently, all food additives must be declared on the food ingredients list alongside other ingredients on the food label.


8. Conclusion

Since ancient times specific food additives have been used as preserving agents including sugar, salt, spices, vinegar, and sulfites. However, when the food is to be stored for a prolonged period of time, use of additives and preservatives is essential in order to maintain its quality and flavor and prevent spoilage by bacteria and yeasts. Food additives whether fresh or processed become characteristic components of the food when added. Many people get to eat ready-made foods available in the market for various reasons, and such foods may contain some kind of additives and preservatives. Food labeling regulations have been effected to ensure that contents of processed foods are known to consumers to guide their choice.

Although use of additives is inevitable in food industry- tailor made for specific needs, low cost, functional foods and low calorie and extended shelf life, several food additives have been linked to certain types of health risks including allergies, asthma and cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, mood swings, skin irritations or reactions, constipation, migraines, autism, sleep disturbance, and nasal congestion, which calls for further research and stricter regulation for their use in industry. For these reasons, under the watch of World Health organization (WHO), food safety monitoring authorities should continuously monitor and guide the control and regulation of national and international health authorities to prevent adverse effects. A lasting solution has been to turn to organic foods to stop or reverse these effects, where feasible.


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Written By

Mary M. Mwale

Submitted: 18 October 2022 Reviewed: 12 December 2022 Published: 25 January 2023