Open access peer-reviewed chapter

On the Classical and Deformed Korteweg-de Vries Equation

Written By

Abderrahman El Boukili, Hicham Lekbich, Tahir Toghrai, Najim Mansour and Moulay Brahim Sedra

Reviewed: 15 December 2022 Published: 16 January 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109541

From the Edited Volume

Optimization Algorithms - Classics and Recent Advances

Edited by Mykhaylo Andriychuk and Ali Sadollah

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Given the general nonlinear partial differential equations and the importance of the Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV) in physics, this chapter presents a basic survey of the two-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries model. We begin by examining various symmetries of systems, and then explore the concept of integrability through two different methods: the Hamiltonian formalism and the existence of conserved quantities. By introducing the concept of q-deformation, we construct the corresponding q-deformation integrable model and the integrability of the resulting system is guaranteed by the existence of Lax pairs. We also present the KdV equation in the Moyal space of moments in its noncommutative version, we present the algebraic structure of the system and we study the integrability using the notion of Lax pair.


  • Korteweg-de Vries equation
  • integrability
  • Lax generating technique
  • Q-deformation
  • Moyal momentum space

1. Introduction

The axis of nonlinear integrable systems is one of the interesting topics that has been recently examined from different points of view [1, 2, 3]. They are soluble models which present a very rich structure and are used in many fields of modern sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering sciences [3, 4, 5]. From a physical point of view, integrable systems play an important role in describing physical phenomena such as condensed matter, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, high energy physics and nonlinear optics [4, 6].

Nonlinear integrable systems involve nonlinear differential equations that can sometimes be solved exactly, but this is generally not a trivial task. However, we introduce some rigorous background such as the theory of pseudo-differential operators, Lie algebras, the inverse scattering method and some physical methods such as the related Lax formulation is needed [7, 8, 9]. The particularity of two-dimensional integrable systems lies in their revolutionary properties worthy of nonlinear differential equations such as Burgers, KP, Boussinesq, KdV [5].

In this work, we investigate some properties related to this prototype nonlinear differential equation, based on the classical Q-deformation version and the interesting system KdV of the Moyal momentum deformation, and show how to reinforce its central role [10, 11].

The composition of this work is as follows. Section 2 gives some interesting definitions of the 2d-KdV formula. Determining the Hamiltonian structure of the KdV equation, he guarantees the integrability of the KdV equation by the existence of infinitely many independent conserved quantities in the involution. in seconds In 3, we present some results related to the Lax representation of the q-deformed version. Using conventional notation and Q-analysis, we perform consistent algebraic computations based on pseudo-differential analysis and derive explicit loose pairing operators for KdV systems in the q-deformation framework. Section 4 presents some results related to his Lax representation of the Moyal θ integrable hierarchy. Using the notation and analysis previously presented and developed in [12, 13], we perform coherent algebraic computations based on Moyal momentum analysis and integrable systems for some of the θ deformation frames. We derive an explicit Lax pair operator for. Finally, Section 5 summarizes our research.


2. Classical 2d KdV equation

Note that the KdV equation is formulated without considering the integrability of this equation. It is a nonlinear dispersive partial differential equation for a function u of two real variables x and t, and its form is given by [2]:


where uxt is a dynamic variable that plays the role of basin wave height.

The eq. (1) contains two arbitrary constants “a” and “b” which can be eliminated after a series of transformations namely:

  • Transformation on spatial variables x (scale transformation):


  • Transformation on the time variable t (time reversal):


  • Transformation on the dynamic variable


After performing these transformations, the KdV equation can be reformulated in this way.


This equation is the most used in KdV theory. However to find the solutions of this equation and to classify them, we must know the symmetries of the equation. In fact, the KdV equation then has these four symmetries


All these transformations are symmetries of the KdV equation. Note that transformation iii) is used for the classification of the conserved quantities of the system and that transformation iv) is considered as the Galilean invariance of such equations. However, the KdV equation does not have Lorentz invariance because of the separable treatment of the time and space variables.

2.1 Integrability through Hamiltonian structure

Let us consider the eq. (5), in order to give the Hamiltonian form of our equation, We need to calculate a a Poisson bracket structure and an Hamiltonian operator of the system [14]. In fact, we have to make, under somes assumptions, the KdV equation in the following Hamiltonian form:


Here .. represents the Poisson brackets and H is the Hamiltonian of our system. In fact, rewriting the KdV equation in the form


we can then choose the following Hamiltonian:


Based on the functional derivative defined by


we can calculate the variation of H with respect to the dynamic variable u by


with this choice of H, the eq. (5) becomes


by comparing the eqs. (7) and (12), we then find


that is to say


in this case, the Poisson bracket of ux and uy is given by


This defines the Poisson structure associated to our KdV equation, however this bracket is antisymmetric and it verifies the Jacobi identity [2].

We can also define a second Hamiltonian structure of the KdV equation, for this we can choose a second structure of the Poisson bracket namely


and a second Hamiltonian operator


with this choice, the equation of KdV becomes



  • This second Poison structure is also antisymmetric and it verifies the Jacobi identity, thus we can identify it with the Virasoro algebra with a specific charge [6].

  • Based on the Lagrangian formalism, we can re-establish the KdV equation, indeed


The Euler Lagrange equations obtained are


this means that


so we have recovered the eq. (5). The existence of the term εxy in the Lagrangian implies the nonlocality of our system.

2.2 Integratability through the conserved quantities

In general, a quantity Qu is said to be conserved if for a bracket and an Hamiltonian H, we have th following equation


if moreover we take this expression


we have


this implies the existence of the continuity equation of the following form


In the following, we write the KdV eq. (5) as an equation of continuity (8) and compare it with the eq. (25), which then gives us the following equations




is a constant of movement. In the following, we redefine ρ0 and H0 in this way


and the KdV equation becomes


let us pose


we have a continuity equation, therefore the second constant of motion is obtained by


In addition, note that the Hamiltonian of KdV equation is given from eq. (9) in the form


which define a constant of movement, namely


then we can identify the two Hamiltonians H2 and HKdV.

From the Poisson bracket defined by the eq. (15) we can also identify the Hamiltonian H2 with the generators defining the translations in the time


and H1 with the generator defining the translations in the space


These are the first conserved quantities obtained by a direct calculation. However, Miura had found 11 conserved quantities [7], while Kruskal postulated that there must be an infinite number of independent conserved quantities which are then obtained by a relation of recurrences [2, 7].






we notice that the first 3 values of ρn and Hn correspond to the eqs. (28), (30), (32).

2.3 Integrability criterion

In the following, we ensure the integrability of the KdV equation by seeking the existence of an infinite number of independent conserved quantities which are in evolution [8]. Indeed, the conserved quantities H0, H1 and H2 satisfy the functional relation


We can generalize this equation for higher orders of n, by defining the following recurrence relation [2, 5, 7].


Equation (40) is very important to say that the conserved quantities are in evolution. Indeed


by an iteration relation we can show that


Therefore this relation affirms that our conserved quantities are independent and that they are also in evolution. We can also show that


To conclude, according to Liouville’s theorem [1, 2, 3, 4, 7], the KdV equation is integrable.


3. Q-deformation of KdV eq.

3.1 Q-deformed formalism

To understand the q-deformation, we begin the section with a general framework, the α derivative, defined in the form


with f and g are two polynomial functions in an indeterminate x and its inverse x1 and the parameter α is a linear map. As an example of the derivation α, we present Jackson’s q-differential operator q, defined by [9].


in this formalism the eq. (44) becomes


where the operator ηq named q-shift operator which is given by


we can define the commutation relation as follows


where is an internal composition law which is given by


to obtain the second relation, we used the following unitarity relation


where q1 is the formal inverse q-derivative of the q-derivative q. Note that the shift operator ηq does not commute with q because we have


However, we can generalize eq. (49) for all n as follows


where the q binomials take the form [15].


and the numbers nq called the q-numbers are given by


Explicitly, we can write the eq. (49) for positive and negative degrees as follows




3.2 Integrability through Lax pair technique

The purpose of this section is to investigate the integrability of some nonlinear models in the q-deformed version based on the existence of Lax pairs. Such studies are compatible with those already established in the literature by assuming the classical limit q=1 [8, 14].

The basic idea is to consider a nonlinear system with the Lax representation [10].


where tt and fgq=fgfg. The eq. (57) and the associated pair of operators LB are called the Lax-q differential equation and the Lax pair operator, respectively.

In this technique, we must fix from the start the q-differential operator L and the q-deformation of the sln-KdV hierarchy equation is given by


the eq. (57) is then equivalent to the following equation


here the operator B is the analogue of the operator Lk2+ describing a q-deformation operator of conformal spin k.

Our goal is to find an operator B that satisfies the eq. (57), to simplify the task, we will make constraints on the operator B called Ansatz, namely:


where B˜ is another operator with the same equiangular weights as B. Second, using this approach alleviates the problem of finding operator B˜. Below we perform an application to the q-modified KdV equation.

3.3 Q-KdV equation

The discovery of Lax pairs is the first development major in modern integrable systems theory. By building a pair of Lax from one integrable Hamiltonian system, we obtain the solution of the system. Because the Lax equation is the equivalent of the dynamic system equation [10, 11].

We choose an example of q-deformed operator of conformal weight 2 through the KdV system, the associated Lax operator is given by


We follow the same method of the previous example, the Ansatz for operator B is as follows


and the associated Lax equation is given by


after a simple calculation we find


after simplification of the Lax equation, we find the following KdV equation in its q-deformed version


In the classical limit where q=1 we have ηqu2=u2 and qu2=u2, however, we find the following classical KdV equation


The same work can be done for a nonlinear system with equal weight 3 in the Boussinesq system and a nonlinear system with equal weight 1 in the Burgers system.


4. Moyal deformation

4.1 Fundamental notions

In this section, we treat the Moyal deformation defined on the two-dimensional phase space. Such a deformation is seen as a non-commutative formulation of the functions fxp where the variable x represents the coordinate of the space while p describes the coordinate of the momentum [12].

The simple vision of this deformation is given by the following main object


which is an object of conformal weight i+j in the noncommutative space characterized by the noncommutativity parameter θ. The star product law , defining the internal composition law of the elements in the noncommutative phase space (multiplication), which is given by the following expression


where csi=s!i!si! is the combination parameter. We define the Moyal bracket as follows


where θ is the parameter of the noncommutativity which is considered in our study as a constant.

4.2 Algebraic structure

Let us consider the algebra Σ̂θ of all arbitrary differential momentum operators of arbitrary conformal weight m and arbitrary degrees rs. It is obtained as a direct sum of all operators of conformal weight m and degrees rs in the following way:


it is an infinite dimensional algebra which is closed under the action of the Moyal bracket [16, 17]. The subspace Σ̂mrs is the algebra of differential operators of conformal weight m and degrees rs with rs, a simple prototype operator of this algebra is given by


the special cases of this algebra is given by: Σ̂m00 which represents the ring of functions of conformal weight m and Σ̂mkk which represents the algebra of momentum operators type,


In this algebra, we define the Residual operation (θ-Residue) by the following formula


and we find the following θ- Leibnitz rules


However, we can establish the following expressions for the Moyal bracket:


here we present some examples of this Moyal bracket for positive values of degree (where the development is finite) and for negative values of degree (where the development is infinite)


In the case of classical noncommutativity, the standard limit is taken such that θlimit=0. Whereas in the Moyal deformation, the standard limit is shifted by (1/2) such that θlθlimit+12. This shift is due to the consistent Wθ3-Zamolodchikov algebra construction [12, 18].

4.3 Moyal deformation of Lax representation

First, we define the hierarchical structures of the Lax representation of the KdV equation in the deformed phase space, such equation named sln-Moyal KdV hierarchy is defined as


Explicit calculations related to these hierarchies give [12, 17, 18].


In fact, these results are calculated for the case n=2, they can be generalized for higher orders.

To realize the Lax formulation, we need to consider a noncommutative integrable system which has the Lax representation defined by the Moyal deformation of the Lax equation given by [6, 19].


The differential operator L defines the integrable system studied, consequently, it must be fixed from the start.

Note that the Lax eq. (80) is equivalent to (78) namely


where T is an operator analogue of Lk2+ of conformal spin k [17].

In order to apply the θ-deformation Lax-pair generating technique, one have to make some constraints on the operator T namely:


With the previous ansatz, the problem is reduced to that of the operator T which is determined manually so that the Lax equation is a differential equation belonging to the ring Σ̂00.

4.4 Moyal KdV equation

For the KdV system, The L-operator for the noncommutative equation is given by




for the deformed sl2-KdV θ system, the ansatz (82) can be written as follows


The operator T in this case (k=3), is shown to behaves as L32+ with t3t3. Simply algebraic computations give


for T, we have to consider the following Ansatz [13]:


where X and Y are arbitrary functions on u and its derivatives. With T=XpθX+Y and by performing straightforward computations we have


Identifying (86) and (88), leads to the following constrains on the functions X and Y


with the following nonlinear differential equation


where the constants a and b are to be omitted for a matter of simplicity. The last equation is noting but the sl2 KdVθ equation. This deformed equation contains also a non linear term 32uu. We have to underline that the sl2 KdVθ equation obtained through this Lax method belongs to the same class of the KdV equation derived in [12, 16] namely


In fact, performing the following scaling transformation t32θt3 we recover exactly the KdV equations.


5. Conclusion

The Korteweg-de Vries equation was formulated to explain the solitary water waves observed by J. Scott Russell in the Edinburgh Glasgow Canal. It represents a nonlinear equation in a (1 + 1) space–time. As we show, It has soliton solutions. But at the time of its formulation, nothing was known about the integrability of the equation.

We set up the KdV equation as a Hamiltonian system and we analyzed the integrability of this system. In order to generalize the KdV equation, we have discussed the solutions of the KdV equation in the q-deformed case through the Lax pair method.

The θ-deformation of the KdV system shows, among others, the consistency of the Moyal momentum formulation in describing integrable systems and the associated Lax pair generating technics in the same way as the successful GD formulation [17, 18, 19].



PACS number(s): 35Q53; 37 K10; 81R60; 81 T75; 05A30


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Written By

Abderrahman El Boukili, Hicham Lekbich, Tahir Toghrai, Najim Mansour and Moulay Brahim Sedra

Reviewed: 15 December 2022 Published: 16 January 2023