Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Information and Communication Technologies for New Generation of Sustainable Smart Cities

Written By

Kamal Shahid, Muhammad Hassan, Ali Husnain and Sadaf Mukhtar

Reviewed: 19 August 2022 Published: 03 November 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107251

From the Edited Volume

Sustainable Smart Cities - A Vision for Tomorrow

Edited by Amjad Almusaed and Asaad Almssad

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The huge growth of population in cities all over the world has forced countries to regulate and manage resources in these places. Therefore, urban waste management, fossil fuel conservation, affordable and resourceful healthcare systems, effective traffic management, government transparency, and other concerns plague the world’s main cities. These issues have prompted the creation of Sustainable Smart Cities, which are innovative, technology-based, and environmentally friendly urban areas. The sustainable smart cities deploy technologies specifically Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to keep an eye on the community and develop long-term, cost-effective solutions. Thus, for the effective implementation of sustainable smart cities, a stable, secure, inter-operable, and reliable telecommunication network is necessary to enable applications and services in metropolitan areas. Recent advancements in the areas of 5G, 6G, Block chain technology, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are anticipated for working and assisting the creation of sustainable smart cities. This chapter provides an introduction of the elements of sustainable smart cities, as well as an overview of how cities throughout the world have adopted them and projected trends for the next generation of sustainable smart cities.


  • sustainable
  • smart cities
  • IoT
  • blockchain
  • 5G
  • 6G

1. Introduction

A city that is smart, sustainable, and innovative is a city that is smart, sustainable, and inventive that employs Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as other ways to raise the standard of living, the efficiency with which urban activities and services are carried out, and the competitiveness of the city while also meeting the financial, societal, environment, and historical needs of the growing generations. Many individuals are migrating from rural to urban regions in search of better employment and health. Smart cities rely heavily on information and communication technology. It increases residents’ well-being by providing better services. Smart cities are efficient while also controlling complexity. The economy increases at a steady rate in tandem with the increasing rise of cities. People are increasingly investing in this field.

In every way, ICT is critical. Cities’ challenges can be solved through information and communication technologies. They also make certain that they are both ecologically friendly and cost-effective. Water management, electricity, solid waste, public transportation, traffic, and congestion are all areas where ICT can help. ICT is a crucial platform of a smart sustainable city is to establish an intelligent and cost-effective metropolitan setting without compromising the luxury, ease, or standard of living of its residents. ICT is a crucial platform for connecting a wide range of everyday resources to public infrastructure, such as resources, transportation, and water [1].

ICT is a critical component that allows different domains to communicate and facilitates the planning and handling of huge amounts of information, resulting in smartly oriented urban systems and applications, civic engagement, and new services and applications in various aspects of urban life, such as transportation [2]. Given the crucial role of ICT in cities in the coming years, it is critical to create a robust and trustworthy ICT infrastructure that will allow the city to respond more aggressively to future crises while also boosting the quality of ICT, and therefore the people’ standard of living [3].

Fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) provides greater system capacity, higher data speeds, much lower latency, higher reliability, and higher communication and excellent information in smart cities. Smart city systems use 5G technology to improve sustainability. The 5G network’s strength is tested in all environmental, social, and economic aspects, as well as tiny dimensions like energy efficiency, energy consumption, environmental impact, pollution, cost, health, safety, and security, among others [4].

5G is a vital part of the city’s progress, enabling the much-needed infrastructure in smart cities to reach a promising but critical stage. The Smart City concept is feasible, and it is now taking shape in a number of European and international cities. Communities must now support local cellular installations to allow 5th generation communication infrastructure in order for Smart Cities to reach their full potential and reap the full advantages [5].

In addition to the high density of well-informed communication in smart cities, huge system capacity with enormous data speeds, incredibly low latency, and great dependability are all possible with 5G cellular technology. Popular systems including better mobile wavelength services, low-latency reliability, and high-density machine communication are expected to be revolutionized by future networks. This emphasizes the need of researching the long-term sustainability of 5G networks in smart cities in order to both energy efficient and environmentally benign [4].

The readers can find plenty of articles, blogs, and books on the importance of the internet and mobile networks to communities and the global economy. The next generation of these networks, which includes 6G and the Internet of Things (IoT), was recently suggested with the goal of providing city users with seamless communication skills. According to industry projections, the market for smart IoT devices would exceed 50 billion dollars by 2020. Smart applications are likely to spearhead new breakthroughs in cities centered on 6G/IoT as smart IoT devices become more prevalent. By integrating 6G/IoT-based solutions into the ecosystem to innovate, depending on the vision of network infrastructure needed to gather in-depth community information in emerging intelligent communities as well as cities, smart apps play an obvious role in progressing smart cities [6].

In smart cities, IoT technology poses a variety of difficulties, including increasing energy consumption and hazardous and E-waste contamination. Smart city apps must be eco-friendly, which is why they must transition to green IoT. Smart cities become more environmentally safe because of green IoT. As a result, environmental conservation, and cost-cutting measures must all be addressed [7].

IoT is linked to large-scale data analysis, which is reportedly making its way into more metropolitan areas in order to increase energy efficiency and mitigate environmental consequences. This is mostly connected to the optimal use of environmental assets, smart infrastructure and resource management, and enhanced environmental support service delivery. As a result, IoT and big data-related applications can help to construct and improve a sustainable environmental design process [8].

Smart cities may be created in six categories using IoT technology: smart people, economics, transportation, environment, governance, and intelligent living With IoT technology, smart cities may link items, people, and information via computer networks. Sensory issues, including reliability, connectivity, and data storage must be addressed in order to efficiently employ IoT technology on daily basis. Data receivers may have an impact on data gathering samples, numerical factors, and infrastructure results. Thousands of network nodes, such as operating systems, operate together in the Internet of Things, translating the natural world into a compressed form of data. IoT technology isolates data using a tiny cloud computing system that connects gadgets and everyday items via an internet connection extension. Several scientists have attempted to explain the various types of IoT [9].


2. Importance of smart cities

Smart city is a part of your smartness, healthy, and good life. The basic goal of a smart city is to optimize city functions and boost the economy. Using smart technologies and data analysis, we can also improve people quality of life. ICT innovation has always been important to the creation of new cities, particularly smart cities. Many cities have contested the development of ICT, using terms like as intelligent, digital, virtual, and ubiquitous since smart cities were launched [10]. As a result, many smart city studies have emphasized the use of contemporary technologies to improve municipal operations. When looking at a city, there are various dimensions to consider. These dimensions are given in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Dimension of smart city.

  • Infrastructure of smart city which includes Green Energy, Public transport, Emergency services, Technology creativity.

  • Environment of the smart city which includes landscape, buildings, parks, lakes, rivers

  • Solutions of smart city which include e-traffic, e-government, e-learning,

  • Collaboration System of the smart city which includes data collaboration, Open Data, synergy, innovation.

  • Living of the smart city which includes Education, work, recovery, playing, Human Resources

2.1 Smart city – infrastructure

A smart city is defined by its ability to bring together people, ideas, resources, knowledge, and technologies to create an efficient, sustainable and strong infrastructure that provides quality services while increasing inhabitants’ quality of life. There are many infrastructure plans that are managed and operated by the city. With these infrastructure programs, the city provides services to its residents. The infrastructure system varies from city to city. All major topics connected to a smart city, including as smart travel, smart economics, smart living, smart people smart environment, and smart infrastructure, are built on top of smart government.

Smart mobility includes access to secure travel systems, modern resources, and green infrastructure Means local access, and access to safe, sustainable, and modern transportation systems. Furthermore, smart mobility entails giving individuals access to new technology in order to make the urbanization process easier. Additionally, the current transportation infrastructure should provide access to city travel information via public transportation. The use of ICT to revitalize transportation operations in order to provide accessible mobility is known as smart mobility. As a result, cities should use ICT to increase mobility and develop a digitized and connected transportation network [11].

Smart energy also has an important role in infrastructure. Smart energy management systems using renewable energy sources, sensors, digital controls, advanced meters, automated analysis tools, monitoring, and optimization distribution and use. Such systems improve grid performance and usability of the requirements of the many contributors (producers, suppliers, and consumers). Renewable energy generation, automated demand feedback, micro grids, intelligent grid technology, energy conservation, power plants, and new needs such as electric automobiles and smart electrical goods are all examples of smart energy infrastructure advances. Such innovative approaches enable community-based energy monitoring programs and increase energy efficiency properties by expanding the network of smart power devices across the city and providing a full picture of energy consumption trends.

Smart grids are an important component of smart infrastructure. A smart grid might can be described as a system of supply of electricity from generation to place use combined with ICT to improve grid performance, customer service, and environmental benefits. Smart grids are employed in both wealthy and poor countries across the world. For example, The smart grid used in Japan’s Kashiwa-no-ha smart city project is based on a universal energy management system that integrates home power management systems, real-time monitoring of power supply and demand, and self-support energy management with the appropriate amount of energy generated and saved.

The idea of a smart city is built on the development of ICTs like as big data, wireless communication, and the IoT. Things that were previously inconceivable in earlier cities are becoming possible as a result of the advancement of new technology. Digital devices and Internet networks are examples of smart technology, have been continuously studied, and a variety of inventions and services that were developed independently and subsequently linked together have been established [12]. Despite the fact that technology infrastructure is an important component of a smart city, its impact may be restricted if there is no human infrastructure in place. Even if a power plant is built to provide energy, it will be meaningless unless it is backed up by human infrastructure. Human infrastructure is as critical as technological infrastructure. This is why people must be educated on how to construct a smart city so that cutting-edge technologies can be utilized more effectively.

Smart digital infrastructure improves operational understanding and control, as well as the efficient use of scarce resources in a city. One of the primary benefits of ICT in a smart city is the capacity to record and distribute data in real time. Cities can take action before the situation worsens if data is delivered in real time and is reliable. Another way to think of digital infrastructure is as digital supporting layers (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Digital infrastructure.

  • City: A meeting point for visual and digital infrastructure. Smart buildings, smart navigation, smart grids (for resources like water, electricity, and gas), and intelligent waste management systems are just a few examples.

  • Sensor: This layer incorporates intelligent devices that measure and monitor variables in the boundaries of the city and its environment.

  • Communication: This layer comprises the storing and transmission of data and information from the sensor level to data connections for further analysis.

  • Data analysis: This layer includes analysis of data collected by different groups smart infrastructure systems, to help predict specific events (such as traffic congestion).

  • Automation:A digitally enabled interactive layer with automation capabilities. Vertical location and measurement of a huge number of devices in many areas

2.2 Smart city – collaboration system

Smart cities have a large influence on various facets of human life, including transportation, education, energy, and health. Weather information data, as an example, the amount of data on weather information is rapidly expanding. For agricultural development, identifying and extracting helpful information from the huge amount of weather data can be very beneficial. In addition, weather data analytics can help inform people ahead of time about potentially dangerous situations (e.g., extreme heat, flood information, drought, etc.) [13]. Governments have begun to adopt smart city concepts in order to improve residents’ living conditions and execute big data applications [14]. Big data plays an important role in the smart city in order to change the economic condition of the country and its potential. By fulfilling the primary smart environment features, cities are able to realize the learning principles and requirements of the smart city applications. These characteristics include sustainability, resilience, governance, improved quality of life, and intelligent management of natural resources and municipal services, to name a few [15].

Beginning with independent operations, information sharing and communication are at the top of the hierarchy of relationships between governments, service providers, and people, followed by cooperation, coordination, collaboration, and eventually consolidation. The levels of relationships between governments, service providers, and people, are followed by cooperation, coordination, collaboration, and eventually consolidation, in which the organizations combine into a new, unified entity. The characteristics of collaboration that have been recognized by: Long-term relationship perspective, goal of achieving a previously unattainable outcome, substantial integration, synergy between organizations, systems have been altered, tight links between actors, actors move outside of traditional functional areas, possibly a new entity and highly interdependent, and power sharing [12].

Most big data applications for smart cities need intelligent networks that link many components, including citizens. Automobiles, smart home gadgets, and cellphones are examples of such devices. This network must be able to convey gathered data effectively from its source to the location where big data is collected, saved, and stored. The smart city processes the response and sends it to the various entities that need it. Quality of service (QoS) network support is critical for smart city real-time big data applications. In these applications, all current decentralized application events should be broadcast in real time to where they can be processed. These events are sent from the source as a raw event or as a filtered or aggregated event. Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to detect and collect multiple objects for the use of a smart city. Remote control requirements are usually implemented using the available network infrastructure. The flexible integration of many of the smart city’s features will be opened as a result of this collaboration initiative [16].

2.3 Smart city – benefits

Cities are becoming more popular as a place to reside. As a result, there is an increasing demand for efficient urban management. In the case of mega-cities, this is especially true. The city and its residents will receive a lot of important benefits if they grow under the smart city model, which actively leverages IoT and other information technologies. The city and its residents will benefit from a number of great benefits:

  • The city’s utility efficiency has improved.

  • Improved the city’s traffic flow quality

  • The living standards of city people have generally improved.

  • City lighting systems efficient management

  • Increased public transport convenience and efficiency

  • Timely transport services and increased road safety

  • All city services operation centralized monitoring

  • Increase health improvement system and update timely

  • Install the latest crime detection system

When comparing the past to the present, you can see that most cities have built full IoT ecosystems, which provide residents with several advantages such as mobility, security, health care, and enhanced efficiency. Every day, the environment changes, and we are confidently advancing toward the next industrial revolution.


3. Role of key technologies in smart cities

Smart towns are interconnected cities that employ anything from IoT sensors to open data collection and smart lighting to improve services and communication. Smart cities are no longer the wave of the future, they are the technology of the current age and growing rapidly because the Variety of software, IoT, Blockchain, Geographic Information System (GIS), AI and communication network are spreading around the world and its services are everywhere. These technologies are key to the growth of smart cities around the world. In smart cities data are collected through the citizens, buildings, infrastructure, assets, etc. and technology help us to use data to manage and monitor different systems such as transportation system, utilities, power plants, waste, water supply, information systems, schools, crime detection, libraries, community services, and hospitals.

The IoT is an interconnected network of devices that interact and share data. Home appliances, vehicles, and on-street sensors, to mention a few, are examples of this. To be useful, the huge volumes of data generated by a smart city must be analyzed quickly. Data acquired from these devices is stored in the cloud or on servers, allowing public and private sector efficiency to be enhanced, resulting in financial advantages and better human quality of life. A smart city is called a sustainable smart city they must meet the following criteria:

  • Efficient and sustainable management system of natural resources for all citizens.

  • All citizens and government, private agencies must be dedicated to the goal.

  • Infrastructures and agencies must be technologically prepared to provide new solutions and services that will make citizens lives easier.

  • Citizens who can live and work in the city and benefit from its resources.

That is the way which has been highlighted how smart cities give citizens a more efficient and high-quality living, and the way they use technology to reach these goals.

3.1 Impact of 5G in sustainable smart cities

Technology innovations and smart cities stand to benefit greatly from the capabilities of 5G technology. As a result, latency is minimized, and several devices may be connected at the same time with increased upload and download rates. In addition to technological advancements like 5G and smart cities, cultural shifts, economic constraints, and an aging population are all contributing to this next wave of generational change. It is being studied how 5G technology will alter the metropolis-based IoT vertical businesses, and therefore how 5G will just be the primary engine of that shift. A wide range of industries may benefit from 5G technology in smart cities, including energy, health care and manufacturing; media and entertainment; automotive; and public transportation [17].

For the purposes of 5G, the four dimensions of the value chain: generation, transmission, marketing, and consumption are all connected. Improved power management, less downtime, and lower operating costs may be achieved via 5G’s use of distributed energy resources, advanced measurement systems, and more ensures effective communication into power-generating grids [18]. Using 5G’s enormous bandwidth and ultra-low latency power, industries across the board will be able to spur economic growth and innovation by creating new subindustries, cutting costs, and raising the standard of goods and services they provide to their customers. Lawsuits affecting the usage of 5G mobile communications and how various sectors of the smart city will evolve or establish themselves are examined in [18]. Reference [18] also points out how ITS-5G and its consequences in a smart city may be realized via the use of automobile communications. All of these factors are examined from various angles to have a better understanding of ITS’s long-term impact on society. Economic growth and innovation across sectors will be fueled by the 5G transition, based on high throughput, IoT, and low ultra-low response power, driven by modernization, cost reduction, and efficiency and quality of service. As a matter of fact, it will open the door to a new problem that is not just technical, but social and moral as well.

The goal of 5G is to improve public health, public safety, transportation, smart homes, and smart traffic systems, among other things. In fact, by 2020, the connection will be real-time due to the 5G data speed set to supply, and the latency level will be reduced to less than 2 milliseconds. If really want to maximize profits for people, then the resources and tools that can be used to supply 5G should be made available in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. If more efforts are made, the areas will also be affected. It has reached a very promising, yet important crossroads. The Smart City concept is a reality, and it is beginning to take shape in several European and international cities. Communities now have to support small cellular deployments to allow for 5th generation communication infrastructure so that Smart Cities can achieve their full potential and reap huge benefits. This wireless technology development will provide Smart Cities with their improved infrastructure. The next 10 years will see the breakthrough in various RAN technologies, bringing the world to a place almost new.

Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Pedestrian Communication (V2P), Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication (V2I), and inter-vehicle communications were briefly discussed by Mustakim. Then the next level is to look at 5G car networks and car network connectivity. The particularly focused on the role of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in 5G connectivity, which can help create and sustain smart cities, such as deep-based UAV-based learning with the help of mm-wave and UAV space to increase capacity and extract data. The field of wireless technology in the IoT world of the smart city was explored by Wang et al. They also explained the reason for using IoT and 5G UAVs in smart cities in their report [19].

Before 5G can be extensively spread, the global market has to examine the effect of 5G on the environmental, society, and the economy. As a result, this is critical in terms of identifying and addressing risks and hazards. With the advent of new 5G technologies, the capabilities of mobile devices will unquestionably expand. Additional advancements will alter how technology interacts with our surroundings. The paradigm change from radio frequency to mmWaves, and even the new cell signaling, will enable mass manufacture and the usage of a huge number of devices. Energy harvesting, other energy sources, 5G green technology, large IoT sensors, smart meters, and life cycle monitoring are among the methods used to achieve the metrics for sustainability. IoT sensor deployment is one of the most important ways to achieve 5G network stability.

Virtual networks and various radio communications in smart devices are the foundations of 5G, which is based on virtual networks. New programs will be created as a consequence of greater spectrum utilization. Because to network technologies like software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), new services will be interconnected between all network components. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) will assist decrease network latency since data cannot be obtained from a package, and offering the product will enable several networks to be displayed in the online system. Real-time data statistics may help you get there. This will assist to defend and maintain important health as a consequence of these networks’ efforts [20].

With its low latency little less than 1 millisecond, 5G fiber optic cables are a key component of sustainable transportation systems Cars equipped with 5G networks can connect in a safe, healthy, and dependable manner. Car-to-network, car-to-walk, car-to-cloud, car-to-grid, and car-to-device interoperability modes may all be installed on the vehicle infrastructure. Using 4G, 5G, WiFi, and Bluetooth, vehicles may exchange knowledge/analysis about their speed and position. As a result of these innovations, drivers are better equipped to avoid collisions, boost traffic flow, and save fuel [21].

Secure data transmission for sophisticated analysis will be possible with 5G networks. Data plays a critical role in decreasing costs and enhancing efficiency in the healthcare business. 5G is predicted to have a latency of less than 1 millisecond, which will enable the edge computer to process data more quickly. In-home and outpatient surgical centers, walk-in clinics, care centers, and outpatient health care facilities may all benefit from the implementation of 5G in the medical industry. The ability of the hospital to transfer huge picture files may be improved as a result of this as well. It takes less time to transfer or receive data when a channel has a lot of bandwidth [22].

By creating an autonomous robot for inhabitants, the Smart Cities “Integrated Vision” aims to achieve its goal. In order for the Smart City environmentalist initiative to be successful, there has to be strong coordination between the many stakeholders. Today’s 3G/4G wireless technology cannot depend to supply in-depth information necessary for the Smart City vision, such as the reliability of short delay and power efficiency of devices and more. It is for this reason that 5G is a Smart City goal providers network since it is essential for IoT, which is the backbone of Smart Cities. Network sensors and data will be used by emerging communities to offer municipal services more efficiently and effectively. Due to the enhanced IoT capabilities that 5G will provide, Smart Cities will flourish. 5G’s ability to break down pricing barriers and open up hitherto untapped markets is critical if Smart Cities are to be a success. The development of 5G’s network buildings and infrastructure enabling apps may bring up new employment prospects for smart cities [23].

3.2 Impact of 6G in sustainable smart cities

The sixth generation of wireless technology is known as 6G. Building on the reconstructed infrastructure and enhanced power currently being developed in the 5G millimeter-wave networks, the 6G network will follow in 4G and 5G [24]. It will provide networks with greater speed and reduced latitude through high frequency radio channels, allowing them to adopt sophisticated mobile devices and systems such as non-motorized vehicles [25].

The goal of 6G communications is to improve on the standard set by 5G communications by offering better network data availability, mobile data throughput, and seamless pervasive connectivity. In addition, 6G communications will use a revolutionary communication technique to get acceptance for a variety of mobile data categories and provide them over improved radio-frequency networks [26]. Many smart apps are integrated with 5G wireless communication technology. 5G standards, on the other hand, greatly highlight the need for new and emerging technologies. Data rate, volume, delays, reliability, resource sharing, and power/bit are some of these. To address these needs, the research focused on 6G wireless connectivity, enabling new technologies and applications [27].

6G offers very high data rates, up to 1 Tb/s, very high power, capable of supporting battery-free IoT devices; has control of low downtime delay has very wide frequency bands. Global broadband network streaming via global wireless integration with satellite systems; is a genius connected with the power of machine learning [28]. The structure of 6G networks should be designed to manage communication, processing, storage, and resource management as components of a cohesive system where its complete management requires efficient interaction. It will provide ICT infrastructure that allows end users to see themselves surrounded by a “great performance brain” that provides almost zero-latency services, unlimited storage, and great cognitive power [29]. Globally, the 6th generation (6G) mobile communication system is vigorously driven. Another way to achieve ultra-high-speed connectivity is to use terahertz bands above 100 GHz, which have a much wider frequency band than 5G. Dependence on frequency loss and channel features should be studied in order to detect 6G service frequency bands based on system performance [30].

The use of 6G is promoted as a way to improve automatic driving performance. Telephone driving (also known as slow-moving cars) is a concept when one is using a car at a distance. Deep-sea research and interplanetary have both used tele-operated driving. Tele-operation uses 5G networks tested by companies such as Ericsson and Huawei. Calling will require communication between the driver and the vehicle, especially when faced with an accident and the need for immediate response. If this is done correctly, it will improve future car rental services. It is also important to have a high level of security, privacy, and integrity of the network. Although research focuses on completely independent vehicles, telecommunications are desirable when autonomous mode fails or a complex situation requires human participation [31].

Several social pressures plaguing 4G wireless networks have been severely curtailed by 5G networks. Environmental protection and education, for example, have seen significant improvements in the 5G era. However, problems with connectivity and urbanization persist. 6G will no doubt provide a sense of relief. For a fully unlimited community, a hyper-connected user data connection will be full, and regional restrictions will be violated. Communication capabilities with many 6G features will contribute significantly to global sustainability and provide greater support for a variety of services in the application phase [32].

Nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, and ICT will all focus on 6G. Ultimately, this will raise public demands for sustainability, sustainability, openness, and inclusion, leading to complex social integration. In addition, 6G will promote productivity and rapid economic growth in rural and urban areas, helping to achieve sustainable goals [33]. The business environment will change drastically thanks to 6G. The changing business environment and the smooth and automated collection of market data from individuals will determine the future of the business. With state-of-the-art products and specialized services, 6G will provide an easy-to-use platform for intelligent data processing. These products and services will be designed to be extremely sustainable and customized to meet the unique needs of consumers in rural and urban areas. In addition, 6G will allow for the mobilization of people and the development of high-quality distribution platforms to promote the sharing of sustainable business models and accelerate equitable distribution of resources. Recently, options for establishing a world-class, long-term 6G business future for all future 6G business partners were re-evaluated [34].

3.3 Impact of AI in sustainable smart cities

In a smart city, one of the most crucial tools is AI. It is a sub-field of computer science that focuses on enhancing machines’ cognitive skills and creating artificially intelligent beings. Searches, mathematical computations, logic, algorithms, and Bayesian and economical procedures are among the many instruments available. There are several definitions of smart cities offered by various academics. To become a smart city, however, a city must use ICT and AI to accomplish long-term social, environment, and economic development while also raising the quality of life for its citizens. A technologically interconnected city or the use of AI technology with big data to produce intelligence & efficiency in managing the city’s resources [35] might be used to describe the technology component of a smart city.

In a study [10] on good decision in smart cities using big data, researchers established a three-layer framework that describes a smart city as instrumented, networked, and intelligent. AI and IoT are used to gather real-time data from surveillance cameras, monitors, and sensor-based devices as well as from open data sources and social networking sites for rapid reaction in the implementation phase of smart cities. In the “interconnected” phase, data from AI, IoT, and other sources is combined and transformed into a piece of relative knowledge to provide greater insights for smart decision-making. Finally, the city’s demands, requirements, needs, and policies will be understood using converted data obtained through data. As a result, it can help people make educated and wise decisions [10].

In a Smart City project, the essential infrastructure elements which include AI are:

  1. Public transportation system management.

  2. Reliable electricity supply.

  3. Cleaning and waste management.

  4. Public transportation system management.

Also, e-governance and citizen collaboration will be used to attain these objectives. This contains ambitious plans such as:

  1. Service delivery using electronic means.

  2. Citizen – the city’s eyes and ears.

  3. Public information and redress of claims.

  4. Video – Criminal Surveillance.

AI in smart cities will play a key role in making urbanization smarter so that it is a sustainable growth that makes cities armed with improved aspects of life, hiking, shopping and enjoying a safer and more appropriate life in such an environment.

In fact, while developing smart cities, a few difficulties such as management, sanitation, traffic congestion, security monitoring, parking management, and much more may be addressed with AI to give a long-term solution for residents. Smart Mobility solutions aim to increase safety and efficiency, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and noise pollution and cost reduction. Wise mobility solutions are also seen as important for moving forward to decarbonize the transport sector and achieve EU pollution reduction targets. AI is powerful an emerging tool that prides itself on the ability to drive sustainable change into efficient, sustainable resources and person-centered travel plans, especially in urban situations.

In short, urban planning is about solving the challenges of modern civilization. These problems are compounded by the growth of modern society. Problems in the community range from general to technological, such as ensuring sanitation and management of infrastructure. Wise cities have recently aroused the curiosity of social scientists, engineers, and anyone interested in incorporating technology into their daily lives [36]. AI and IoT have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the proliferation of smart gadgets connected to the Internet, data is everywhere. Smart solutions for smart cities can be built using this data. The effects of AI and IoT on urban life are encouraging. Because of its amazing ability to transform everything, AI is sometimes called the fourth industrial revolution. AI blesses humanity intelligent health care to secure intelligent cities as it evolves day by day [37].

AI creates a modern world. From nineteenth century, planning of cities has focused on improving the quality of life of the people by focusing on the economic functioning of cities and social justice. Many tasks are common and are done mechanically and humanly, but some systems are still working that require the involvement of a sensitive human mind. Many common tasks are expected to be replaced by clever operating principles in the near future, but those that require significant skills, such as design, will take longer to automate [17].

The present state of AI necessitates the storage of enormous volumes of data. Data about how people actually live in cities and just how cities change over time may be accessible due to the rise of closed-circuit television, sensors, and humongous communication networks in contemporary cities. Other objects such as land, buildings, and open areas may be accessed. Using this data in an intelligent system, such as machine learning models, urban planners may utilize it with precision understanding and design to learn about the city’s fabric. It is possible to build an urban government using information gleaned from numerous digital sources. Politicians may be able to design better policies for city dwellers with the use of data from an analytical model.

As climate change is a big worry in today’s world, AI systems has also been used to produce city planning strategies that lessen the consequences of climate change & policies that assist mitigate climate change. There are also concerns about privacy breaches when it comes to AI-based urban planning, which is a human activity in the future. The privacy of residents living in smart cities is severely compromised as large data must be collected and stored in order to create an AI model. Because data must be stored locally, cyber criminals may try to access data centers and gain illegal access. As a result, regulations and strategies to protect human data are needed [7].

A variety of AI-based applications are designed for intelligent and sustainable cities. They have introduced a method that uses a calculator lens with a small microscope and machine learning methods to determine air quality. Their solution is called C-Air, and includes a smartphone app that can manage and display multiple settings and findings. It contains a machine that can take small pictures of particles in the air, as well as a machine learning model that can predict what particles are in the image and their size. They have used a machine learning algorithm they have made for themselves [38]. They have introduced a Smart Traffic Management Platform that can use big data and smart algorithms to improve traffic flow [37].

3.4 Impact of block chain in sustainable smart cities

Blockchain is an open and shared ledger technology (DLT) that can successfully record, permanently, and securely record transactions between two parties. Integrates a system with a distributed network of digital data that is copied and synchronized across multiple devices. The main goal of the DLT is to build trust, accountability, and transparency without relying on a single source of authority or in situations where players do not trust each other. It also improves data integrity and geographical distribution. The advent of Blockchain technology as a transparent and responsible way to protect data opens the way for complex data privacy, security, and integrity concerns to be resolved within the smart city ecosystem. Applications that include data access, control, and distribution of patient records, electronics, and financial management. Advanced technology and state-of-the-art networks are important drivers of urban efficiency in a smart city.

Key components of a smart city ecosystem, such as its major infrastructure and e-government services, are interacting in real time. Wireless communication networks, combined with self-planning and livelihood networks, are essential to the development of smart cities. By delivering critical security services to ensure authenticity, confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility, high-speed, real-time security agreements are an integral part of the smart city ecosystem [39]. Blockchain technology has the ability to rebuild intelligent city infrastructure, change ecosystems to access improved consumer services, and enable new applications. Because it enhances efficiency, protects sensitive data exchange, and enhances smart city systems integration, the Blockchain is revered as a new development and wealth engine in the smart city. Researchers and experts believe that, in addition to supporting cryptocurrencies, Blockchain technology could help re-establish urban development around the world by acquiring transactions with other services [40].

It can be thought of increasing traffic stability by reducing energy consumption, improving safety, and reducing pollution through Blockchain-based Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The introduction of Blockchain, as well as the transition from fuel-efficient vehicles to electric and independent Blockchain powered vehicles, has the potential to create new business models where mobility as a service replaces conventional car ownership ideas. Citizens will benefit from a high level of smart travel, real-time public transportation tracking, fast payment services, ample parking, and easy walking as a result [41].

Physicians can store patient health data in a Blockchain that can be set up to allow interaction between different healthcare companies. In addition, Blockchain programs can provide real-time access to patient medical records while providing protection against data fraud that is difficult to track, such as adding or deleting drug allergies, critical patient safety and institutional trust concerns. The fact that the Blockchain enables security, privacy, and integrity of data without the need for an outside company to control the activity arouses interest in technology. For smart city administrators, ensuring that security becomes a priority to combat cybercrime. To address the security and privacy challenges facing smart cities, the Blockchain must be integrated to ensure that certain security errors do not continue to affect all other smart city networks [42].

3.5 Impact of geographic information system (GIS) in sustainable smart cities

Smart cities are defined as areas of big cities that thrive on sustainability and provide extraordinary living conditions by improving economic, environmental, transportation, governance, and energy efficiency, among other things. Smart cities use a network of sensors, cameras, wireless tools, and data centers to enable integrated city monitoring and administration through the use of technology like GIS, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensors (RS). It is essential for transforming a city into an intelligent city. GIS is used in surveying, engineering, and organizing the collection, processing, management and presentation of location data, in addition to the map display [43].

High-resolution satellite imagery helps to prepare land use maps of cities showing agricultural land use, residential, industrial, commercial, social, and low land use. Parts of a smart city include smart planning, public administration, smart power, smart buildings, smart infrastructure, public safety, smart security, smart traffic management, smart waste disposal and smart service delivery methods. GIS unifies all parts of city planning and management, providing a one-stop shop for everyone. Because smart cities include fewer participants, project success depends on the integration, networking and collaboration of various actors in the smart city ecosystem [44].

A smart city is one in which investments in human and social capital, traditional and modern transportation, infrastructure, and long-term economic growth result in a greater standard of life by collaborating on natural resource management. A city with the necessary infrastructure to provide a clean and sustainable environment through new solutions [45]. Smart Solutions will allow communities to improve infrastructure and services by integrating technology, information, and data. The need for a single technology platform to facilitate the integration, integration, and collaboration of various actors in the smart city ecosystem is part of the key achievement. GIS can play an important role in establishing government-citizen interactions where citizens can communicate with concerns, make feedback on local infrastructure, and learn about measures to improve the city [46].

The city of the future will no doubt be very different from the city of today, and none of us can fully predict the changes that will take place. The connected and private vehicles will present more real-time GIS opportunities; that major changes are taking place in our retail systems as a result of switching to online services; that new digital technologies are changing the diversity of economic markets; and that climate change will affect many aspects of urban life, especially in parts of the world where food, energy, and water are nearing critical levels. Our future will be dominated by global population change and great success in health care, all of which will bring endless opportunities [35].

GIS systems have become an integral part of city planning. GIS has been implemented in the information infrastructure of all major cities. It is used in the investment process and strong management of well-known projects. Although GIS is not a new solution, new applications have emerged in recent years. The Internet of Things and other tools and technologies connected to the Smart City concept are booming. As a result, new potential areas for data collaboration and resource information and integration are developing [17].

3.6 Impact of IoT in sustainable smart cities

IoT technological advancements and its implementation into intelligent cities have transformed our work and living environments, while enhancing our civilization. There are a number of downsides to IoT technology in smart cities, including higher energy consumption, dangerous pollution levels, and the generation of electronic garbage (E-waste). Green IoT is required for smart city applications to be ecologically sustainable. As a consequence of green IoT, smart cities are more environmentally friendly, which makes them more sustainable. As a result, it is important to address the threat of pollution, traffic congestion, resource use, energy consumption, public safety, quality of life, environmental sustainability, and cost management strategies and strategies [47].

The objects around us are integrated into many intelligent city applications, enhancing our quality of life, thanks to dramatic advances in communication and sensory technology. Internet of Things is a term used to describe the interaction of objects in a smart city. In smart cities, IoT refers to everything that can be connected anytime, anywhere, to any channel [48].

IoT technology is developing rapidly, allowing IoT components to be intelligent through flexible communication network, processing, analysis, and storage, cameras, sensors, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), actuators, drones, cell phones, and other IoT devices are examples. All of these devices have the ability to communicate and work together to achieve common goals. IoT devices will be able to provide many real-time monitoring applications using such components and communication technologies, as evidenced by environmental monitoring, healthcare, transportation independence, digital industry and automation, and home automation. In addition, IoT allows software Agents to exchange information, make collaborative decisions, and complete tasks more efficiently [49].

IoT has a profound impact on smart cities, with its many programs affecting social transformation, reducing traffic congestion, creating less expensive municipal services, keeping citizens safe and healthy, reducing energy consumption, improving monitoring systems, and reducing pollution in various ways. However, scholars are focused on the natural challenges of IoT such as energy consumption, carbon emissions, energy conservation, trade, carbon labeling, and footprint [50].

A data center, on the other hand, is required for data management and conversion into smart city information, which would otherwise be impossible. As a result, it consumes a large amount of electricity, is expensive to run, and has a significant carbon impact. Many common gadgets, including handheld phones, actuators, sensors, and RFIDs [51]. contribute to the production of big data. In order to be considered “smart,” a city must have a high standard of living, good environmental management, and a healthy economy. Power and water supplies, internet connection, smart parking, and other necessities for smart city applications should all be available in smart cities. Unlimited internet computer services and storage are made possible by cloud computing. An array of devices is shown to be linked together to collect data over the internet cloud. It is possible to create a complete learning environment using cloud computing and the IoT. A primary purpose of cloud applications is to encourage ecologically friendly products that may be readily reused and recycled [52].

Garbage collection and intelligent city planning must be implemented to provide a clean environment. The smart IoT devices, edge information, and cloud are being sought by businesses and governments alike as a low-cost means to gather various forms of rubbish. It is necessary to build, run, and improve an automated trash collecting system in order to get the most out of its use, storage, and production capabilities. By permitting real-time supervision and cloud connection, the IoT may assist enhance automated trash collection systems. In addition, the authors stress the need of automating trash collection systems in order to increase productivity and efficiency. They examine how smart city infrastructure may be integrated with technology. Real-time supervision and data gathering have been made possible thanks to the IoT [53].

To send and receive data, a smart city is built on an intelligent foundation and a complex system of ubiquitous networks, objects, government, and communications. The data collected in the cloud of smart cities of any app is handled and analyzed appropriately, allowing decision-making based on available facts and real-time action to improve the way we work and live. Research is investigating the importance of smart cities in creating sustainable cities. Air quality, renewable energy, energy efficiency, water quality, and environmental monitoring are all major concerns [37].

Green IoT is important for smart cities to create environmentally friendly and sustainable places to work and live. Raw IoT strategies and technologies surpass traditional IoT strategies and technologies in big data analysis, making smart cities safer, smarter, and more stable. The authors examined how big data has improved living standards by reducing land pollution and using resources efficiently [54].

In the field of smart cities, IoT devices and technologies have gained a lot of interest. It is necessary to address the definition of waste management and smart communities. Smart cities propose the use of a large number of smart devices capable of processing and computing to facilitate green automation, monitoring, and data collection. Understanding the field of waste management and determining value in controlled waste collection and disposal requires understanding the permissive, planning, social, and economic aspects. In addition, the efficient management and collection of wasteful city infrastructure should be considered. The link between waste management and the activities of smart communities must be handled in a consistent manner [7].

IoT has the potential to transform the healthcare industry by shifting its focus from therapies to ensuring the well-being of everyone. This field, however, is still in its infancy, and a few things need to be investigated before its full potential can be determined. Discusses the effectiveness of IoT in preventive health care and treatment in relation to a variety of workplaces such as disease monitoring, age-based monitoring, body abnormalities, and profile-based monitoring; and presents open-ended research questions and future research guides on IoT use [39].

Smart homes, workplaces, schools, data centers, industries, and warehouses are examples of smart infrastructure. IoT technology can be used to control security, surveillance, automation, power management, and other advanced architectural features. Smart homes, workplaces, warehouses, and other smart buildings complete their obligations quickly and efficiently [40].

Smart appliances and systems use sensors to monitor the environment and take appropriate action, such as flashing lights or turning off the air heater. These clever systems also help in predicting demand. Similarly, smart warehouses can help improve supply chain management production. The biggest advantage of smart houses and buildings is the convenience they offer users, as they are released to focus on other activities. Intelligent health care systems need to be in place for cities to thrive [41]. IoT applications have the potential to significantly improve urban transport infrastructure.

Among the features of an intelligent urban transportation system are the automatic identification numbers, road vehicle counts, traffic signal automation, intelligent lighting, and intelligent parking. The use of Internet of Things to manage vehicle traffic information can help control real-time traffic, benefiting citizens, city governments, and the urban environment. The combination of sensory capabilities, modern GPS-enabled vehicles, air quality, and sound sensors used on a particular road can greatly assist in traffic monitoring and city sustainability [42].

Residents are concerned about the lack of adequate parking in cities. The Smart parking lot software can track the number of vehicles in various parking lots throughout the city, as well as their arrival and departure. Drivers may use street sensors and sophisticated displays to determine the correct parking route in the city. Users, sellers/contractors of parking spaces, government, and the general public all make a profit in smart parking spaces. Finding a parking space quickly reduces traffic congestion, less pollution, and happier residents [46].


4. State-of-the-art

Global urbanization is moving quicker than ever before, and it is happening all across the planet. Global urbanization peaked in 2007 at 51%, and it is expected to reach 70% by 2050. Around 60% of the world’s population is expected to be living in cities by 2050, up from the current 1.4 billion urban residents in 1970 [55]. Fresh urban issues are prompting new debates about how to deal with them. One and among the most sought-after solutions is the creation of smart cities. An urban development strategy known as the smart city involves constructing cities with the use of ICT. Cities are huge cause of pollution, congestion, for waste, but they also exacerbate a variety of socioeconomic concerns, such as increased poverty, crime, and unemployment, because of unchecked population and growing resource demand, combined with poor organization and management. Because of this, urban management is one of the most serious concerns of the twenty-first century, necessitating innovative measures in industries such as engineering, public safety, and the natural environment [56].

In a smart city environment, The Internet of Things provides framework for connecting gadget allowing for easier information transmission across platforms [49]. As a result of the recent adoption of a variety of wireless technologies, like as IoT is ready to become the next disruptive technology that takes full advantage of the potential of the Internet. Smart retail, energy, transit, water, housing, healthcare and grids all recently observed IoT being used to build intelligent systems in smart cities.

However, There is no globally accepted definition of a smart city, and it is difficult to spot shared global patterns [49]. The concept focuses on integrating next generation information technology into all parts of life, including hospitals, electrical grids, railroads, bridges, tunnels, highways, water systems, buildings, oil, dams and gas pipelines, and other items all over the world [57]. The Internet revolution resulted in unparalleled levels of connectedness and speed among individuals. The connectivity of items to build a smart city will be the next revolution. The interconnectedness of sensing and actuating equipment is emphasized in the smart city, a standard framework that allows information to be transferred across platforms. Such sharing is enabled by cloud computing, which serves as the unifying foundation for data analytics, omnipresent sensing and information representation. The post PC era has arrived, and smartphones and different hand-held devices area unit reworking the environment by creating it additional interactive and informative [58].

The Internet revolution resulted in unparalleled levels of connectedness and speed among individuals. The connectivity of items to build a smart city will be the next revolution. The interconnectedness of sensing and actuating equipment is emphasized in the smart city, a standard framework that allows information to be transferred across platforms. Such sharing is enabled by cloud computing, which serves as the unifying foundation for data analytics, omnipresent sensing and information representation. The post-PC era has arrived, and smartphones and different hand-held devices area unit reworking the environment by creating it additional interactive and informative [49].

Big data systems have been successfully stored, analyzed, and extracted in smart cities to provide information that will be used to improve a variety of smart city services. Big data could also help planners anticipate future expansion in smart city resources, services, or places. The multiple aspects of big data emphasize its significant benefits and improvements potential. The possibilities are limitless; nevertheless, the availability of modern technology and equipment limits them. With the proper tools and methodologies for economical and effective knowledge analysis, huge knowledge will fulfill its aims and develop sensible town services. Such efficiency would encourage collaboration and communication among organizations, as well as the development of new services and apps that will strengthen the smart city.

Big data applications may benefit a wide range of industries in a smart city, resulting in improved consumer experiences and services, as well as improved corporate performance. Diagnostic and treatment tools, Preventive care services, healthcare records administration, and patient care may all be improved (see Figure 3). Big data may help transportation networks optimize routes and timetables, handle fluctuating needs, and improve environmental friendliness.

Figure 3.

Smart city and Business model for big data.

The smart city age of big data has ushered in a lot of new value-creation possibilities, which faces several difficulties, the majority of which are multi-dimensional and may be tackled from various interdisciplinary viewpoints [57].

Cloud computing refers to a set of computing models that include a large number of machines or clusters linked by a network system. It allows users for executing complicated computing operations on vast area like mining enormous amounts of social network data provided by smartphone apps [57]. The basic engine for cloud computing is provided by big data technology such as the Hadoop framework. Hadoop was intended to provide a platform and programming paradigms for distributing big dataset processing across several clusters. Hadoop is made up of two main components: Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce, both of which are intertwined [59], although the smart city’s real-time data storage and processing requirements are taken into account. Using streaming architecture, the network’s sensing devices will be able to communicate efficiently and smoothly.

4.1 Smart city performance evolution

The smart city diagnostic model’s indexes, such as Environment, Living, Traffic, Governance, and Plan/Strategy have been observed to have a high frequency of smart city performance evaluation indices, see Table 1. The smart city diagnostic model’s indexes, such as Environment, Living, Traffic, Governance, and Plan/Strategy were shown to have a high frequency of smart city performance evaluation indices. There are unit limits in this it is troublesome to spot good cities from property indicators in key EU-based diagnostic models, additionally as international cities and inexperienced town indexes, as a result of good cities area unit recognized as technology and systems additionally as human parts.

Sr. No.CategoryFrequency
1.Economy1, 2, 8, 10, 11
2.Human Resources1, 2
3.Governance1, 2, 6, 8
4.Traffic1, 2, 8, 10
5.Environment1, 2,7, 8, 10
6.Living1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11
7.Strategy3, 4, 5, 14
8.Execution3, 4
11.Data5, 10
12.Innovation6, 7, 8
14.Social Integration6
15.Information Linkage6, 10
16.Infrastructure7, 8, 11
17.Crime and Disaster Prevention7

Table 1.

Smart city performance evaluation index frequency [60].

When it comes to the smart city diagnosis model, there is a proclivity to focus on European technology, systems, and human aspects. Most domestic diagnostic models, on the other hand, have narrowly concentrated on technology elements that operate as infrastructure construction. The Navigant index, as well as the Global System for Mobile Association (GSMA) and Erickson indices, which are mental in nature and evaluate private enterprises, have limitations due to their overemphasis on mobile functions. Of course, technological infrastructure plays a major role within the development of a sensible city, and it is integrated with ICT.

However, the above-mentioned characteristics cannot be used to draw judgments about a good smart city. In order for a city to develop, many factors must be developed in consideration of the internal and external environments, including leadership, organizational structure, governmental system, legal backgrounds, political processes, interest groups, citizen support and participation, local industries and vendor communities, and stakeholders. Look at how non-technical concerns like people’s collaboration, government policy support, leadership, and local innovation should all be included in smart city design and growth.


5. Conclusions

A second historical wave of migration from rural to urban areas is currently beginning. According to the most recent United Nations study on Smart Cities, the world would wish to develop 10,000 new cities by 2040, where China has already committed to making 100 new cities to accommodate the 385 million people that are expected to migrate from the rural area to the town. There will be seven new cities in Korea, six in Asian countries, and personal sector initiatives like PlanIT vale in Portuguese Republic and Lavasa in Asian country square measure within the works. Utilization way for Europe states that smart use and exploitation of technologies and knowledge will help us face the challenges confronting society and Europe. There is a clear trend towards increasing the percentage of people living in cities in the near future. These urban conglomerates must therefore handle and resolve the bulk of society’s issues, sometimes with scarce resources and sophisticated progressive groups, in which judgment call becomes a cumbersome and inefficient process with a lack of openness.

Many academics from numerous fields are interested in the fast growth of data because of the large growth in connected devices in urban locations. This chapter, therefore, highlights the role and importance of emerging information and communication technologies in new generation of sustainable smart cities. The elements of sustainable smart cities have also been highlighted by giving an overview of how cities throughout the world have adopted them and projected trends for the next generation of sustainable smart cities. Section 2 discusses about the importance and need of smart cities in our day to day life. The various dimensions that need to be considered while looking at the smart cities are depicted using Figure 1. Section 2.1 provides infrastructural requirements for smart cities. Section 2.2 explicates that smart cities project success depends on the integration, networking and collaboration of various actors in the smart city ecosystem, while Section 2.3 highlights how the cities and its residents will benefit from a number of great benefits in smart cities. Section 3 provides Role of key technologies in smart cities, for instance, 5G, 6G, AI, Blockchain and IoT. Section 4 provides the state of the art in terms of the steps towards future sustainable smart cities and finally Section 4.1 summarizes the discussion by providing the smart city diagnostic model indexes, such as environment, living, traffic, governance, and plan/strategy in Table 1.


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Written By

Kamal Shahid, Muhammad Hassan, Ali Husnain and Sadaf Mukhtar

Reviewed: 19 August 2022 Published: 03 November 2022