Here, we present a brief insight into some current methods allowing for the detection of quantum chaos phenomena. In particular, we show examples of proposals of the parameters which could be applied as indicators of quantum-chaotic behavior and already were presented in the literature. We concentrate here on the quantum fidelity and the fidelity-like functions, defined for the wave functions describing system’s evolution. The definition of the fidelity-like parameter also involves the operator of the mean number of photons/phonons. Discussing such parameter, we show here how it is possible to take into account in the discussion of quantum-chaotic systems simultaneously the behavior of the divergence of wave functions and the energy of the system represented by the mean number of photons/phonons. Next, we discuss entropy-type parameter which can also be a good candidate for the indicators of quantum chaos’ phenomena. We show the ability of all considered here parameters to be witnesses of quantum-chaotic behavior for the systems of the quantum nonlinear Kerr-like oscillator—the classical counterpart of such system can exhibit chaotic evolution in its canonical form.
- quantum chaos
- quantum nonlinear oscillator
- Kerr-like oscillator
- fidelity
- entropy
- photons
- phonons
1. Introduction (some history)
The classical chaos phenomenon is related to the irregular and unpredictable evolution of nonlinear systems. What is important is that the behavior of such systems is determined, which means that time evolution of the system’s state can be described by corresponding equations, usually in a form of nonlinear differential equations. The term “irregular evolution” is related to the nature of the dynamics of the system and is not related to the unpredictable influence of the environment. The chaotic behavior exhibits itself in high sensitivity of system’s evolution to the initial conditions. In fact, it refers to the situation when we are not able to determine the final state of a system when we have limited information concerning its initial state. On the other hand, when the initial state of the system is well defined, according to the principle of determinism, its final state should be well determined. However, for real systems, such ideal situation cannot be observed, as the initial conditions are always determined with some accuracy.
One of first papers describing the chaotic behavior of the studied systems was published at the end of the nineteenth century. In the years 1892–1899, Henri Poincaré published the work of
The great importance in chaos theory plays studies initiated by Kolmogorov [2] and continued by Arnold [3] and Moser [4]. Their studies concerned the integrable Hamiltonian systems and the influence of small perturbations on such systems. They have shown that when small perturbations are present in a dynamical system, some fraction of orbits in the phase space remains indefinite in some region of the space. That result is now known as KAM theorem.
In 1963, Lorenz [5] numerically studied a simple model of cellular convection (called Rayleigh-Bénard convection model) and discovered that all equations of motion are unstable and almost all are nonperiodic. He also paid attention to the phenomenon of the sensitivity of the system’s evolution to the initial conditions. The system which models cellular convection consists of two horizontal plates and a liquid medium placed between them. The temperature of the top plate is lower than that measured at the surface of the bottom plate. For some values of the temperature difference
The same time when Lorenz was studying the model of cellular convection, Ueda analyzed Duffing’s model [11, 12] which describes a periodically excited damping system. Ueda observed that for some values of the amplitude of excitation force and the damping parameter system’s oscillations become accidental. Further studies showed that damped oscillators, which are excited by a periodic force, for certain values of the parameters describing excitation, are sensitive to initial conditions.
In 1898, Hadamard studied the behavior of the geodesics on surfaces with constant negative curvature [13]. He proved that the motion along geodetic lines on negative curvature surfaces is unstable and this system exhibits sensitivity to initial conditions. That means that small change in initial direction of a geodesic entails large changes in predicted results after a long time. These studies were continued by Birkhoff [14]. In subsequent years successive systems were discussed in the context of chaotic behavior and their sensitivity to initial conditions. Nowadays, the chaos theory is applied to the discussions of a broad range, not necessarily physical problems, for instance, the motion of planets [15, 16], chemical reactions [17], medicine [18, 19], and others.
In the twentieth century, the new field of physics has been developed, including quantum mechanics. One of the main principles of quantum mechanics is proposed by Bohr, correspondence principle [20]. With accordance to it, when the value of the action associated with the energy of the system is much higher than the Planck constant, the quantum description of the system reduces to the classical one. In consequence, if for the classical counterpart of the quantum system we observe the transition to chaotic behavior, the similar effect should appear in the quantum system. However, such transitions appearing in quantum systems have the entirely different character from those originating in the classical ones. It can be explained as a result of the fact that the Schrödinger equation which describes the evolution of the quantum system is linear with respect to the wave function. In consequence, it gives periodic or quasiperiodic solutions which do not lead to the chaotic behavior in the classical sense. Additionally, as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is not possible to consider the trajectories in phase space, and the main feature of classical chaos cannot be observed. In quantum mechanics, all points in a 2
In 1984 Peres proposed a new way of studying the dynamics of quantum systems [24]. His method was based on the comparison of the evolution of the unperturbed system to that corresponding to the same system for which small perturbations
which is called
2. The quantum nonlinear Kerr-like oscillator system: its quantum and classical evolution
To show the ability of discussed here parameters to describe quantum-chaotic phenomena, we need to choose a physical model which can exhibit quantum chaos’ effects. The model should be a nonlinear type and allows to compare its quantum dynamics with its classical counterpart. We decided to discuss nonlinear Kerr-like oscillator systems. The models which we will apply are general enough to be applied in various fields. For instance, they can be applied to description nanomechanical resonators and various optomechanical systems [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38], boson trapped in lattices [39, 40, 41], Bose-Hubbard chains [41, 42], circuit QED models [43, 44], etc.
The Hamiltonian for the anharmonic oscillator excited by a series of ultrashort pulses can be written as
where the first part
The parameter
As we neglect here all damping effects, the system’s evolution can be described by unitary operators defined with the use of two Hamiltonians. We can notice that the whole evolution can be divided into two types of subsequent stages. Thus, for the moments of time, when
When we apply the perturbation
Next, to find solutions we need to choose initial state of the system. Here, we will assume that the system’s evolution starts from the vacuum state ∣
respectively. Finally, the modulus of the scalar product of such calculated wave functions gives the fidelity defined in Eq. (1).
As we have mentioned earlier, it is necessary to determine the regions for which the classical counterpart of our model exhibits regular or chaotic dynamics. Therefore, we will follow the path shown in [45]. First, we will find the solution for the annihilation operator and, then, replace the operators appearing there by appropriate complex numbers. Such solution will allow drawing a bifurcation diagram for the classical system.
We remember that during the time between two subsequent pulses the energy is conserved and the total number of photons is constant. Therefore, we can write the equation describing the time evolution of
and it has the solution of the form
To transform such determined annihilation operator from that corresponding to the moment of time just before a single pulse to that just after it, we can use
We can replace
The classical energy of the system is determined by |
3. Witnesses of quantum chaos
3.1. The fidelity
From the bifurcation diagram, we know for which values of external excitations
In Figure 3 one can see that four regions of different characters of the system’s dynamics appear there. There are regular area for
Figure 4a shows the time evolution of fidelity for
The case when
Figure 5 shows the classical map (represented by dots) and contour plot of Q-function (dashed lines). We see that the main peak of Q-function (and the greatest probability) is placed in the region corresponding to the regular trajectories in the phase plane. This fact explains why the time evolution of
For each case discussed here, the perturbation parameter
3.2. Entropic parameter ε
Entropic measures, especially the Kolmogorov entropy, are the most relevant parameters of characterizing chaotic dynamics [49]. Therefore, we will define here the entropy-like quantity ε to show how it could be applied in quantum chaos detection. What is important is that
Thus, first, we calculate the Fourier transform
We applied here discrete transform due to the discrete character of the system’s evolution which is influenced by the train of ultrashort external pulses. Then, we calculate the power spectrum
Thus, Figure 7 shows how the value of ε depends on the strength of external excitation
3.3. The fidelity-like parameter
In the bifurcation diagram, we showed the values of |
The parameter
For the case when
In contrast, when
4. Conclusion
We have discussed here some proposals for the witnesses of quantum-chaotic behavior. In particular, we considered such parameters as the quantum fidelity and the fidelity-like parameter which characterizes not only the divergence of the wave functions but also the energy of the system. Moreover, the entropic witness describing the chaotic evolution of the fidelity (in a classical sense) was presented here. We discussed all those parameters in a context of their ability of detection of quantum-chaotic behavior. Using the exemplary system of quantum Kerr-type oscillators excited by a train of ultrashort pulses, we have shown how all presented here witnesses could be applied in detection of quantum chaos phenomena. We have shown how they are sensitive to the chaotic behavior when we are dealing with narrow chaotic bands and regions of deep chaos. We believe that we succeed here to show that considered here parameters are not only good witnesses of quantum chaos but also seem to be (with applied here methods) a good starting point in defining other quantities allowing for investigation of quantum chaos.
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