We review advances in the last few years on the study of the Faraday instability onset on thermotropic liquid crystals of nematic and smectic A types under external magnetic fields which have been investigated with a linear stability theory. Especially, we show that thermal phase transition effects on nematics of finite thickness samples produce an enhanced response to the instability as a function of the frequency of Shaker’s movement. The linear stability theory has successfully been used before to study dynamical processes on surfaces of complex fluids. Consequently, in Section 1, we show its extension to the study of the instability in the nematics, which set the theoretical framework for its further application to smectics or other anisotropic fluids such as lyotropic liquid crystals. We present the dispersion relationships of both liquids and its dependence on interfacial elastic parameters governing the surface elastic responses to external perturbations, to the sample size and their bulk viscosities. Finally, we point out the importance of following both experimental and theoretical analysis of various effects that needs to be incorporated into this model for the quantitative understanding of the hydrodynamics behavior of surface phenomena in liquid crystals.
- liquid crystals
- parametric instability
- surface hydrodynamics
- phase transition
- nonlinear waves
- complex fluids
1. Introduction
The Faraday wave instability emerges as a macroscopic nonlinear behavior of the dynamics at interfaces of different liquids and vapor [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. It appears when the vessel containing the liquid is vibrated vertically with a given acceleration until the quiescent equilibrium interface develops unstable surface waves. It has been observed in Newtonian fluids [6], but their most interesting realizations occur in complex fluids where their viscoelastic responses are present due to different time scales associated with the molecular relaxation processes [8, 16]. Therefore, it is important to determine how the onset of the Faraday instability is determined by the underlying bulk fluid elasticity. The basic study of this phenomenon poses challenges to hydrodynamic and statistical theories that need to be adapted or developed to explain the onset of the instability. The description of the Faraday instability has recently motivated the advance of new experiments [23, 24, 25, 26] and theoretical approaches for anisotropic fluids such as liquid crystals [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40]. Also, it seems that its comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation may have a major impact on the development of sensor technologies based on interfaces with biological or chemical components of practical interest. Absorbed molecules at the interface provide a surface coverage with absorbed molecular species that can present activity. Their impact on the instability has not well been understood yet. Liquid crystals remain as an ideal complex fluid where a controlled fine tuning of the cohesive energy of the absorbed molecules of interest and the nematogen's bulk average orientations imposed by surface treatment of their anchoring energy [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46] can be experimentally reached. Reports on birefringent experiments on a lyotropic suspension of fd virus describe the effect of bulk microrheology on the surface wave [23]. The hysteresis of the wave amplitude under the harmonic external driving acceleration, and how the imposed perturbation shear lowers the viscosity for increasing driving impulse were observed. Such a rheological response of the liquid crystal led to a hydrodynamically induced transition from isotropic to nematic phase change, which produces the formation of patches at the deformed crest of the interface. In this chapter, we review recent work on the Faraday instability on thermotropic liquid crystals, and the effect that a thermal phase transition experienced by a nematic liquid crystal toward its isotropic state has on the instability onset. Thus, we review our understanding of thermal phase transitions that produce enhanced response on dynamical properties at the interface of thermotropic liquid crystals. The liquid crystal is subjected to vertical vibrations of the container which induce hydrodynamics instability on its surface. Temperature variations produce phase changes on liquid crystals [47]. We present our results on the liquid crystal phase change effect in the dynamics of the Faraday wave instability [39]. We focus our discussion on this coupled phenomenon on a hydrodynamic level of description based on the Navier-Stokes equation for the field velocity response of the liquid crystal. Our presentation incorporates the constitutive equation for taking into account properly the heat transfer into the liquid crystal which drives the phase transition. Also, the significant effects of various elastic parameters such as surface tension, bending modulus, and interfacial elasticity of the interface on the sustained wave are discussed. Further discussion shows how those elastic parameters determine the onset of the hydrodynamic instability through the critical acceleration of the surface wave, which is temperature dependent when the liquid crystal experiences a phase change. To set the theoretical framework, in Section 2 the phenomenological free energy of layers and surface deformations and its dependence on the elastic parameters are introduced. In Section 2.1, the hydrodynamic level of description of a model nematic liquid crystal is made. This section includes the mean field viscous shear stress tensor of the liquid crystal and the corresponding boundary conditions. In Section 2.2, we discuss the case of model nematic with nematogens aligned perpendicular to an external magnetic field but parallel to the surface. Such a model represents an isotropic liquid crystal case. We further present an analysis of the critical acceleration as a function of temperature variation from nematic up to the phase transition to the isotropic liquid crystal phase in Section 2.3. In Section 2.4, we analyze the dispersion relationship as a function of all elastic parameters for a specific temperature. We then present in Section 2.5 the dispersion relation of an isotropic liquid. In Section 3, we discuss the occurrence of a parametric instability in smectic A liquids. In Sections 3.1 and 3.2, the finite thickness layer dispersion relationships for sustained Faraday surface waves in two configurations of the director on the magnetic field that orient the nematogens are provided. In Section 4, we discuss the experimental results in the literature on the phase transition effect on Faraday waves due to changes in particle concentration in a lyotropic liquid crystal of fd virus. In Section 5, a conclusion paragraph is provided. Finally, there is a list of the most relevant and updated list of references.
2. Thermotropic nematic liquid crystal layers
We consider a finite thickness layer of depth
The vector position giving the local elastic response of the interface has components
whereas the interface elastic-free energy may be written approximately as [49]
The molecular field
The experimental elucidation of thermotropic phase changes in monolayers of lipids deposited on top of liquid crystals and its impact on interface-laden of liquid crystals is an open topic to be investigated yet. A possible program for that task would involve the determination of the variation of the surface area of mono- or bilayers of surfactants like GMO which may be supported in isotropic, nematic, or smectic phases of liquid crystals. Moreover, the surface tension and dilational modulus versus temperature in an ample range around the critical temperature have been measured. Experimental techniques of photon correlation spectroscopy and surface quasielastic light scattering have been used in this context for isotropic fluids. Moreover, the entropy of formation of the film (see
2.1. Parallel magnetic field to wave vector and along the X -axis
In this section, we present the hydrodynamic description of the velocity field of the center of mass of an infinitesimal volume element containing nematogens and its corresponding boundary conditions on a fluid-air interface [39]. We consider a nematic layer in contact with air, which has an equilibrium interface that is located at position
The total stress tensor of the liquid
where the shear viscosities
In the experiment, a constant and vertical gradient of temperature that produces Marangoni flow with the rate of change of local temperature
Normal interface displacements are balanced by the elastic force obtained from Eq. (2)
The tangential forces at the interface result from the Marangoni instability due to surface tension variation with temperature, and the in-plane elastic deformation which are obtained from Eq. (2) as
In this last equation, elongational deformation
In the last equality,
moreover, there is no penetration of the wall
In the application that follows below, we do not consider the effect of the coefficients
From the second identity of Eq. (7), and from Eq. (8) together with Eq. (9), we obtain
Now taking the divergence with the gradient operator ∇⊥ ≔ (∂
We now replace this expression in the
As a consequence, the Fourier transformed form of Eq. (13) is
whereas Eq. (14) takes the form
The acceleration
where the modes
The coefficients
moreover, the capillary frequency
Eq. (22) is the first of our most significant results. It permits the calculation of the wave amplitude modes
where the coefficients
2.2. Magnetic field in the Y -axis direction with wave vector along the X -axis
In this section, we consider a nematic liquid layer of thickness
Moreover, the forces normal to the interface and in the plane are, respectively, the same as in Eqs. (8)–(9) of Section 4. The boundary conditions are the same as in Eqs. (10)–(12), and the heat diffusion equation (Eq. (13)) is still valid. Consequently, the same method of section
2.3. Thermal phase transition effect on surface dynamics
In this section, we study the critical acceleration, and wave number of the Faraday wave at the interface of nematic liquid crystal and air as a function of temperature. We use the real material parameters reported in the literature of nematic methoxy benzylidine butyl aniline liquid crystal that experiences a thermal nematic-isotropic phase transition [58]. We now explain how we calculated the wave properties just mentioned. These properties
This picture was obtained using Eq. (27) for a semi-infinite medium of nematic and temperature of
For the pure nematic state, we first solved numerically Eqs. (22)–(24) with
Figure 5 shows the transition of the main sustained waves which are of subharmonic type, from low up to high temperatures across the critical temperature. One can observe that there is a significant variation of (
2.4. Dispersion relation of an MBBA liquid layer with the inclusion of Marangoni flow
In Figure 6, the dispersion relation of the real MBBA (Figure 6a) together with an ideal model of a nematic (Figure 6b and c) as calculated from Eqs. (22)–(24). The real MBBA liquid (Figure 6a) presents a minimum of
2.5. Dispersion relation of isotropic liquid crystal layer with the inclusion of Marangoni flow
In this case, the dispersion relation is calculated from Eqs. (27)–(29). Figure 7 presents the dispersion relation, whereas the insets depict the curve of the critical acceleration as a function of frequency for two systems; one with a layer thickness of
3. Thermotropic smectic A liquid crystal layers
3.1. Smectic order parameter, wave vector, and magnetic field directed along the X -axis direction
In this section, we discuss the Faraday instability in smectic A liquid crystal layers [40]. We consider a smectic liquid crystal of average thickness
The stack of layers deformation is given by Eq. (1), whereas the elastic response of the interface is given by Eq. (2). The governing hydrodynamic equations of the velocity, viscous stress tensor, and the boundary conditions were reported in Refs. [40, 53]. Following their use and with the help of the methods of Section 2, we derived the following recursive equation of the amplitude of deformation
In this eigenvalue equation, we ignored the elongational elasticity and coupling between in-plane and normal elastic deformations. A plot of the Faraday stability curve is given in Figure 9 where the driving acceleration is plotted regarding the wave number. This picture shows us that parametric instability can be generated in shallow layers of smectic liquid crystals when it is excited with low frequencies. The magnitude of the normalized acceleration
3.2. Smectic A layers parallel to the surface and no magnetic field
In this case, we derived the modes of the surface amplitude of deformation
The curly brackets in the above expression for
4. Lyotropic liquid crystal
In the previous section, we investigated how the bulk microstructure of the liquid crystal can modify the parametric instability through a thermal phase change. Now, we describe phase changes produced by particle volume fraction variations. Using birefringent measurements, Ballesta et al. [23] demonstrated a hydrodynamic phase change from isotropic to the nematic ordering of particles in a colloidal suspension. For the first time in the Faraday instability that occurs at the interface of air-colloidal suspension made of fd virus, they found that Faraday waves induce local nematic ordering of the nematogens in the wave crest when the colloid concentration is increased and close to the isotropic-nematic critical concentration. Such regions of nematic ordering become more permanent as the concentration is raised, and finally large areas of stable nematic patches that follow the wave flow are developed. This phenomenon was interpreted as a change in the local viscosity from its unperturbed value and decreases as a function of shear generated by the surface movement, which may reach high values of 100 Hz. A consequence of such shear thinning of viscosity is the appearance of hysteresis in the amplitude of the normal direction of the surface deformation as a function of the driving acceleration. Their analysis of the hysteretic behavior of the wave amplitude required them to use the Cross model of viscosity for bulk Newtonian fluids. Whereas for interpreting the intensity of observed birefringent experiments, it was necessary to use the viscosity, and order parameter of a model of rod-like suspension of particles in the isotropic phase [60]. A recent complete numerical simulation of the hydrodynamic equations governing the Faraday waves was developed by Perinet et al. [61] for a system formed by two immiscible fluids with the supporting fluid forming a shallow layer smaller than its boundary layer. These authors confirmed a hysteresis of the amplitude of the surface deformation as a function of the driving acceleration. They conclude that the wave amplitude bifurcates into two different waves. The hysteresis of the lower amplitude wave is attributed to a change of the shear stress in the fluid that results from variations in the fluid flow that produce a balance of hydrostatic and lubrication stresses.
Unlike lyotropic liquids, a successful continuum mean field model for thermotropic nematics has allowed the description of the rheology of the bulk of confined layers of nematics under oscillatory shear. Such a model has predicted shear thinning of the viscosity as a function of the oscillation frequency of the imposed shear. The extension of this study to understand the shear thinning effect on viscosity in the experiments of Ref. [23] seems feasible. A different perspective is obtained with computer simulations as those made by Germano et al. [38]. These researches have shown through molecular dynamics simulations on a molecular model of bulk ellipsoids with pair interaction of Weeks-Chandler-Andersen type as they say “nematic fluids may adopt inhomogeneous steady states under shear flow” [38]. Thus, shear flow modifies the molecular ordering in the liquid crystal producing changes in macroscopic viscosities like shear thinning and thickening and shear banding similarly as that found by Ballesta in their experiment of fd virus suspension under parametric instability. However, those simulations cannot be compared directly with the experiments of Ballesta [23]. Germano et al. [38] were interested in the capillary waves spectrum at the interface formed during the transition from nematic to isotropic. However, they did compare their simulations with a theory of Landau-De Gennes type for the free energy of the interface which incorporates an average director parallel to the interface. They found isotropic capillary waves that propagate at long wavelengths governed by the macroscopic surface tension. At short wavelength, however, the surface tension becomes anisotropic and depends on the wave vector. In a recent series of papers by Popa-Nita et al. [27, 28, 29, 30, 31], they developed a Landau-De Gennes theory to describe the capillary waves originating from thermal fluctuations, and at the interface of a ternary mixture of liquid crystal, colloid, and impurities. They considered both homeotropic (perpendicular to the interface) and also the variation of the nematic director. As in the Germano et al. method, Popa-Nita uses a free energy of the liquid crystal that predicts the bulk phase diagram, and additionally a Cahn-Hilliard equation was incorporated for taking into account the diffusion of impurities and colloids inside the liquid crystal. For such a mixture, they predicted the surface tension to decrease with the presence of colloids, whereas the impurities enhance its strength. Also, the temperature of the bulk phase transition is lowered on the pure liquid crystal nematic-isotropic transition temperature. The interfaces so formed experience thermal fluctuations. With the help of this approach, Popa-Nita were able to find that there are two regions of propagating capillary waves as it was also observed by Germano et al. in their simulation work. In the first region of long wavelengths, there is dissipation produced by shear flow and the ternary mixture behaves like an isotropic fluid which can be described by a single effective bulk viscosity. The hydrodynamic equations of the velocity field underlying that dispersion relation depends on the respective viscosity for each of the two phases formed which are separated by a sharp interface. With appropriate boundary conditions on each thermodynamic phase, the dispersion relation of the capillary waves was predicted. The generated wave depends on the average effective constant surface tension of the nematic and isotropic interface. The propagating ripple depends on one viscosity and the compression and bending modulus of the surface. The second region corresponds to a diffuse gap of particles close to the interface and corresponds to low values of wavenumber. This wave is dominated by the relaxation of the order parameter and the surface tension which is dependent on the density variation within the diffuse zone and the inhomogeneous distribution of nematogens inside it. The boundary conditions consist of the matching of the velocity field inside the diffuse zone with that from the bulk isotropic and nematic regions. The theoretical model of Popa-Nita [27, 28, 29, 30, 31] might be useful to study Faraday waves in interfaces of phase-separated regions of liquid crystals as a function of the concentration of particles. Presently, the phase transition on bulk phases of liquid crystals constitutes a large body of knowledge [62], but its effect on the dynamical responses of parametric waves on the interfaces so formed in the transition is still an open subject of research.
5. Conclusion
We reviewed recent results underlying the hydrodynamics description of Faraday waves under a thermal phase transition in thermotropic nematic liquid crystals. The numerical evaluation of the effect of phase change on the critical acceleration at the onset of the instability points out its pertinent experimental observation with birefringence or surface light-scattering techniques. Consequently, other liquid crystals can be studied with this theoretical approach. In Section 4, one such experimental example of a lyotropic liquid crystal of fd virus was mentioned. Also, a correction to the conceptual framework of Sections 2 and 3 to include the effect of variations of volume fraction of particles that can lead to a phase transition can be considered in this case.
The author acknowledges the General Coordination of Information and Communications Technologies (CGSTIC) at CINVESTAV for providing HPC resources on the Hybrid Supercomputer “Xiuhcoatl,” which has contributed to the research results reported in this paper.
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- This expression of Q n i was mistyped in Ref. [39].