Candida spp. strains are characterized by their ability to form a biofilm structure on biotic and abiotic surfaces, causing significant problems in many industrial branches and threatening human health. Candida biofilm is a heterogeneous, spatially well-organized structure consisting of planktonic and mycelial yeast forms which are interdependent in the quorum sensing system and surrounded by an extracellular polysaccharide substance. Biofilm-forming microorganisms are characterized by high invasiveness, the ability to cause dangerous and difficult to treat infections. Furthermore, the cells in the biofilm, compared to planktonic forms, show reduced sensitivity to chemical compounds with antifungal activity and increased survival under unfavorable environmental conditions. The chapter focuses on the emergence of antifungal resistance with the development of biofilms. The work presents the examples of antibiotic resistance of a variety of Candida, showing that a group of strains expressing intermediate sensitivity or resistance to the tested antibiotics include both clinical and food-borne isolates. Similarities in enzymatic and biochemical profiles of different origin isolates are discussed. A substantial heterogeneity within Candida albicans group is also underlined. Simultaneously, the incidents of biochemical profiles conformity of some clinical and food-borne isolates are presented, which may be a result of Candida transmission via food.
- Candida albicans
- non-albicans Candida
- Candida biofilm
- drug resistance
- food-borne Candida
1. Introduction
Unicellular forms of yeast are rarely found in nature as single, scattered cells, in the form of plankton but they are rather adsorpt at the solid-liquid, liquid-gas, or liquid-liquid interface. Generally, they form organized, settled structures taking the form of multicellular clusters forming biofilm. Biofilm, also called as the biological membrane, is a complex, multicellular, and multifunctional structure of one or more species of microorganisms, surrounded by a layer of organic and inorganic substances produced by these microorganisms adhering to both biotic and abiotic surfaces. The form of biofilm enhances the effectiveness of microbial protection against the adverse environmental factors, including antibiotics, reduces the effectiveness of host defense mechanisms, facilitates the acquisition of nutrients, creates the possibility of horizontal gene transfer by providing evolutionary and genetic diversity, and enables the transmission of information between microbial cells [1, 2, 3].
Biofilm is most commonly formed on solid surfaces staying in contact with water, living tissues, and liquid-air interface. This ubiquitous structure can be very useful but also dangerous being difficult to be removed. Biofilm plays a key role in a process of self-cleaning of surface-, ground-, and underground water. The biofilm’s ability to create a biobarrier has been exploited in water treatment and to reduce a pollution of soil and ground waters. Biofilm also allows biological removal of pollutants from sewage [2]. Biofilm exists not only in the natural environment but also is industrially applied, for example, to catalyze complex chemical reactions. Natural microbiota of the body of a healthy person forms a biofilm modulating some physiological functions, for example, colonic biofilm [4]. Moreover, changing environmental conditions may transform a biofilm from a big friend into a fierce enemy. A good example is the biofilm of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in unfavorable conditions, can become a source of mortal danger. In public facilities such as hospitals, hotels, swimming pools, physiotherapeutic facilities, sanatoria, mass caterers, schools and kindergartens, homes, and enterprise of the cosmetic and food industries, biofilm structure allows saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms to survive washing, cleaning, and disinfection processes. Biofilm formed in a water supply network poses a sanitary risk to the public. In addition, the pipes water network is subjected to microbiological corrosion. Most food processing plants are struggling with the problem of biofilm formation in water distribution systems, refrigeration systems, and heat exchangers. In the food industry, biofilm can colonize not only sewage systems, but also machine working surfaces and food products. Biofilm on work surfaces, even those made of stainless steel, glass, or Teflon, can lead to food contamination with spoilage microorganisms, including pathogenic ones. Contaminated products of both plant and animal origin can cause serious human illnesses as well as huge losses in the food industry [2]. Biofilm microorganisms are characterized by increased invasiveness and the ability to cause serious infections, even in hospital. Ability to create biofilm is one of the pathogenicity factors of the microorganism. Most often, infections caused by biofilm-building microorganisms are the result of the abiotic surfaces colonization and account about 65% of all infections [1]. Microorganisms inhabiting medical materials both biomaterials within the human body such as vascular and intraperitoneal catheters, artificial valves, prostheses, implants, lenses, stitches, and diagnostic devices such as endoscopes, fibroscopes, and laryngoscopes are also an important problem. Biofilm formation on these devices is the cause of serious infections and also leads to device damage [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]. Microorganisms that inhabit the human body also occur mainly in the form of biofilms. These biofilms are mostly composed of symbiotic microorganisms, but also opportunistic ones may occur, which in homeostasis disturbances lead to a development of serious infections. The situation is particularly dangerous, if the development of infection is accompanied by a dysfunction of the device colonized by biofilm.
2. Biofilm definition
Biofilm is defined as a well-organized, three-dimensional social structure surrounded by extracellular matrix and irreversibly bound to the surface, built by microorganisms with altered, with respect to planktonic form, genotype properties [5, 6, 8, 9, 10]. Biofilm enables microorganisms to survive in a changing and unfavorable environment, and therefore is the dominant form of their existence in the nature. It is characterized by structural heterogeneity, genetic diversity, complexity of interaction, and the presence of extracellular substances. It can be either mono- or multilayer, produced by one species or many different species. The biofilm structure depends on many factors such as hydrodynamic conditions, surface type, pH of the environment, microbial mobility, intercellular communication, nutrient content, exopolysaccharides, proteins, or oxygen. Colonization of various surfaces by microorganisms is possible due to their adhesive properties and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) stabilizing the biofilm structure. Adjacent microorganisms, in a spatially organized structure, produce a common layer of polymeric substances called extracellular matrix, the complex compounds playing an important role in the formation and functioning of the biofilm. Most EPS polysaccharides are the organic compounds with long linear or branched molecules of 106 Da. The amount of polymers depends on the quantitative and qualitative composition of nutrients. The percentage of water in the biofilm matrix is up to 97%. Polymers ability to cyclical accumulation simultaneously with donation of water gives the matrix hydrogel features with exceptional viscoelastic properties [2, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Matrix hydrogel nature effectively protects biofilm microorganisms from desiccation and provides the cells with protection against environmental stress factors such as UV radiation, temperature shifts, pH fluctuations, or toxic substances [2, 5, 7]. The matrix serves also as a communication system between biofilm cells, where chemical and physical signals are transmitted through a branched open channel system separating individual microcolonies. Thanks to the channel network, oxygen and nutrients are delivered through the channels and the excreted waste products are discharged. Cells in biofilms are present in various metabolic states. On the periphery of the biofilm, where the channel network system is more developed, the cells are large, metabolically active, and its reproducing increases the biofilm thickness. While, microorganisms located inside the biofilm are partially cut off from the water system, which results in their growth rate decreasing. They may also fall in an anabiosis with possible activation in a case of destruction of the outer cell layer, which, no matter how long the biofilm works, uses the features of young biofilm cells [2, 12, 13]. The biofilm cell has different characteristics than the planktonic cells. An important determinant of biofilm properties is
3. Biofilm structure
The process of biofilm formation is multistage and depends on the properties of the microorganisms, the construction, and properties of the colonized materials or the host. There are four basic phases: (I) reversible adhesion, (II) irreversible adhesion, (III) biofilm maturation, and (IV) dispersion (Figure 1).
Biofilm formation begins with the adhesion of free floating microorganisms to the biotic or abiotic surface. Reversible adhesion is the result of relatively weak physical interactions causing the first cells to attach to a solid surface such as gravitational interaction, electromagnetic surface charge, van der Waals forces, electrostatic, and hydro- and thermodynamic forces (Brownian motion). These forces play a crucial role when the distance between cells and the surface is relatively large. Biofilm is unstable and can easily be removed by both chemical and physical methods. When the cell distance from the surface is less than 1.5 nm, there is irreversible adhesion due to the formation of specific bonds. First microbial cells attached to the surface help attaching another one by the formation of hydrophobic, non-specific or specific hydrogen bonds, and pairs and ionic complexes (carbon-carbon covalent bonds) [2, 5, 12, 13]. An important place in the biofilm-building process is the interaction of specific receptors, adhesives, and ligands on the cell surface of the microorganism or the target host cell extracellular ligand. Initially, the surfaces are covered by a single layer of microbial cells. In the construction of the basic EPS matrix, which gives the biofilm a defined shape and structure, the increased synthesis and secretion of extracellular biopolymers is important. Biofilms expand by increasing the intensity of cell proliferation. While, glycocalyx, a shell composed of polysaccharide residues of glycolipids and glycoproteins, the components of the cell membrane, is produced up to the total surroundings of the microcolonies. At this stage, biofilm, in addition to living microorganisms, also includes dead cells, mineral substances, and organic compounds. These elements are joined by further microbial cells. Irreversible adhesion allows the formation of microcolonies and biofilm maturation [5, 12, 13]. Biofilm maturation is followed by the microorganisms’ reproduction, their gradual differentiation and the activation or inhibition of expression of certain genes. Biofilm cells acquire features that are not expressed by planktonic cells and can transmit them to adjacent and progeny cells. When reaching the critical thickness of the biofilm membrane, cells migrate from peripheral parts of the mature biofilm to the surrounding environment and the process of colonization begins. Disconnecting cells from biofilm and its dispersion is an intentional separation resulting from a reaction to adverse environmental conditions. Biofilm adapts to environmental stresses and the detached cells begin the process of colonization of new surfaces [2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 13].
Both bacterial and fungal biofilms, in medicine and in industry, were first described in 1978 [7]. Since then, it has been the subject of numerous studies that aim to understand the molecular mechanisms of its origins and the role it plays in infections and drug resistance [5].
4. Candida dimorphism and the biofilm formation
Compared to planktonic forms, biofilm cells lead settled lifestyles and have characteristic gene expression associated with the growth rate and synthesis of some of the adhesion and enzyme proteins. Fungal biofilms with cells differing phenotypically and functionally usually are of much more complex structure than the bacterial biofilm. Polymorphism is a characteristic feature of
5. Candida adhesion and the ability to the biofilm formation
The biofilm structure depends on the specific gene expression resulting from yeast contact with biotic or abiotic surface.
Genes encoding sulfur amino acids are responsible for the amount of biofilm biomass produced, while the expression of the
6. Candida germ tubes and the ability to the biofilm formation
Pseudomycelium is formed by a germ tube process and as a key component of the biofilm provides its integrity. Both morphological forms of blastospore and pseudomycelium are capable of a biofilm formation, but strains capable of growth only in the form of blastospores produce only residual biofilm. The transcription factor efg1 plays a key role in regulating the morphology and virulence of yeast
7. Candida communication and the ability to the biofilm formation
For the proper functioning of biofilm, communication between the cells and density regulation is necessary. These tasks are executed by small signaling particles called autoinducers and by responding to the generated signals within population in the
The active regulation of the process of detachment from biofilm surface layers, in the state of achieving critical concentration of cells inside, is a crucial role of signaling molecules [1].
8. Candida antibiotic resistance
Most drug resistance mechanisms to antifungal agents are the results of gene mutations. Usually, these are point mutations of genes encoding drug-binding molecules, enzymes of metabolic pathways, or transcription factors [22]. Such mutations are stable and their acquisition takes time. It is believed that they are the expression of a cell response to chronic stress, for example, resistance-inducing azoles [23] or genetic aneuploidy [24], which changes the expression of multi-drug pump points or transcription factors. Antifungal drugs can also activate a classic, immediate response to a stress. Resistance acquired on this path does not involve the change of genetic material and is reversible, for example,
9. Candida biofilm and its drug resistance
Particularly dangerous from a clinical point of view is the ability of most clinically important
In the fight against
The use of high drug concentrations, for example, higher echinocandin doses used to treat endocarditis, is one of the proposed methods of fighting against
Hudson et al. [34] describe a novel form of amphotericin B, dextran aldehyde conjugate with amphotericin B, preservative gel formulation used in local treatment of infections (ligaments, vascular catheters, bones) caused by
Another method of fighting infections caused by
An interesting proposal seems to be the combination of antifungal preparations with widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their activity by inhibiting cyclooxygenase prevents yeasts filamentation and thus biofilm formation [32].
Recently, the synergistic effects of 2-adamantanamine, a structural analogue of antiviral amantadine, with fluconazole have been discovered. The mechanism of action is unknown, but it appears that 2-adamantanamine inhibits lanosterol 14-α-demethylase in the ergosterol cycle [32]. The patients’ safety of such association has not been established.
Attempts are also being made to use molecules responsible for biofilm communication. One of them is farnesol, which, more than in physiological concentration, leads to biofilm degradation. Its activity in mouse model studies
Pulmozyme preparation, comprising recombinant human deoxy ribonuclease (rkDNase), is currently used in inhalation therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis, which targets bacterial biofilm DNA [32].
10. Probable environmental circulation of Candida strains
Besides the most frequent fungal pathogen
According to the biochemical profiles, the tested strains were classified in two groups: (i) 24
The plasticity of
11. Conclusions
Biofilm-forming microorganisms, including
- 1.
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