Giardia intestinalis is a pathogenic protozoan, which is the causative agent of giardiasis. The Giardia trophozoite presents a cytoskeleton formed by specialized microtubular structures such as the ventral disk, four pairs of flagella, the median body, and the funis that are involved in cell division and differentiation. Because trophozoite motility and adhesion to the host intestinal cells are important processes mediated by the parasite cytoskeleton, the fine regulation of these elements may be directly related to the mechanisms that underlie infection. The organization of Giardia cytoskeleton at the ultrastructural level has been analyzed by different classical microscopy methods, including negative stain and chemical fixation for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the G. intestinalis cytoskeleton, emphasizing its structural organization and proteins involved in the maintenance of the structures as well as their functional role. These structures have been recently analyzed in some detail using techniques such as electron microscopy tomography, cryoelectron microscopy, ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscopy (UHRSEM), and helium ion microscopy (HIM). In addition, genome survey and phylogenetic analysis as well as proteomic analysis have revealed the presence of several new and not yet well-characterized proteins.
- Giardia intestinalis
- cytoskeleton
- ventral disk
- flagella
- median body
- funis
- microfilaments
1. Introduction
2. Cytoskeleton structures
2.1. Ventral disk
2.1.1. Structural organization
The attachment of
Observation made by several microscopy techniques shows clearly that the disk is not a homogeneous structure displaying several regions [14, 18]. High-resolution micrographs obtained by ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM), helium ion microscopy (HIM), and cryo-electron microscopy tomography show the existence of different domains of the ventral disk [14, 18]. In a recent work, Brown et al. [14] suggested the presence of six regions. We will briefly describe each one, comparing results obtained by several groups, then add additional two regions.
The first region, designated as the dense band microtubule nucleation zone (Figure 2a), comprises an area of microtubules nucleation where the microtubules which continue into the disk body are assembled and another area containing a bundle of approximately 20 short microtubules [14], known as supernumerary microtubules [13], which curve slightly opposite to the main disk spiral [18] (Figure 2a). It is important to point out that microribbons have not been associated with the microtubules found in the dense zone [14].
The second region is the central one, also known as the “bare area” where microtubules-microribbons complexes have not been seen [19] (Figures 2a and 3a). In this zone, the protrusion of the ventral disk, a projection of the ventral plasma membrane, is clearly observed [20]. When trophozoite cell membrane is extracted with detergents, the banded collars and the basal bodies are observed in this region [18, 21] (Figures 2a and 3a). Using ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscopy (UHRSEM) and HIM, Gadelha et al. [18] showed that there were two types of banded collars. Previously named as BC1 and BC2 [21] (Figure 3a), the collars were repeated on both sides of the cell. BC1 appeared as a belt-shaped structure with a thickness of 275 nm. It was associated with the basal bodies of the right caudal/posterior-lateral flagella, when cells were observed dorsally, yet associated with the left caudal/ventral flagella when the cells were observed ventrally [18] (Figure 3b). The BC2 was seen as a rope-shaped structure, presenting horizontal segments connected by short bridges. BC2 was continuous with the basal bodies of the left caudal/posterior-lateral flagella (dorsal view) and the right caudal/ventral flagella (ventral view) [18] (Figure 3c). Using electron tomography, Brown et al. [14] described this region (BC2) as a dense band composed of three distinct bands. As pointed out by Gadelha et al. [18], each BC2 presented a set of microtubules: the disk microtubules originated from the basal bodies associated with the left BC2, and the previously described supernumerary microtubules originated from the basal bodies associated with the right BC2 (Figures 2a and 3a). It is not yet clear if the banded collars alone or in combination with the basal bodies could work as microtubule organizing centers that would drive the formation of a new ventral disk. Feely et al. [22] observed that isolated banded collars would have the capacity to nucleate new microtubules. Using electron tomography, Brown et al. [14] demonstrated that microtubules emerged from dense bands of two or three layers of densely packed microtubules end.
The third and fourth disk regions are the dorsal and ventral overlap zones (Figures 2a and 3a). Short microribbons (30–40 nm) are connected to the microtubules found in the dorsal overlap zones and the space between each microtubule is reduced (about 25 nm) [14]. In the ventral overlap zone, the microribbons are longer (50–60 nm) and the distance between the microtubules is larger (60 nm) [14]. A greater amount of microtubule-associated proteins’ density, previously known as side-arms and paddles [16], is observed in the ventral zone than in the dorsal zone.
The fifth region is the disk body considered as the region where no microtubules overlap (Figures 2a and 3a). At this region, the inter microtubular space is of about 70 nm, microribbons have a length of 100 nm, and the cross-bridges connecting the microtubules-microribbons complexes present a periodicity of 16 nm [14].
The sixth region is the ventral groove, which is an area located underneath the “bare area”. In this region, the disk bridges are shorter and more resistant to breakage after detergent treatment, suggesting that they could be more rigid structures than those of the disk body (authors’ unpublished data). As observed previously by transmission electron microscopy [13], in the central region of the disk, overlying the slightly flattened roof of the ventral chamber, the lateral separation of the microtubules transform abruptly displaying a shorter interval between them. It is possible that the microtubules of this region are kept more closely packed due to the friction of the ventral flagella that emerges near this region and whose beating contributed to cell adhesion and motility [11, 13, 15]. The seventh region is the margin where the microtubules that nucleate at the dense band microtubule nucleation zone end. Microribbons of the marginal region of the disk are shortened and bent toward the disk center as they approach the plus-end and the margin [14]. The cross-bridges, which connect microribbons laterally, form a 16 nm axial repeats in the same way as those observed in the disk body. Volume averaging of microtubule–microribbon complexes reveals that microtubule-associated protein density and distribution in the margin are similar to the dorsal overlap zone, but much lower than in the disk body or the ventral overlap zone [14].
The eighth region is the lateral crest (Figure 4a), which has been described as a dense fibrous material in the periphery of ventral disk [11, 23]. As pointed by Gadelha et al. [18], this region was interconnected with the ventral disk and presented small filaments (Figure 4b). The low levels of cholesterol and intramembrane proteins found in this region may be associated with a great flexibility of this structure, facilitating the contraction of the outer part of the ventral disk [24]. Previous papers reported labeling for actin, myosin, α-actinin, and tropomyosin in the periphery of the ventral disk in an area that corresponded to the lateral crest [25]. Based on these observations, it was proposed that contractile activity of this region occurred during
2.1.2. Composition
Several approaches have been used to identify the main components of the ventral disk. Since the first studies by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), it was clear that microtubules represented the major structural component of the disk. TEM studies also revealed the presence of the microribbons, another important structure. Several proteins designated as giardins have been associated with this structure. Molecular analysis demonstrated that
Palm et al. [40] carried out a proteomic analysis of the cytoskeleton preparation and reported the presence of a family of giardins (α-1, β, γ, and δ) and two isoforms of tubulin and a new protein, SALP-1, which is homologous to proteins that participate in the aggregation of striate fibers. Subsequently, a proteomic analysis was carried out by Lourenço et al. [41] using a cell fractionation approach. They obtained a highly enriched disk fraction that by SDS-PAGE showed the presence of five predominant bands, ranging from 25 to 58 kDa, as well as some light bands with higher molecular weight. Two-dimensional electrophoresis of the fraction revealed the presence of 18 spots. Mass spectrometry analysis of the major bands found by SDS-PAGE and of the spots identified in 2D gels revealed the presence of several additional proteins. More recently, in a seminal work Hagen et al. [26] also isolated an enriched disk fraction and used shotgun proteomics to identify its protein composition. They found 102 proteins potentially associated with the disk. In addition, several of these proteins were GFP-tagged and localized, using immunofluorescence microscopy. Six of the novel disk-associated proteins (DAPs) were localized in the whole disk in addition to those 18 previously identified [26]. Ten of the new proteins were localized in the lateral crest or along the outside edge of the ventral disk, including the Nek kinase DAP13981, a putatively contractile repetitive structure. Two novel proteins were localized in the supernumerary microtubules, which emerge from the central “bare zone” close to the flagellar basal bodies. Using the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique, evidence obtained showed that most of the identified proteins are associated with stable structures [26].
Microtubule inner proteins were also described in the ventral disk and were associated with the inner wall of the protofilaments associated with the interface microribbon-microtubules [16]. Microtubule outer proteins associated with protofilaments, localized opposite to microribbons, were also observed. A dense protein coat (previously named side-arms and paddle) of unknown composition is also observed on the margin-facing side of the microtubules [16]. In recent years, proteomic approaches combined with microscope localization technique were carried out and new disk-associated proteins were identified such as the NIMA-related kinases (Neks), ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein, median body protein, and fungal cell wall protein Mp1p. These proteins have specific sites involved in cell adhesion and TTHERM, a hypothetical protein associated with the microtubule formation in the ciliate
2.1.3. Function
The ventral disk has been considered the main structure associated with the parasite attachment to the host cell. The exact mechanism by which this occurs is still under study. In this context, several hypotheses have been raised to explain this process. Holberton’s observations of the movement of the ventral flagella during cell adhesion led to the proposal of the hydrodynamic model [13, 42]. According to this theory, the suction pressure developed by the disk takes place due to the beat of the ventral flagella and the fluid flow generated by this beat through the ventro-lateral flange and the ventral groove. The authors suggested that the ventral disk would be responsible for maintaining the proper shape for creating both the suction pressure and the distance between the flange and the substrate [13, 42]. The adhesive activity of the flange was demonstrated by Hagen et al. [43]. Using interference reflection microscopy and field emission electron microscopy, these authors observed the establishment of focal contacts between the flange and the substrate [43]. Lenaghan et al. [44] showed that the ventral flagella presented a propulsive velocity of 9.4 μm/s and proposed, based on the hydrodynamic model described by [13], a suction pressure of 20.8 Pa. The main functional role of this flagella pair would then be related to the downward force required for the adhesion to the epithelium.
In contrast to the above-mentioned reports, Campanati et al. [45] suggested that the ventral flagella play a secondary role in the adhesion process. This was demonstrated with experiments where the viscosity of the medium was increased with a gradient concentration of Percoll, thereby decreasing the frequency of the flagella and checking the adhesion of the parasites. These authors found that even though the frequency of the ventral flagella decreased to about 2 Hz, many trophozoites remained adhered. They also observed contractions of the ventral disk, which consequently caused the detachment of the parasite [45]. Based on these observations, they suggested that the adhesion is not only associated with the flagellar movements; this process might also rely on other factors such as tubulin-associated movements within the ventral disk itself [45]. Using total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF) of trophozoites labeled with a fluorescent plasma membrane dye, House et al. [46] defined distinct stages of attachment: (1) skim and contact of the surface with the anterior region of the ventro-lateral flange, (2) the ventral disk periphery touches the surface, forming a continuous contact at the area of the lateral crest, (3) the lateral shield then presses the substrate, and (4) then presses the bare area region within the ventral disk. Defects in flagellar motility do not affect later stages of the attachment (steps 2–4). This was demonstrated by the generation of a strain with defects in flagellar beating by a morpholino-based knockdown of the axonemal central pair protein PF16 as well as by construction of a strain with specific defects for the ventral flagellar waveform by overexpressing a dominant negative gene. House et al. [46] observed a slower attachment during earlier stages when motility is required for positioning the ventral disk against the substrate surface (step 1). They proposed that the ventral flagellar beating might contribute to the positioning of the cell during early stages of attachment [46]. Interestingly, Woessner and Dawson [47] demonstrated that the depletion of the median body protein, a ventral disk protein, altered the domed disk conformation, and consequently, the attachment.
In addition to the mechanical mode of adhesion of this parasite to intestinal cells, as described above, other studies suggest that biochemical mechanisms involving molecular lectin-sugar interactions on the surface of
Transmission electron microscopy analysis also showed that during cell division, the ventral disk contacts the nucleus, suggesting that this structure could cause nuclear constriction, participating in the karyokinesis process [51].
2.2. Flagella
2.2.1. Structural organization
The flagella structure of
Previous studies reported that
2.2.2. Composition
A number of proteins other than tubulin are found in the
2.2.3. Functions
Regarding the
In relation to the displacement of the trophozoite, the results found are complex. Video-microscopy observations done by Campanati et al. [45] showed that forward movement with a rocking motion was due to the beat of the anterior flagella of the cell. A change in the position of this pair of the flagella led to the rotation movement during swimming [45]. Subsequently, Lenaghan et al. [44] suggested that the fast swimming of the parasite was not the result of flagella beating, but was due to the wave-like motion of the caudal region of the cell. This movement could be the result of the active beating of the intracellular portion of the caudal flagella, which would be responsible for the dorsal-ventral flexion [44]. Another movement related to the caudal portion of the cell is lateral bending [45, 70]. This motion was observed in an early stage of attachment and was responsible for the circling swimming pattern [44]. Following the lateral flexion, a change in the direction of swimming occurs, which could be consequence of either the beating of anterior and/or ventral pair beating [44, 70].
Besides participation in the cell displacement, the
The role of flagellar motility during cell differentiation and division is not yet clear. During the encystment, the flagella are not completely disarranged and flagellar movement has been observed within cysts [68]. During excystation, the flagellar motion appears to be crucial for the rupture of the cystic wall and release of the trophozoites [71]. Flagellar motility seems to be essential for the separation of daughter cells during cell division. Tumová et al. [72] showed that in the final steps of this process, the cell detaches from the substrate. During this phase, the cells are seen joined by their posterior region and swim freely in the medium while the ventral disk is assembled. Interestingly, studies using kinesin-2 mutants showed that these parasites were unable to complete cell division due to flagellar defects [73].
2.3. Median body
2.3.1. Structural organization, composition, and function
The median body is another microtubular element of the
2.4. Funis
2.4.1. Structural organization, composition, and function
The axonemes of the caudal flagella are accompanied by two sheets of microtubules, which were called
2.5. Filament network
It has been shown that
2.6. Behavior of the cytoskeleton during differentiation and cell division
The differentiation of trophozoites into cysts is an important process that allows the survival of the parasite under stress conditions of the environmental milieu. Morphological analyses using scanning and transmission electron microscopy show that during trophozoite-cyst transformation, several modifications occur [68, 83, 84]. Midlej and Benchimol [68] showed that in the early stages of encystment, the trophozoite gradually changes from its flattened form to an oval/rounded shape. This is accomplished by an increase in the membranous structure of the flange, which curves, causing cell folding and the formation of the concave depression in the ventral region. In addition, the fibrillar material is deposited gradually on the encysting cells forming the cystic wall. At the same time, alterations also occur in the ventral disk spiral, which opens up and then assumed a horse-shaped structure. In the later stages of encystment, this structure fragments into four parts. These authors also observed that during differentiation of the trophozoite-cyst, the flagella are gradually internalized and kept in vacuoles. The ventral flagella are enclosed firstly by folding of the flange membrane. The last flagella to be internalized are the caudal that form a tail that persists until the last stages of the process. The flagella beating are still observed inside the cell. Midlej and Benchimol [68] demonstrated also the presence of an operculum in the final stage of the encystment, before the complete closing of the cyst. They suggested that this opening could be a weak region of the cyst, which would facilitate the exit of the trophozoite observed during encystment. During differentiation of the cyst into trophozoites, the flagella protrude through a small opening in the cyst wall, which is enlarged by flagella motion. The trophozoites emerged from cyst are oval in shape and quickly become flattened and elongate [71, 85].
The reorganization of the
The rearrangement of the flagellar axonemes seems to take place in prophase when nuclear migration occurs in the cell midline [58]. Using light and electron microscopy and immunofluorescence methods, Nohýnková et al. [56] demonstrated that
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