Summary of clinical studies into pain management with laser acupuncture.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Qi flows through the body along specific paths known as meridians. Any disturbance in Qi evokes a Ying−Yang imbalance in the body, and consequently leads to disease. Pain results from blood stasis and Qi stagnation. Laser acupuncture (LA), first introduced clinically in the 1970s, combines the advantages of traditional acupuncture and modern laser medicine and has been applied for the treatment of various diseases. Here, we investigated studies on the use of LA for pain management according to current evidence. Articles including English keywords related to the use of LA for pain, published between January 2006 and August 2015 were sourced from PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane Library databases. On the basis of these papers, we explored the modern applications, mechanisms, and analgesic effects of LA. LA integrates the positive effects of acupuncture and low-level laser therapy, and is therefore effective in activating blood and in moving Qi. LA relieves pain through both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. No adverse effects or complications resulting from LA were reported in the literature. In the hands of an experienced physician, LA can be a useful and safe method for pain management.
- laser acupuncture
- low-level laser therapy
- acupuncture
- pain
- traditional Chinese medicine
1. Introduction
Although written accounts of acupuncture date back over 2000 years, archaeological evidence suggests more than 3000 years of practice. According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), energy (or Qi) flows through the body along specific paths known as meridians. Balanced Qi contributes to the maintenance of good health. On the other hand, any disturbance in Qi results in an energy imbalance in the body. This imbalance, either an excess or a deficiency, may then result in disease [1]. Both blood stasis and Qi stagnation will lead to pain [2]. In 1996, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed 64 indications for acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture treats the underlying diseases by stimulating specific acupuncture points along the meridians. Acupuncture is one of the most common types of alternative treatments for patients who suffer from long-term pain. Moreover, it is a relatively safe procedure with minimal adverse effects [3]. Even though acupuncture has been proven to be effective for many therapeutic applications, metal needling is not widely accepted owing to fear of possible contamination or transcutaneous lesions [4]. Consequently, following the theory of TCM, the use of low-level laser on acupuncture points has been developed as a new therapeutic approach called laser acupuncture (LA) [5, 6].
LA was first introduced clinically in the 1970s [7]. It has been widely studied over several years to turn it into an evidence-based clinical practice. The use of low-intensity and nonthermal laser irradiation stimulation of acupuncture points is an effective alternative to traditional metal needling; it is a safe technique because it is noninvasive and is acceptable to needle-phobic persons. Thus, LA can be used at acupuncture points that require complicated applications of needles [1, 8]. The laser beam is an electromagnetic wave and can stimulate acupuncture points in the human body by depositing energy without causing heating. In contrast to needling, acupuncture points irradiated by a laser beam need to receive sufficient energy to induce a physiological effect at the cellular level based on the principle of “photobiomodulation.” The beam excites the relevant channels and activities, regulates the function of organs, and promotes metabolism. Recently, several papers have reported that the decisive factor in the efficacy of LA is the applied dosage [5, 9–11].
Although the mechanisms underlying LA are not well understood, LA is widely applied clinically. LA is also referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), with 0.1–0.5 J/cm2 deposited per acupuncture point, or 1–4 J/cm2 per Ashi point [12]. LLLT has an anti-inflammatory function because it can reduce the levels of certain biochemical factors (prostaglandin E2, messenger ribonucleic acid cyclooxygenase-2, interleukin (IL)-1β, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α), neutrophil influx, oxidative stress, edema, and hemorrhaging [13]. Analgesia induced by laser phototherapy is mediated by peripheral opioid receptors [14]. Nevertheless, LA has both local and distant analgesic effects, which may be mediated by different mechanisms. LA combines the advantages of traditional metal-needle acupuncture and LLLT. This chapter on managing pain by LA focuses on how LA may be an alternative method of relieving pain and improving functional outcomes.
2. Review of the clinical literature
Clinical literature in electronic databases—PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library—was surveyed using the terms “laser acupuncture”, “low level laser therapy”, and “pain”, published from January 2006 to August 2015. All papers had to meet the following criteria: randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that considered a control group (either placebo, sham LA, nonstandard traditional acupuncture, or other therapeutic equipment) and retrospective/prospective clinical studies in which LA/LLLT was used. Studies cited in review articles were also included. Papers published in languages other than English were excluded. Conference abstracts, single-case studies, and paper for which full text was not available were also excluded.
Among the reviewed literature, most studies targeted myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, tendinopathy, radiculopathy, osteoarthritis (OA), low back pain, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), and headache. These are discussed below.
2.1. Myofascial pain
Kiralp et al. [15] reported a RCT in which 43 patients with myofascial pain were enrolled, and showed the positive effect of LA as compared to prilocaine injection. Eight other RCTs also showed the pain-relieving effect of LA; some of these focused on myofascial pain over the cervical region [16, 17], masseter [18], masticatory muscles [19, 20], trapezius [21, 22], or trigger points [23]. The consistency of these trials highlighted the efficacy of LA in the treatment of myofascial pain.
2.2. Fibromyalgia
Two RCTs showed different results for LA treatment of fibromyalgia [24, 25]. Both of these studies obtained subjective pain presentation using a visual analog scale (VAS), the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), and other measures. Armagan et al. [24] reported positive results of LA for treating the pain of fibromyalgia. The difference between these studies was the dose and power density. Armagan et al. set the parameters of LA to 830 nm, 2 J/point, and 50 mW. These results suggested that the treatment effect of LA was inconclusive in fibromyalgia or that the power density used should be sufficiently high to manage the pain in this disease group.
2.3. Tendinopathy
Two RCTs showed positive results of LA in pain management of lateral epicondylitis (LE) [26, 27], also known as tennis elbow. Emanet et al. [27] reported that even though LA had no short-term advantage over the placebo in patients with LE, there was a significant long-term improvement, especially in functional parameters. Another RCT reported that LA had a treatment effect equal to that of ultrasound [28]. Moreover, a systemic review revealed that applying LLLT to myofascial trigger points of LE patients was an effective treatment for pain reduction and also led to increase in grip force, range of motion (ROM), and weight test [9]. As for tendomyopathy of the masticatory musculature, the pilot study showed inconclusive results because there were few participants [19].
2.4. Radiculopathy
Konstantinovic et al. [29] performed an RCT that enrolled 60 patients with acute neck pain with cervical radiculopathy. After a 3-week LA treatment, VAS, neck movement, neck disability index, and quality of life indicated the positive effect of LA. Radiculopathy of other spinal segments was not reported.
2.5. Osteoarthritis
Among the four RCTs on the use of LA in treating the pain of knee OA, two showed a positive result [30, 31], one was inconclusive [32], and the other one reported efficacy after 2 weeks of treatment but not at the 4-week assessment [33]. However, the RCT showed the inconclusive result for only one point, ST35. An inappropriate dose or insufficient irradiation at a point may be the reason for the poor treatment effect.
2.6. Low back pain
Glazov et al. [34] had reported negative result for the use of LA to relieve low back pain in their study, in which LA was applied to local points of three meridians (Bladder, Gallbladder, and Governor vessel) and Ashi points. Subsequently, Glazov [35] reported another RCT, in which 100 patients with low back pain were enrolled, and found a positive result for pain management with LA. However, the parameter settings used for the second RCT were not described. Therefore, we were not able to determine the differences that contributed to the successful treatment. Nevertheless, further two RCTs showed a positive response for low back pain treated with LA [36, 37].
2.7 Temporomandibular joint disorder
In our literature search, all four RCTs suggested a positive treatment effect for LA in treating the pain associated with TMD [4, 38–40]. Occlusal splinting is the nonsurgical standard treatment for this condition in dental clinics. In two RCTs, LA was found to be as effective as occlusal splinting in relieving TMD-associated pain [39, 40]. LA could be an alternative treatment choice to occlusal splinting. Sattayut and Bradley [41] compared low- and high-grade LA and found that high-grade LA, i.e., 820 nm, 107 J/cm2, and 300 mW, showed a superior treatment effect. More recently, Hu et al. [42] clearly showed the therapeutic effects of LA in managing treatment-resistant TMD. In our literature review, another two clinical trials revealed the benefit of LA therapy for TMD patients [43, 44].
2.8. Headache
Gottschling et al. [45] reported an RCT in which LA was used to treat headache in children and showed a decrease in the VAS score and monthly hours with headache. Interestingly, the treatment in this study consisted of only four treatment episodes, at a frequency of once a week, yet the improvement of symptoms was excellent. This study also focused on the meridian-based selection of irradiation points. The basic points for patients with frontal headache were LI4 and ST36; for lateral pain, they were TE6 and GB34; for occipital pain, they were SI3 and BL60, and for holocephalic pain, it was GV20. Additional body acupuncture points and ear acupuncture points were chosen individually. The combination of TCM meridian theory with LA energy treatment seemed to provide a better effect than simply irradiating the tender points.
2.9. Others
Chow et al. [17] reported that chronic neck pain of any etiology could be treated successfully with a program of 14 LA treatments over a period of 7 weeks. Ip and Fu [46] reported a prospective cohort study that proved the treatment efficacy of LA in painful adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.
3. Conclusions
We have presented evidence supporting the use of LA in the management for various types of pain (Table 1). LA is a noninvasive technique involving the stimulation of traditional acupuncture points with low-intensity laser irradiation. LA has the advantages of being painless and safe as no heat is generated during the procedure, and it is more effective in some medical conditions and requires less time than needle-based acupuncture [47]. No adverse effects or complications resulting from LA have been reported in any study to date. The effectiveness of LA in managing pain depends on the selection of appropriate points and frequencies. Insufficient energy and very few therapeutic sessions will result in ineffective therapy. In conclusion, LA combines the positive effects of traditional Chinese acupuncture and LLLT, and is therefore effective in both activating blood and moving Qi. LA relieves pain through both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. As experienced physicians, we should optimize laser parameters, treatment intervals, and long-term follow-up for LA therapy.
Study | Study design | Subjects | Diagnosis | Control | Intervention time |
Wavelength | Dose | Power | Irradiation time (s) | Acupoints | Outcome measure | Results |
Kiralp et al. [15] | RCT | 43 | Myofascial pain syndrome | Prilocaine injection | 4 weeks (12 sessions) | — | — | — | 180 | Trigger points in the neck, shoulder, and back muscles |
VAS, VPS, pressure pain threshold by pressure algometer |
Positive in pressure algometer |
Chow et al. [17] | RCT | 90 | Chronic neck pain | Placebo | 7 weeks (14 sessions) |
830 nm | 0.67 W/cm2 | 300 mW | 30 | Tender points |
VAS | Positive |
Armagan et al. [24] | RCT | 32 | Fibromyalgia | Placebo | 2 weeks (10 sessions) | 830 nm | 2 J/point | 50 mW | 60 | Tender points | NTP, FIQ, morning stiffness, VSGI, and total myalgia score |
Positive |
Yurtkuran et al. [30] | RCT | 52 | Knee OA | Placebo | 2 weeks (10 sessions) | 904 nm | 0.48 J | 10 mW | 120 | SP9 | VAS, 50-foot walking time, KC, MTS, WOMAC, NHP |
Improvement in KC |
Mazzetto et al. [38] | RCT | 48 | TMD | Placebo | 4 weeks (8 sessions) | 708 nm | 89.7 J/cm2 | 70 mW | 10 | One point inside the external auditive duct |
VAS | Positive |
Matsutani et al. [25] | RCT | 20 | Fibromyalgia | Stretching plus LLLT versus no laser |
End of intervention | 830 nm | 3 J/cm2 | 30 mW | — | — | VAS, dolorimetry at tender points, FIQ, SF-36 |
Negative |
Lam and Cheing [26] | RCT | 39 | Lateral epicondylitis |
Placebo | 3 weeks (9 sessions) | 904 nm | 2.4 J/cm2 | 25 mW | 11 | Tender points | VAS, DASH questionnaire |
Positive |
Dundar et al. [16] | RCT | 64 | Cervical Myofascial pain |
Placebo | 3 weeks (15 sessions) | 830 nm | 7 J/point | 58 mW | 120 | Trigger points | VAS, ROM, neck disability index |
Positive |
Shen et al. [31] | RCT | 48 | Knee OA | Combined laser versus red light |
3 times/week for 2 weeks then 2 times/week for 4 weeks |
650 nm semiconductor laser plus 10.6 μm CO2 laser |
— | — | — | ST35 | WOMAC | Positive but in-conclusive difference |
Gottschling et al. [45] | RCT | 43 | Headache in children |
Placebo | 4 weeks (4 sessions) | 830 nm | 0.9 J/point | 30 mW | 30 | LI4, ST36; TE6, GB34; SI3, BL60; GV20 |
VAS; monthly hours with headache |
Positive |
Shirani et al. [20] | RCT | 16 | Myofascial pain of masticatory system |
Placebo | 3 weeks (6 sessions) | 660 nm; 890 nm | 6.2 J/cm2; 1 J/cm2 | 17.3mW; 9.8 W | 180; 600 | Tender points | VAS | Positive |
Shen et al. [32] | RCT | 40 | Knee OA | Placebo | 4 weeks (12 sessions) | 650 nm semiconductor laser plus 10.6 μm CO2 laser |
— | 36 mW; 200 mW | 1200 | ST35 | WOMAC | In-conclusive |
Glazov et al. [34] | RCT | 100 | Chronic non-specific low back pain |
Placebo | 5–10 sessions | 830 nm | 0.2 J/point | 10 mW | 20 | Points on BL, GB, GV meridians; Ashi points |
Negative |
Carrasco et al. [23] | RCT | 60 | Myofascial pain | Placebo | 4 weeks (8 sessions) | 780 nm | 25, 60 and 105 J/cm2 | — | — | Trigger point | — | Positive |
Zhao et al. [33] | RCT | 40 | Knee OA | Non-acupoint sham control | 4 weeks (12 sessions) | 650 nm semiconductor laser plus 10.6 μm CO2 laser |
650 nm laser energy of 43.2 J ; 10.6 μm laser energy of 120 J |
36 mW; 200 mW | 1200 | ST35 | WOMAC | Positive after 2 weeks treatment, but not at 4 weeks |
Öz et al. [39] | RCT | 40 | Myofascial pain due to TMD |
occlusal splint | 5 weeks (10 sessions) | 820 nm | 3 J/cm2 | 300 mW | — | — | VAS | As effective |
Katsoulis et al. [19] | Pilot study | 11 | Tendomyopathy of masticatory musculature |
Placebo | 3 weeks (6 sessions) | 690 nm | 40-60 J | 40 mW | 900 | ST6, SI18, SI3, LI4 | VAS | In-conclusive |
Glazov [35] | RCT | 100 | Low back pain | Placebo | 5–10 sessions | — | — | — | — | — | VAS | Positive |
Hotta et al. [43] | Clinical trial | 10 | TMD | No treatment | 10 weeks (10 sessions) | 780 nm | 35 J/cm2 | 70 mW | 20 | LI4, HT3, ST6, ST7 | EMG, VAS | Positive |
Konstantinovic et al. [29] |
RCT | 60 | Acute neck pain with cervical radiculopathy |
Placebo | 3 weeks (15 sessions) | 905 nm | 2 J/cm2 | 12 mW/cm2 | 120 | Lateral to spinous process and the two next spinal segment |
VAS, neck movement, neck disability index, quality of life |
Positive |
Lee and Han [21] | RCT | 24 | Myofascial trigger point pain |
Placebo | End of intervention | 830 nm | 386, 771, 1929 J/cm2 | 450 mW | 1, 2, 5 min | Trigger points | PPT | Positive in 5 min |
Emanet et al. [27] | RCT | 50 | Lateral epicondylitis | Placebo | 3 weeks (15 sessions) | 905 nm | 1 J/cm2 | — | 120 | Two most sensitive points around the lateral epicondyle |
VAS, tenderness, DASH questionnaire, PRTEE test, pain-free grip strength, NHP questionnaire |
Positive in long-term evaluation (12 weeks) |
Skorupska et al. [28] | RCT | 80 | Tennis elbow | Ultrasound | 10 days with a weekend break (10 sessions) |
820 ± 10 nm | 1; 5 J/cm2 | 400 mW | — | Trigger points | Algometer, VAS, DASH questionnaire, and hand grip strength |
Equally effective |
Kannan [22] | RCT | 45 | Myofascial pain of upper trapezius |
ultrasound ; ischemic compression |
5 days (5 sessions) | 904 nm | 74 mJ/cm2 | — | 30 | Trigger points | VAS, provocative pain test, active lateral bending of the cervical spine |
Positive |
Sattayut and Bradley [41] | RCT | 30 | Temporomandibular joint disorder |
Low-energy-density laser versus high-energy versus placebo |
1 week (3 sessions) | 820 nm | 21.4, 107 J/cm2 | 60 mW; 300 mW | — | 3 points around TMJ; 3 most tender trigger points |
Positive in higher energy group |
Lin et al. [36] | RCT | 60 | Low back pain | Placebo | 5 days (5 sessions) | 808 nm | 15 J/cm2 | 40 mW | 600 | BL40; Ashi acupoints |
VAS, Ryodoraku | Positive |
Ferreira et al. [4] | RCT | 40 | TMD | Placebo | 3 months (12 sessions) |
780 nm | 112.5 J/cm2 | 50 mW | 90 | ST6, SI19, GB20, GB43, LI4, LR3, NT3, EX-HN3 |
VAS | Positive |
Uemoto et al. [18] | RCT | 21 | Myofascial pain syndrome of masseter muscle |
Anesthetic injection, dry needling, placebo |
8 days (4 sessions) | 795 nm | Right: 4 J/cm2; Left: 8 J/cm2 | 80 mW | — | Trigger points | Surface EMG, mouth opening, VAS |
Positive |
Huang et al. [44] | Clinical trial | 20 | TMD | Placebo | Once a week till symptom relief or 3 weeks of no improvement |
800 nm | 100.5 J/cm2 | 0.75 W/cm2 | 134 | ST6, ST7, LI4 and one local Ashi point |
VAS | Positive |
Demirkol et al. [40] | RCT | 30 | Myofascial pain due to TMD |
occlusal splint; placebo | 10 days (10 sessions) | 1064 nm | 8 J/cm2 | 250 mW | 20 | Trigger points | VAS | As effective as occlusal splint |
Hu et al. [42] | Clinical trial | 29 | Treatment-resistant TMD | — | 4 weeks (12 sessions) | 810 nm | 7.5–26.25 J/cm2 | 5 W/cm2 | 5 sec (acupoint); 40 sec (Ashi point) |
ST7, ST6, LI4 and Ashi point |
VAS, MMO | Positive |
Shin et al. [37] | RCT | 56 | Low back pain | Sham laser | 1 week (3 sessions) | 660 nm | — | 50 mW | 180 | GV3, GV4, GV5, BL23, BL24, BL25, BL40, GB30 |
Positive |
Ip and Fu [46] | Prospective cohort study | 50 | Painful adhesive capsulitis of shoulder |
— | 8 week (24 sessions) | 810 nm | 5.4 J/point | 20 mW/cm2 | 20–30 | 6 anatomic points; SI11, SI12 |
Constant Murley shoulder score |
Positive |
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