Parameters for environment characterization.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the demand for high capacity wireless connectivity is endless. Radiofrequency networks try to meet this demand but strict regulations and the increasing number of users mean service providers have to look for new alternatives to radio communications. Wireless optical communications could be a practical solution.
Among optical communication systems, visible light communications (VLC), first proposed by researchers at Keio University in Tokyo [1, 2], have prompted great interest in the scientific community in the last few years [3, 4, 5]. There have also been regulatory efforts made in this technology that have led to the appearance of a standard [6]. These new VLC systems, based on the use of sustainable, energy-efficient, visible LED (light-emitting diode) lamps [7] to simultaneously transmit information together with their normal use as illumination devices, share the same advantages as their infrared counterparts [8]. They are also eye-safe (visible light is not harmful to the human eye), which enables the use of higher transmission powers. However, the main drawback is the limited transmission bandwidth of current LED devices, typically several MHz, and whose enhancement has been one of the main issues addressed by researchers [9, 10, 11, 12].
This chapter describes the characteristics of MIMO-OFDM schemes applied to multi-user visible light communications, comparing the capacity of both non-imaging and imaging reception to separate the information corresponding to each individual user.
2. The indoor wireless visible-light optical channel
The indoor wireless visible-light optical channel is basically composed of three elements: the emitting sources (the visible-light LED lamps), the room where lamp emissions are enclosed and the optical receiver. In this section, the different components of the communication channel are described thoroughly, highlighting their impact on the effective channel bandwidth.
2.1. Emitting sources
Visible-light LED lamps are commonly made up of a significant number of single chips, each presenting a generalized Lambertian radiation pattern, typically of
Fig. 1 shows the
In the PSD of a WLED, the blue component comprises approximately 50% of the power emitted by the device [4]. In most communication applications, this component will solely be detected by filtering the phosphorescent one to attain high data rates.
In visible-light communications, it is important to remember the relationship between photometric and radiometric quantities [23], as LED lamps are used as illumination devices too. The
The normalization factor 683 lm/W denotes that a monochromatic 1-W optical source emitting at 555 nm, where photopic eye sensitivity is maximal (see
This describes the conversion efficiency from the LED power to luminosity. The
Fig. 2 depicts the direct illuminance at the working plane (0.75-m height) of a room with two large windows (see parameters for characterization study in Table 1), due to the line-of-sight (LOS) component, i.e. the one generated by the LED lamps in their direct paths to the illuminated point. When considering the reflection of light on walls and windows (see Fig. 3), the values of illuminance are significantly enhanced and this becomes more uniform at the working plane. In this last case, we can verify that standard levels for workplaces (> 400 lx) are clearly achieved [26].
2.2. Reflective surfaces
Rough reflective surfaces commonly present a purely diffuse reflection pattern, as shown in Fig. 4(a), i.e. they do not favor any particular direction after reflection regardless of the incidence angle. Moreover, this reflection pattern follows Lambert’s model with mode number
Room size (length × width × height): | 7.5 m × 5.5 m × 3.5 m | ||
Number of LED arrays (lamps): | 6 (3 × 2) | ||
Number of LEDs per array: | 900 (30 × 30) | ||
Dimensions of each LED array: | 0.6 m × 0.6 m | ||
Positions of LED arrays (central point)( |
array 1: (1.50, 1.50, 3.50) array 2: (3.75, 1.50, 3.50) array 3: (6.00, 1.50, 3.50) array 4: (1.50, 4.00, 3.50) array 5: (3.75, 4.00, 3.50) array 6: (6.00, 4.00, 3.50) |
Power of a single LED ( |
20 mW | ||
LED Lambertian mode number ( |
1 | ||
LED transmission bandwidth: | ∼ 15 MHz | ||
Receiver plane height: | 0.75 m | ||
Surface materials parameters: | |
Ceiling | 0.35 | 1 | - |
Floor | 0.55 | 1 | - |
Walls (plaster) | 0.69 | 1 | - |
Windows (glass) | 0.04 | 0 | 280 |
Windows dimensions (width × height): | 2.5 m × 1.5 m |
2.3. Optical receivers
In this section, two kinds of angle-diversity receivers will be considered [28]:
2.3.1. Imaging receiver
In a VLC scenario based on an imaging receiver, the lamps’ images are projected on an array of photodetectors (PD) by means of a lens, as depicted in Fig. 5. This projection can illuminate several detecting pixels. However, when the photodetecting surface is divided into a significant number of pixels, the lamps impressions will be spread out over different detecting areas, therefore being able to separate the information relative to each individual lamp. In this study, we will consider a paraxial optics approach, as in [13].
In a lens of
Fig. 7 depicts the received light intensity images projected, through the lens, onto the photodetector surface for three different positions of the imaging receiver in the room, as specified in Fig. 7(a). Here, not only LOS image is considered but also the reflections of light on the room’s surfaces. In Fig. 7(d), we can clearly recognize the reflections of lamps 5 and 6 on one of the windows, whereas for positions 1 and 2, the windows are out of the field of view of the receiver.
Actually, each photodetecting element (pixel) integrates the total light arriving to it; therefore, there will eventually be a 4×4 image. However, this figure is interesting to illustrate which lamps directly illuminate a certain pixel and to see how two lamps never illuminate a single pixel without at least one of these lamps also illuminating another pixel. As we will see, this characteristic of imaging receivers is what makes them very appropriate for visible light communications.
2.3.2. Angle-diversity non-imaging receiver
An angle-diversity receiver makes use of multiple receiving elements (branches), oriented in different directions, to collect the power emitted from optical sources. Since each element has a different view of its environment, this diversified received signal can be used to separate the information relative to several users by using an appropriate multi-user detection scheme. Moreover, each receiving branch can be equipped with a
Fig. 8 depicts the equivalent FOV of a 7-branch non-imaging receiver with each branch having an individual FOV of 25° (the remaining parameters of the receiver are summarized in Table 2). Compared to the imaging receiver of section 2.3.1, its total equivalent FOV is 75°, and considering the individual single-element FOVs, the non-imaging receiver becomes very directed too. However, this structure, which requires a separate optical concentrator for each photodetector, is bulky and more costly than the imaging receiver, and, additionally, it does not provide so much diversity as the latter.
Detector physical area ( |
36 cm2 | Physical area of each PD ( |
2.25 cm2 | ||
Number of pixels ( |
16 (4×4) | Number of branches ( |
7 | ||
Pixel physical area ( |
2.25 cm2 | Concentrator FOV ( |
25° | ||
Lens f-number ( |
1 | Concentrator refractive index ( |
1.5 | ||
Lens diameter ( |
2 cm | Orientation of detector branches (elevation, azimuth): | (0°,0°), (50°,0°), (50°,60°), (50°,120°), (50°,180°), (50°,240°), (50°,300°) | ||
2.4. Simulation algorithm
In wireless optical communications, the optical link is typically established by means of
which is the Fourier transform of
where the “⊗” symbol denotes convolution and
In order to evaluate the impulse response on indoor wireless optical channels, several deterministic methods were first proposed [22]. However, these methods can only be implemented to determine the impulse response up to the third reflection due to their computational complexity. Later on, modified Monte Carlo-based ray-tracing algorithms were introduced, which present a lower computational cost and no limit to the number of reflections that can be considered [29, 30].
In these algorithms, ray directions are randomly generated according to the radiation pattern from the emitter. The contribution of each ray from the source or after a bounce to the receiver is computed deterministically. Consequently, the discretization error is due to the number of random rays. The line-of-sight (LOS) and multiple-bounce impulse responses are considered when calculating the total impulse response.
The LOS contribution to the received optical power at a certain detector, illustrated in Fig. 9(a), can be directly determined by using (9). In the case of non-imaging receivers, when they are equipped with a concentrator, their effective area
Additionally, when the communication is established in a room with reflectors, the radiation from the emitter can reach the receiver after any number of reflections, as depicted in Fig. 9(b) for the first-order reflection. In a ray-tracing algorithm, many rays are generated at the emitter position with a probability distribution equal to its normalized radiation pattern
where (
In the VLC multi-user application, each lamp is composed of a significant number
At the receiver end, the impulse responses
Fig. 10 shows the power balance at the receiver plane for the imaging receiver (see parameters for the study by referring to Table 1 and Table 2) when a blue filter is incorporated to enhance modulation bandwidth. Fig. 11 presents the same study results when, in its place, a non-imaging receiver is used (see Table 2 for parameters of this receiver). In both results, five reflections of light on walls have been considered, which ensures that at worst we are only neglecting less than 1% of received power if a greater number of reflections were considered. We can observe that the changes in power level when moving around the room are smoother for an imaging-receiver, but, more importantly, a non-imaging receiver offers a power gain of about 12 dB due to the use of the concentrator.
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 show the impulse responses for imaging and non-imaging receivers, respectively, when these are located at position 1, as indicated in Fig. 7(a). In the case of the imaging receiver, we can observe a clear connection between image of Fig. 7(b) and the obtained impulse responses. We can also verify that they are responses with a substantial LOS component (more than 80% of the received power, in the blue region, is due to this factor), in contrast with those at the non-imaging receiver, where multiple-bounce components, after the first large impulse, are more noteworthy (in this second case, the LOS components represent approximately 66% of the total received power). In spite of these components corresponding to reflections on walls, we can observe in Fig. 13 that users 3 and 6 are overshadowed by users 2 and 5, respectively, i.e. the first ones are practically delayed replicas of smaller intensity of the latter ones, which, as we will see, will limit maximum achievable joint data rates. This is something that does not occur in the imaging receiver case.
Finally, we have determined the available signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) throughout the room at the receiver plane. For that, we have considered the windows as planar Lambertian ambient light (noise) sources with spectral radiant emittance
In a well-designed receiver, and in the presence of intense background light, the shot noise is the dominant term in (18), and is given by [8]
Fig. 14 shows the available SNR throughout the room at the receiver plane for imaging and non-imaging receivers. The SNR values descend when approaching the windows, as expected, but they are considerably above 50 dB throughout the room for both types of receivers, with a not insignificant SNR gain in the case of non-imaging receivers.
3. The MIMO-OFDM system
Fig. 15 shows the block diagram of the MIMO-OFDM system for multi-user communications over an indoor wireless optical channel. As we can see in the transmitter structure, Σ
As we have
where the vector
where ()
each of which hosts the frequency domain channel transfer factor between the single emitter source associated with a particular user
3.1. Least squares error detector
Using a linear detector, an estimate
By substituting the received signal’s model of (20) and the LS estimation based weight matrix (25) into (24), we obtain
which indicates that the LS-estimate
where the
3.2. Frequency-domain channel transfer factor matrix estimation
From (25) and (27), we can observe that the LS detector requires knowledge of the transfer factor matrix
Note that
3.3. Rate adaptive algorithm
In this chapter, we will apply the rate adaptive algorithm described in [32]. Here, we will only describe it briefly. Effective demodulation SNR can be computed at receiver as follows (Fig. 16): after each OFDM symbol demodulation, the retrieved data bits are modulated again and the average SNR of received QAM symbols is computed, using outgoing QAM modulators symbols as reference (we are assuming error-free transmission). The calculation of the
The sub-band SNR value can be compared with switching levels for picking out the modulation mode (including ‘no transmission’, i.e.
A further improvement can be made if subcarriers with higher SNR values between two switching levels are prompted to use the next modulation mode, whenever the average error probability does not exceed the imposed threshold [32]. Let
4. Results and discussion
In this section, we will consider two communication scenarios. The first is concerned with jointly demodulating the information of all the users, which we will denote as
4.1. Joint detection
In this section, we show the results obtained with an adaptive MIMO-OFDM system based on LS detection, which can select the most appropriate modulation mode for each subcarrier from the 5-ary group (‘no transmission’, BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM). The main parameters of this adaptive MIMO-OFDM system are summarized in Table 3. In all the results presented below, the number of subcarriers is
Total number of subcarriers ( |
64 |
Number of information subcarriers ( |
48 |
Available modulation modes: | (‘no transmission’, BPSK,QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM) |
Maximum number of bits per subcarrier ( |
6 (64-QAM) |
OFDM symbol period ( |
4 μs |
Cyclic prefix extension ( |
8 |
Maximum aggregate throughput: | 432 Mbit/s |
Number of training sequences (TS): | 20 |
Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 show the system performance for imaging and non-imaging receivers, respectively; when the information from each user (lamp) is jointly demodulated at a particular position of the receiver. Fig. 17(a) presents the achievable average throughput (BPS,
Fig. 17(b) compares the system performance at the three receiver locations specified in Fig. 7(a). Once again, we observe a near-constant BER around the imposed threshold (
Fig. 18 presents the same results as Fig. 17, but for a non-imaging receiver. In general, we can see similar system performance behavior, although requiring much larger SNR values (about 20 dB in performance degradation) to attain an identical objective. As before, we observe how receiver position affects system performance (see Fig. 18(b)). However, the larger field of view of a non-imaging receiver means position 2 (center of the room) is not so advantageous compared to locating the receiver closer to the room corners.
4.2. Single-user detection
In many applications, we are not concerned with jointly demodulating the information coming from all the lamps, but only with decoding the data corresponding to one lamp which has been assigned to a specific receiver. Fig. 19 presents the performance of the adaptive MIMO-OFDM system in this second situation (single-user detection) as compared with the joint detection case described in the previous section. In the simulations, the receiver is located in positions 1, 2 or 3, as defined in Fig. 7(a), and only demodulates the data coming from its nearest lamp (for position 2, in the center of the room, lamps 2 and 5 are symmetrically equivalent, thus either of them can indistinctly be considered, both delivering identical results). Moreover, detection complexity reduction described in section 4.3 of [19] was applied to optimize and accelerate single-user detection.
For all cases, except for the non-imaging receiver at position 2, single-user detection requires much lower SNR values to obtain a certain average throughput per subcarrier concerning the data corresponding to that lamp. This is logical because the receiver is positioned very close to the emitting lamp, thus receiving very directive and intense optical signals from its associated emitter. Therefore, each individual receiving user, if located appropriately close to its assigned lamp, would benefit from a high-quality signal level while sharing the room with other simultaneous users.
Additionally, the system performance degradation of a non-imaging receiver compared to an imaging one is not so significant, except when the former is positioned in the center of the room. This is because a non-imaging receiver does not provide as much diversity as an imaging-based type. This is more noticeable at the center of the room where emissions from lamps 2 and 5 can scarcely be distinguished, leading to the observed important SNR losses experienced by a non-imaging detector at position 2. Fig. 19(b) also shows the single-user performance in the center of the room when lamp 5 is ‘disabled’ (the result shown by a pink line), i.e. this lamp, although maintaining its functionality as an illumination device, stops sending data information. In this situation, the single-user performance is enhanced greatly, which demonstrates the problems of the non-imaging receiver to separate the information coming simultaneously from lamps 2 and 5. However, the cost of this performance improvement is the new maximum achievable aggregate throughput, since, with only five active lamps, it falls to 360 Mbit/s (5 users × 6 bits/subcarrier symbol × 48 subcarriers/OFDM symbol
5. Conclusions
In this chapter, the use of multi-user LS detection in conjunction with angle-diversity imaging and non-imaging receivers and adaptive OFDM modulation technique for visible light communications has been evaluated. The indoor wireless visible-light channel model, which can be determined by a Monte Carlo-based ray-tracing algorithm, has been described thoroughly, detailing the main features associated with the different elements constituting this kind of optical channel: white light-emitting diodes, reflective room surfaces and optical receivers. This algorithm allows us to determine very accurately the impulse responses between the WLEDs of the lamps and the optical angle-diversity detector, while considering LOS and also not insignificant multiple-bounce reflection contributions to the received optical power at the photodetector. This algorithm accuracy is essential to enable a more reliable analysis of the proposed MIMO-OFDM performance.
A rate adaptive MIMO-OFDM scheme, based on a linear combination of the incoming signals at its receiving branches and dynamic throughput adaptation to channel occupation (number of users) and signal quality (SNR at each subcarrier for a specific user), has been proposed for multi-user visible-light communications. The system performance for imaging and non-imaging reception, and considering joint and single-user detection scenarios, has been assessed. The results have shown that imaging receivers provide an improved performance with SNR gains of about 20 dB with respect to non-imaging ones when evaluating joint detection scenario, i.e. the former offer greater diversity in a VLC environment. Additionally, for single-user detection only demodulating data coming from a specific lamp, we find that although not so evident at positions closer to the room walls, non-imaging receivers present considerable performance degradation when moving into the room’s central area. Therefore, it can be concluded from the previous results that, in general terms, imaging receivers provide the best solution as an angle-diversity detection method for multi-user visible light communications.
This work has been funded by Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme under projects TEC2013-47682-C2-2-P, MAT2013-46649-C4-4-P, MAT2010-21270-C04-02 and Malta Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-0045).
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