Summary of autophagic events in trypanosomatids. DHA: Dihydroxyacetone; DTT: dithiothretiol; SBIs: sterol biosynthesis inhibitors; LPAs: lysophospholipid analogues; MBHA: Morita–Baylis–Hillman adduct.
1. Introduction
Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotes that are able to live as parasites or as free-living organisms and interact with a great variety of environments and organisms, from bacteria to man; in addition, they represent one of most important sources of parasitic diseases. Every year, more than one million people die from complications from protozoal infections worldwide [1-5]. Of the medically relevant protozoa, Trypanosomatidae and Apicomplexa constitute a substantial group including the causative agents of several human diseases such as Chagas disease, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, malaria and toxoplasmosis [1,5,6]. The life cycles of these parasites are highly complex, involving different hosts and different specific interactions with a variety of cells and tissues [7- 11]. Some of these parasites live in the extracellular matrix or blood of host mammals, but the majority of them infect host cells to complete their cycle. Despite the high infection and mortality rates of these protozoa, especially in low-income populations of developing regions such as Africa, Asia and the Americas, current therapies for these parasitic diseases are very limited and unsatisfactory. The development of efficient drugs is urgently necessary, as are serious public health initiatives to improve patients’ quality of life [12-16].
The Trypanosomatidae family belongs to the order Kinetoplastida and is comprised of flagellated protists characterised by the presence of the kinetoplast, a DNA-enriched portion of the mitochondrion localised close to the flagellar pocket. The most studied pathogenic trypanosomatids are the following: (a)
The Apicomplexa family encompasses a large group of protists, including approximately 5,000 known parasitic species, which are characterised by the presence of an apical complex containing a set of organelles involved in the infection process. Apicomplexan parasites infect invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, including humans and other mammals. The most serious parasitic disorder is caused by apicomplexan
Autophagy is a physiological self-degradative pathway essential for the maintenance of the metabolic balance in eukaryotes, leading to the turnover of cellular structures during both the normal cell cycle and during conditions of stress, such as starvation [21,22]. This process depends on double-membrane vesicles known as autophagosomes, which are responsible for the engulfment of macromolecules and organelles and the recycling of their components without an inflammatory response [23]. In eukaryotic cells, proteins known as Atgs contribute to the formation of autophagosomes and their targeting to lysosomes [24]. The autophagic machinery interfaces with many cellular pathways, such as that of the immune response and the inflammatory process, and acts as an inductor or suppressor of these processes [25]. Some molecules and organelles can undergo autophagy by specific proteins, such as in the selective pathway known as xenophagy, which is also observed in the degradation of intracellular pathogens [26,27]. The involvement of autophagy in this process has been demonstrated in the interactions of different pathogens with the host cells [28-30]. In protozoan infections, the role of autophagy has been debated in light of conflicting evidence presented in the literature, which tends to vary with the experimental model. Some studies suggest that parasites evade host cell defences using autophagy, while others suggest that the host uses autophagy to eliminate the pathogen [31-35]. However, there is no doubt that the autophagic machinery decisively influences the pathogenesis and virulence of protozoan infections; this machinery may therefore represent a promising target for drug discovery [36]. The autophagic process also occurs in the protozoa [37,38] and could occur in parallel to the host cell pathway, thus increasing the complexity of the phenomena. In the following sub-sections, the biology of Trypanosomatidae and Apicomplexa protozoa will be reviewed in relation to the role of autophagy during the infection of the host cells.
2. Trypanosomatids and autophagy
As previously mentioned, the transmission of neglected diseases caused by trypanosomatids (sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis) depends on an insect vector, and the environmental change from one host to another is a drastic event for the protozoa. To complete its life cycle, many metabolic and morphological changes must occur for the parasite to survive in a new host [39-42]. In addition to the kinetoplast, other characteristic ultrastructural structures are present in these parasites, including a single mitochondrion, unique flagella, sub-pellicular microtubules, glycosomes, acidocalcisomes and reservosomes (the last one is present exclusively in
3. T. brucei
3.1. Role of autophagy in T. brucei
The first report on this parasite and autophagy was published in the 1970s by Vickerman and colleagues. These authors described the presence of myelin-like structures in different forms of the parasite observed by transmission electron microscopy [49, 50]. Many years later, it was suggested that the autophagic pathway is involved in the turnover of glycosomes during protozoan differentiation [51]. Glycosomes are peroxysome-like organelles that perform early glycolytic steps and are also involved in lipid metabolism. It was demonstrated that glycosome contents are altered depending on the form of the parasite, with many of these organelles being close to glysosomes during the differentiation process. A similar phenomenon was observed after nutrient deprivation of the parasite, reinforcing the fact that differentiation may cause the degradation of glycosomes by pexophagy.
Further genomic and bioinformatic analyses were performed that identified in
It is thought that many drugs may trigger autophagy in African trypanosomes. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), spermine (snake venom) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP – a neuropeptide secreted by the immune system) induce the appearance of morphological features of autophagy in
4. T. cruzi
4.1. Role of autophagy in T. cruzi
Ultrastructural evidence of autophagy in
Aside from the description of autophagosomes in all
4.2. Host cell autophagy and T. cruzi infection
Though thought to be essential for parasite success, lysosomal fusion could be involved in autophagy during host cell interaction and might contribute to the process of degradation and elimination of
5. Leishmania species
The other medically important trypanosomatids are
5.1. Role of autophagy in Leishmania sp.
Many groups have investigated autophagy cell death induced by drugs or antimicrobial peptides in various
Recently, a subunit of protein kinase A in
bloodstream trypomastigotes | autophagic cell death | DHA, neuropeptides, rapamycin, starvation | [55,58, 59] |
procyclic trypomastigotes | autophagic cell death | spermine (snake venom) | [57] | |
Autophagy-induced differentiation | rapamycin, starvation | [54,56] | ||
unfolded protein response in endoplasmic reticulum associate with autophagy | DTT | [95] | ||
epimastigotes, trypomastigotes | autophagic cell death | SBIs; LPAs and cetoconazole; naphthoquinones; naphthoimidazoles; MBHA; posoconazole and amiodarone | [63-65,67, 68,71,72,] |
metacyclic trypomastigotes | Autophagy-induced differentiation | starvation; differentiation medium | [37] | |
promastigotes, amastigotes | autophagic cell death | amiodarone; elatol; lipophilic diamine | [83,86,89] |
promastigotes | autophagic cell death | yangambin | [87] |
promastigotes | autophagic cell death | antimicrobial peptides; cryptolepine | [82,88] |
promastigotes, amastigotes | autophagic cell death | cathepsin inhibitors | [85] |
metacyclic promastigotes | autophagy induces differentiation | differentiation medium; starvation | [38,91] | |
metacyclic promastigotes | autophagy induces differentiation | differentiation medium; starvation | [90] |
5.2. Host cell autophagy and L. amazonensis infection
The connection between the endosomal/lysosomal pathway and the PV results in macromolecules being taken up by the parasite, as demonstrated in
6. Apicomplexa and autophagy
The phylum Apicomplexa comprises one of the most medically relevant groups of protists, which cause serious health and economic problems. Among these parasites,
Among the key molecules involved in early autophagy steps, Atg1/ULK complex, Atg8 and Atg9 play crucial roles in cargo selectivity and in autophagosome formation [100,101]. Unlike other cell models, in Apicomplexa protozoa, the Atg8 C-terminal appears to not undergo processing before its association with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the membrane of autophagosomes, suggesting a different regulation of this Atg protein in these organisms than in mammals and fungi [102]. Using a technique to detect lipidated Atg8 in
Two important kinases have opposing roles in the autophagic process: TOR (target of rapamycin) and class III phosphatidylinositol3-kinase (PI3K) [78,103]. In well-established autophagic models, TOR and class III PI3K represent negative and positive regulators, respectively, that act through complexes with regulatory subunits orchestrated by signalling cascades. Analysis of the
7. T. gondii
In healthy adults,
7.1. Role of autophagy in T. gondii infection
Only a few studies on the
Tachyzoites divide by a process called endodyogeny, whereby two daughter cells are developed inside a mother cell and leave residual material at the end of division. During this process, autophagy might be involved in recycling the mother cell organelles, such as micronemes and rhoptries, which are synthesised de novo in the daughter cells; however the accumulation of organelles after endodyogeny has not been observed in TgATG3 knockout organisms, making other experiments necessary to confirm this hypothesis [113]. One important phenotype detected in autophagic mutants is the loss of mitochondrial integrity [102,112]. Mitophagy, which is the autophagy of mitochondria, regulates the mitochondrial number to match metabolic demand; this process represents a quality control that is necessary for the removal of damaged organelles [114]. Autophagic stimuli are able to direct the mitochondrial network of tachyzoites towards their autophagic pathway, but the molecular machinery involved in selective targeting of the organelle remains unclear [102,112]. Nutrient deprivation has been shown to be a classic stimulus for the autophagic pathway activation in a large variety of organisms [37,115]. In
The data presented here demonstrate possible functions of
While nutritional stress has been extensively used as a model for autophagy, this condition is not easily encountered in the host cells and tissues
7.2. Host cell autophagy and T. gondii infection
As previously mentioned,
Previous reports have shown that cellular immunity mediated by CD40 stimulation redirects the
So far, little has been described regarding the involvement of autophagy in the interaction of
Peritoneal Macrophages and RAW264.7 lineage |
CD40 stimulation and rapamycin | accumulation of LC3 around PV and low parasite load | [124] |
Peritoneal macrophages | INF-γ stimulation | autophagy- dependent elimination of intracellular parasite debris | [125] |
Peritoneal macrophages | INF-γ stimulation | Atg5-dependent PV membrane disruption | [32] |
bone marrow Macrophages | CD40-p21-Beclin 1 pathway | stimulation of autophagy for protection against |
[128] |
astrocytes | INF-γ stimulation |
[130] |
primary fibroblasts and Hela cells |
Induction of LC3 conjugation to PE, accumulation of vesicles containing LC3 close to PV, beclin-1 and PI3K inside the cell | [35] |
8. Plasmodium sp.
8.1. Role of autophagy in Plasmodium sp. infection
Recent publications have suggested that autophagy is involved in the differentiation of sporozoites to merosomes in hepatocytes [137,138]. The sporozoite-to-trophozoite differentiation is accompanied by the elimination of organelles unnecessary for schizogony and the production of merozoites in liver cells [137]. For example, micronemes and rhoptries are compartmentalised in the cytoplasm of sporozoites and sequestered in double-membrane structures resembling autophagosomes. In axenic conditions, the treatment of parasites with 3-methyladenine resulted in significant delay of the sporozoite differentiation process [139]. After sporozoite differentiation, Atg8 is present in autophagosomes during the replication phase, suggesting an additional independent role for this protein in autophagy [137, 138,140].
The involvement of autophagy in
Little is known about the involvement of autophagy in the
extracellular | Amino acid starvation | Basal: maintenance of life | [102] |
intracellular | Amino acid starvation and rapamycin | mitochondrial fragmentation | [111] | |
Glucose and/or pyruvate starvation | Arrested mitochondrial fragmentation | |||
intracellular | sporozoite to trophozoite conversion in the liver | recycling of secretory organelles | [136] |
9. Conclusion
The present chapter addresses the positive and negative regulations of the autophagic process of infected mammalian cells and the possible effects of these regulations on the
This work was supported with grants from CNPq (Universal), FAPERJ (APQ1) and IOC/FIOCRUZ.References
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