Model Parameters for Elastomer Specimen 1
1. Introduction
Elastomeric materials are broadly used for stiffness and damping augmentation in various applications due to their simple design, low weight, and high reliability. However, filled elastomeric materials exhibit significant nonlinear behavior [1]. Such nonlinear characteristics include a) non-elliptical shear strain vs. stress hysteresis diagram under sinusoidal excitation, b) stiffness and damping dependent on amplitude, frequency, temperature and even preload, c) Mullins effect with reduction of stiffness at small strain following cyclic deformation at large strains, and d) low stress relaxation and creep rates. Specifically, the large reduction of damping with increasing amplitude of harmonic displacement excitation leads to excessive size and weight of dampers in order to accommodate all operating conditions. It was also found that highly damped elastomeric dampers demonstrated low loss factors at low amplitudes resulting in unacceptable limit cycle oscillations [2]. Therefore, a precise analytical model is necessary to describe the nonlinear behavior of an elastomer and to determine its dynamic characteristics.
Some prior research introduced nonlinear terms into conventional Kelvin or Zener models. The complex modulus is usually used to characterize viscoelastic materials under harmonic excitation: the storage (or in-phase) modulus is a measure of the energy stored over a cycle or period of oscillation, and the loss (or quadrature) modulus is measure of the energy dissipated over a cycle. This model can be represented as a spring and a dashpot in parallel (Kelvin chain). However, the complex modulus is a linearization method in the frequency domain that represents the nonlinear hysteresis cycle as an equivalent ellipse, and is only applicable to steady harmonic forced response analysis. Some researchers have extended the basic Kelvin chain to complicated mechanism-based modeling approaches in order to explain the nonlinear behavior of elastomers. To display basic behavioral characteristics, such as creep and relaxation, a viscoelastic solid can be represented as a spring in series with Kelvin elements (if one Kelvin element is used, then a Zener model results [3]). Gandhi and Chopra [4] developed a nonlinear viscoelastic solid model in which a nonlinear lead spring was used in series with a single linear Kelvin chain. Using this model, the variation of complex moduli with oscillation amplitude closely matched experimental data. Felker
Elastomeric materials typically demonstrate tribo-elastic behavior [1]. Physically, the amplitude dependent behavior exhibited by the elastomer is results from the interaction of the fillers with the rubber or elastomeric matrix materials [6]. Before large deformation of a filled elastomeric damper, an intact filler structure displays a large stiffness and low loss factor for small amplitudes. As the amplitude increases, the filler structure breaks resulting in a stiffness reduction. However, the breaking of filler structures, which is similar to friction, increases the loss factor. As amplitude increases further and the frictional effect is fully manifested, both stiffness and loss factor are further reduced, which are then maintained relatively constant by the remaining polymer chains. Motivated by the above physical mechanisms, a number of researchers have combined springs and frictional slides to represent the filler and rubber compound in filled rubbers or elastomers.
In the model developed by Tarzanin
Alternative elastomeric models were developed using internal variable or nonlinear integral equations. Strganac [12] used a stress shift function to formulate a nonlinear time domain model for elastomers, but the nonlinear integral formulation in the model was difficult to implement in traditional aeromechanical analysis. Lesieutre and Bianchini [13] developed the anelastic displacement field (ADF) method to describe the frequency-dependent behavior of viscoelastic materials. It was based on the notion of scalar internal variables or augmenting thermodynamic fields (ATF) [14] that described the interaction of the displacement field with irreversible processes occurring at the material level. In the ADF approach, the effects of the thermodynamic processes were focused on the displacement field, which consists of both elastic and anelastic fields. The anelastic part may be further subdivided to consider the effects of multiple relaxation processes. Although there is no explicit physical interpretation when multi-anelastic elements are involved, one single ADF model is mechanically analogous to the Zener model. In order to capture the characteristic nonlinear hysteretic behavior of elastomeric materials, Govindswamy
In this chapter, a hysteresis model is introduced to study the anelastic behavior of elastomers under harmonic excitation. Using this model, the behavior of the elastomer is analogous to the behavior of a nonlinear Kelvin element, in which the stiffness is a nonlinear monotonic function of displacement and the damping is a monotonic rate dependent hyperbolic tangent function. Although, the hysteresis model can capture the hysteresis behavior of the elastomer, the use of simple nonlinear spring and damping elements are not sufficient because model parameters, at the very least, are amplitude dependent. Thus, a computationally efficient and precise model for the elastomer is developed from a profound understanding of the damping mechanism within the damping material. As mentioned before, the anelastic behavior demonstrated by the elastomer is mostly based on the interaction between fillers and rubber compound inside the filled elastomeric materials. Based on this physical mechanism, a non-uniform distribution of rate-dependent elasto-slide elements is used to emulate filler structure behavior and a parallel linear spring (and linear viscous damping) is used to represent the remaining polymer stiffness (and damping). Extensive testing including single frequency and dual frequency testing is conducted for material characterization, identification of model parameters and validation of the model. It is shown that this material model can be used for damping element design and can be integrated into numerical analysis for dynamic systems. It is also shown that the non-uniform distributed rate-dependent elastomer model is applicable in complex loading conditions without any
2. Characterization of elastomers
To characterize elastomeric materials under harmonic excitation, dynamic tests were conducted for two different elastomer configurations. The first elastomeric configuration was a double lap shear specimen as shown in Fig. 1a, or flat linear bearing, hereinafter called elastomeric specimen 1. The second elastomeric configuration was a linear concentric tubular bearing as shown in Fig. 1b, hereafter denoted the elastomer specimen 2. Both specimens were characterized under pure shear deformation. Testing was carried out with varying excitation amplitudes and frequencies, and all tests were conducted at room temperature: 25ºC.
As shown in Fig. 1a, elastomer specimen 1 was a double lap shear speciment that is comprised of three parallel brass plates between which the elastomeric material is sandwiched symmetrically. To study the effect of preload on the behavior of the elastomer, elastomeric specimen testing was conducted with and wihtout preload. Preload was applied to the elastomeric specimen by compressing the double lap shear specimen 10% of the width of the specimen using a simple vise. The testing setup for the elastomer specimen 1 is shown in Fig. 2a. A 24.466 kN servo-hydraulic MTS test machine was used to characterize the specimen. Fixtures and grips were designed and machined to hold the specimen in place. A hydraulic power supply (HPS) unit supplied the servo fluid to the testing machine for power, and the specimen was loaded and tested on the load frame. An actuator provided the sinusoidal loading, and an LVDT sensor measured displacement while a load cell measured force. Single and dual frequency tests were conducted using this load frame. In the dual frequency test, an HP 8904A multi-function synthesizer was used to generate and sum the sinusoidal signals for both frequencies. The single frequency test was conducted with displacement control for excitation amplitude ranging from 0.25 mm to 5 mm, i.e. 2.5% to 50% shear strain, in increments of 0.25 mm. The frequencies were chosen as 2.5 Hz, 5 Hz and 7.5 Hz. The dual frequency testing was carried out at a combination of 5 Hz and 7.5 Hz, and the amplitudes for 7.5 Hz were 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 mm, respectively, while the amplitude for 5 Hz was maintained the same as for the single frequency tests.
An important effect of filler materials in the filled elastomeric specimen is stress-softening. If an elastomeric sample is stretched for the first time to 100% followed by a release in the strain and then stretched again to 200%, there is a softening in the strain of up to 100% after which it continues in a manner of following the first cycle. This stress softening effect was first discovered by Mullins and is called the ‘Mullins Effect’ [18]. To account for this phenomenon, the test samples were first cycled and loosened before the actual tests by exciting them at 1 Hz frequency and 5 mm for 300 cycles since 5 mm is the maximum amplitude during tests. Stress relaxation is also shown in the case of dynamic loading. As the material is subjected to cycling loading, energy dissipation in the material heats up the material and results in elevated temperature softening. Usually, material self-heating and other unsteady effects require about 250 seconds to stabilize and reach a steady state. Hence, in order to ensure temperature stabilization and consistency of data, during a normal test, the elastomeric sample was typically excited at the test frequency and amplitude for 300 seconds before collecting data. For simplification, the stress softening and relaxation effects were not considered in the modeling process such that the model parameters were independent of the loading level and temperature.
As shown in Fig. 1b, elastomer specimen 2 was fabricated from two concentric cylindrical metal tubes, with an elastomeric layer sandwiched between the outer and inner tubes. The volume enclosed by the inner tube forms a cylindrical inner chamber, and a threaded trapezoidal column is attached to one end of the inner tube. As shown in Fig. 2b, the specimen was installed in the MTS testing machine, the outer tube was attached to the load cell on the fixed end of the MTS machine, and the inner tube was connected to the actuator through an adapter. Thus, the axial translation of the actuator induced a relative translation between the inner tube and the outer tube which in turn led to a shear deformation of the elastomer along the tube length. The specimen was excited in displacement control by a sinusoidal signal, and the displacement and force were measured by the LVDT sensor and load cell of the MTS machine. The excitation amplitude ranged from 0.25 mm to 1 mm in increments of 0.25 mm (approximately 5% to 20% shear) at three different frequencies of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 Hz, respectively.
All test data were collected using a high sampling frequency (2048 Hz) such that most higher harmonic components in the measured nonlinear force were included. To reduce the noise of the sinusoidal displacement signal, a Fourier series was used to reconstruct the input displacement. The reconstructed displacement signal was then differentiated to obtain the velocity signal. The Fourier series expansion of the input displacement,
In Eq. (1),
where Ω1 and Ω2 are correspnding frequencies of 5 and 7.5 Hz, and
A typical approach used for characterizing elastomer behavior is the complex stiffness. The linearized complex stiffness,
Therefore, the elastomer force can be written as the summation of an in-phase spring force and a quadrature damping force, and the elastomer force can be approximated by the first Fourier sine and cosine components at the charterized frequencies, i.e. 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 Hz:
Typical linear characterization results for elastomeric specimen 1 in the absence of preload are shown in Fig. 3. These plots indicate that the linearized storage and loss stiffness of the specimen are highly amplitude dependent at low amplitudes. For smaller amplitudes, the rate of change of the storage stiffness and the loss stiffness is much greater than one for larger amplitudes. However, the complex stiffness does not change substantially over the narrow frequency range tested. The loss factor,
The measured complex modulus and loss factor of the elastomer specimen 2 are shown in Fig. 4. Both in-phase (storage) and quadrature (loss) stiffness demonstrate moderate amplitude dependence and weak frequency dependence. In contrast to the characteristics of the elastomeric specimen 1, the in-phase stiffness of specimen 2 is much greater than its quadrature stiffness, and both in-phase and quadrature stiffness vary with the displacement amplitude at a similar rate. Thus, the loss factor of the specimen is quite low (around 0.25 to 0.3) and almost constant over the range of amplitude and frequency tested.
The single frequency linear characterization can capture the general trends of the in-phase and quadrature stiffness for a filled elastomer. However, this linear analysis cannot be used to accurately reconstruct the nonlinear hysteresis behavior exhibited by the elastomer [19]. Therefore, nonlinear modeling methods are requried to accurately describe the material behavior of elastomers, and two modeling methods are decribed in the following sections
3. Nonlinear hysteresis model
3.1. Modeling approach
The mechanical properties of a linear viscoelastic material are represented by a Kelvin model, which consists of a spring and dashpot in parallel. The spring and damping coefficients are constants, and the Kelvin model is equivalent to a complex modulus approach. Although the Kelvin model cannot describe the relaxation process after a constant strain is applied to a material specimen, it can successfully characterize stiffness and damping during steady-state harmonic excitation. Therefore, it is the simplest approach to describe the nonlinear behavior of elastomeric materials based on a Kelvin model.
As mentioned before, when a linear viscous material is subjected to sinusoidal loading, the stiffness force is an in-phase force with a constant stiffness, and the damping force with a constant damping is a quadrature force. For an elastomeric specimen, both stiffness and damping are not constant. To extract the stiffness force,
From a given start time,
Similarly, from a different start point
The identified nonlinear stiffness and damping forces are shown in Fig. 5. In Figure 5 a and b, the experimental force-displacement and force-velocity hysteresis cycles are plotted using dotted lines for a sinusoidal displacement excitation at 5Hz and 1.5mm amplitude. The stiffness force,
In Fig. 5a, it is shown that the stiffness force,
As shown in Fig. 5b, the shape of the nonlinear damping force,
The total predicted force due to the displacement excitation is the summation of the stiffness model and damping model as follows:
The reconstructed force is shown as the solid line in the Fig. 5c, and the analytical force-displacement hysteresis matches the experimental data very well. Moreover, using the identified friction function, a force-displacement hysteresis due to friction damping is reconstructed. It is known that energy dissipation due to the damping is proportional to the enclosed area inside the damping force-displacement hysteresis loop. The area enclosed by the total force-displacement hysteresis loop is equal to the area enclosed by the damping hysteresis. This proves that the nonlinear damping function precisely describes the energy dissipation while the elastomer specimen is under sinusoidal loading.
Briefly, this nonlinear Kelvin model is based on a hysteresis modeling approach developed from damper modeling efforts. Since the nonlinear hysteresis loops of an elastomeric damper are described by a nonlinear monotonic stiffness and a nonlinear monotonic damping function respectively, the model parameters can be determined separately and efficiently. The modeling results can precisely capture the force-displacement time history data of the elastomer. Meanwhile, the introduction of the friction damping physically emphasizes the anelasticity of elastomeric materials. Since the hysteresis cycles for different amplitudes and frequencies are different, it is helpful to study the model parameter variations and get insight into the nonlinear behavior of elastomers by characterizing the different hysteresis cycles.
3.2. Modeling results
The model characterization was obtained based on three sets of force-displacement time history data of the elastomer specimen 1 at three different frequencies, i.e. 2.5Hz, 5Hz and 7.5Hz. For every frequency, there were twenty displacement amplitudes ranging from 0.25mm to 5mm. After the model parameters were determined, the output force was predicted using known displacement input data, and then the force-displacement hysteresis was reconstructed. In Fig. 6, the reconstructed hysteresis curves and test data are shown for different amplitudes (0.5mm, 1.5mm, 2.5mm, and 3.5mm) at 5Hz frequency with zero preloading. It can be seen that at low amplitudes, the experimental hysteresis plots are nearly elliptical in shape, while for higher amplitudes there is a deviation from this elliptical behavior. However, compared to the elastomer hysteresis models developed by Krishnan [22] and Snyder [23], the current nonlinear model more accurately captures nonlinear force-displacement time histories under sinusoidal loading.
Furthermore, model parameter variation as a function of the amplitude at different frequencies was studied. As shown in in Fig. 7a, all three nonlinear stiffness parameters are amplitude dependent. However, the linear stiffness,
Some interesting characteristics are noted in Fig. 8a, in which the stiffness is shown as a function of velocity amplitude. The nonlinear stiffness slope parameters of all three frequencies follow exactly the same curve, which is inversely proportional to the velocity amplitude. This implies that the nonlinear stiffness slope,
To capture the behavior of the elastomer under dual frequency excitation, the elastomer model parameters were determined without frequency information because the excitation amplitude was known a
As shown in the nonlinear hysteresis modeling effort, the nonlinear forced response of elastomers under harmonic excitation consists of uncoupled nonlinear stiffness force and nonlinear damping force. Thus, this model is mechanically analogous to a nonlinear Kelvin model where the stiffness is a nonlinear monotonic function of displacement and the damping is a monotonic rate dependent friction function. Since it accurately describes the characteristics of the hysteresis loops, this model can predict steady state or harmonic forced response very well. However, since the model parameters are still amplitude dependent, this model cannot be easily used to describe the transient or stress relaxation behavior of the elastomer.
4. Distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide model
4.1. Model development
The distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide model is shown in Fig. 10, in which a series of elasto-slide elements is combined in parallel with a constant linear spring. The model can be applied either in force-displacement relations or in stress-strain relations, but only the force-displacement formulation will be used in this study. Each elasto-slide element consists of a leading spring with stiffness
First, we will apply a displacement,
The following simulation using the model will show that the existence of the filler structures inside the elastomer can lead to hysteretic behaviors when the damper is cycled between fixed deflection limits. Analytically, a distribution function of the yield force is denoted as
Similarly, the resisting force due to the reversed loading is obtained by integrating Eq. 18:
Thus, while an elastomer is under a sinusoidal displacement loading, a theoretical force-deflection hysteresis cycle is shown as dashed line in Fig. 12, where
The distributed elasto-slide model resembles the physical mechanism of an elastomer, so it can account for the nonlinear characteristics of the behavior demonstrated by the elastomer under a cyclic loading either in single frequency or multi frequencies. However, using the ideal slide with a Coulomb force, the maximum and minimum displacement of the excitation must be known for response calculation, which makes it impossible for the model to describe elastomer behavior under complex loading conditions. The ideal elasto-slide is also incapable of modeling frequency dependent properties and non-hysteretic behavior in the time domain such as stress relaxation or creep.
Actually, the Coulomb slide is only an idealized friction model. The practical friction behavior includes a preyield slip and a postyield steady resistance leading to a rate dependent damping effect [21, 24]. Thus, a rate-dependent elasto-slide model is introduced to improve the modeling performance. In the rate-dependent elasto-slide model, the Coulomb slide is replaced with a non-Coulombic friction function and the coupling between a slide and a leading spring is described by an internal displacement denoted as
By integration over the whole yield force region, the total force due to the elasto-slide element is obtained as:
Adding the spring force due to the polymer stiffness, the damper force due to any deflection loading,
This relation can be shown in Fig. 11. Eq. 22 is a typical well-posed initial-value problem, and numerical solution for this differential equation can be obtained given an initial condition. The simplest way to guarantee a stable solution for such a stiff initial-value problems is to adopt a predictor-corrector approach with the corrector iterated to convergence (PECE) [25]. In this approach, the numerical algorithm is based on the Adams-Bashforth four-step method as the predictor step and one iteration of the Adams-Moulton three-step method as the corrector step, with the starting values obtained from a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. In accordance with the ratio of the yield force and the stiffness,
For an elastomer under a sinusoidal displacement excitation, the steady-state response predicted by the rate-dependent elasto-slide model is shown as the solid line in Fig. 12. The predicted hysteresis cycle correlates much better with the experimental data, especially at turning points of the loading deflection. It should be noted that there is no requirement for excitation amplitude information in this modeling process. Thus, the distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide model can predict time domain forced response of an elastomer under a sinusoidal displacement excitation.
In order to apply the elastomer model to a dynamic system, a numerical method using MATLAB ODE algorithm was also evaluated. For a dynamic system with a governing equation:
where, M, C, and K are mass matrix, equivalent damping matrix, and stiffness matrix, respectively,
Rewriting Eq. 25 using a first order form and combining Eq. 22 and 26, the state equation of the system is expressed as
This is a
4.2. Model parameters determination
As seen in the construction of the model, the major parameters to be determined are the leading spring,
The definition of the distribution function implies that
From the initial loading curve Eq. 19, yields
Thus, the distribution function would be related to the curvature of the initial loading curve by the following formula
Determination of the distribution function relies on the identification of the initial loading curve from the experimental data.
In the view of the distributed elasto-slide model using an ideal Coulomb slide, the initial loading curve is independent of loading rate such that the maximum force in the initial loading curve responds to the maximum displacement in cyclic loading as seen in Eq. 19. As a result, an initial loading curve can be obtained using a series of experimental hysteresis loops at different amplitudes. An example of the initial loading curve is shown in Fig. 13, the initial loading curve at three different frequencies are obtained from hysteresis cycles of the elastomeric specimen by identifying the force at corresponding maximum displacements. The analytical initial loading curve is determined by considering the influence of the rate-dependent slide. This curve appears elasto-plastic behavior, which is described as:
The distribution area for the elastomeric specimen is shown as the shaded area in Fig. 14. It is easily shown that the distribution function satisfies all the properties of Eq. 28.
As the distribution function is determined, for the distributed elasto-slide model using the Coulomb slide, the steady-state forced response of the elastomer under cyclic loading will be predicted as follows:
For the rate-dependent elasto-slide model, the reference velocity
Parameter | No Preload | 10% Preload |
0.0068 | 0.0053 | |
505 | 739 | |
44.4 | 64.9 | |
50 | 50 | |
7 | 7 |
Parameter | No Preload |
0.0015 | |
6436 | |
2915 | |
15 | |
7 |
4.3. Modeling results and validation
As stated before, the distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide model is reminiscent of the behavior of filler structures in the elastomer such that it can predict the forced harmonic response of an elastomer in the time domain. In this section, single frequency and dual frequency steady-state hysteresis data are used to validate the model. To assess the model’s capability in describing elastomer behavior under complex loading conditions, the response under dual frequency loading with slowly varying amplitude is also correlated with model predictions.
For the elastomer specimen 1, three sets of single frequency hysteresis cycle data were used to assess model fidelity. Each set of data was obtained by measuring the forced response while the elastomeric specimen was under sinusoidal displacement excitation at 2.5 Hz, 5.0 Hz and 7.5 Hz, respectively. At each frequency, the displacement amplitude was chosen as 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm. In Fig. 15, the experimental data at three frequencies are shown compared to the modeling results. Generally, the modeling results correlate quite well with the experimental results while the displacement amplitude is in the moderate amplitude range, i.e. 2<x<5 mm. In the small amplitude range, i.e. x<2 mm, the analytical model under-predicts the area enclosed by the hysteresis cycle. The reason for that is partly because the lower yield region for the elasto-slide element was replaced with a non-zero constant yield force for numerical consideration and the influence of this approximation was amplified at small deflection loading.
The complex modulus determined by the analytical model is also compared to the experimental result. As shown in solid lines in Fig. 16, the predicted storage and loss stiffnesses using the model have the same amplitude dependent trend as the experimental result. The experimental moduli are well matched with the analytical moduli at moderate amplitude range except that the moduli over small amplitude range are under-predicted especially for loss stiffness. Model predictions are also compared to the experimental data for the loss factor. The predicted loss factor represent common features of the elastomeric response. Clearly, at small amplitude, most of the filler structures, or corresponding elasto-slide elements, have not yielded, so that the loss factor is small. As the amplitude increases, breaking filler structures or yielding of slides leads to a rise in the loss factor. After all of the slide elements have yielded, the loss factor decreases again. In Fig. 16, it also shows that both experimental and predicted moduli are weakly dependent on frequency. This phenomenon is consistent with the tribo-elastic mechanism of elastomeric materials [11].
Similar single frequency modeling results for the elastomer specimen 2 are shown in Fig. 17 as force-displacement diagrams for different amplitudes at 2.5 Hz (Fig. 17a), 5 Hz (Fig. 17b) and 7.5 Hz (Fig. 17c), respectively. Clearly, the analytical model captures the amplitude and frequency dependent behavior of the elastomer specimen 2.
In some applications, the elastomer would experience multi-frequency excitation. Under such a circumstance, the potential loss of damping at the lower frequency due to limitation of stroke is well known [5], so it is important to predict the response of the elastomer under dual frequency excitation. Experimental dual frequency force-displacement data of the elastomer specimen 1 were used to evaluate the adaptability of the model under complex loading conditions.
The dual frequency test data were obtained while the amplitudes at both 5 and 7.5 Hz frequencies were held constant. For each test condition, the amplitude for 5 Hz and 7.5 Hz frequencies ranged from 0.25 mm to 5 mm, and the sum of both amplitudes must not exceed 5 mm, which corresponds to the maximum allowable strain of 50%. The modeling result at each dual frequency loading condition was correlated with the corresponding experimental result. Some of these dual frequency modeling results are presented in Fig. 18 and 19. The figures are grouped according to the 7.5 frequency amplitude. Fig. 18 shows the modeling results for 2.5 mm amplitude at 7.5 Hz and at four different amplitudes at 5 Hz. As the displacement amplitude at 7.5 Hz is 2.5mm, the experimental dual frequency behavior can be matched quite well with the modeling results. Comparatively, Fig. 19 shows the modeling results for 0.5 mm amplitude at 7.5 Hz and at four different amplitudes at 5 Hz. Notably, the model under-predicts the forced response as the total amplitude at 5 Hz and 7.5 Hz is below 2.5 mm since the high yield force region in Fig. 14 is not well described by the numerical algorithm of the model. In general, the distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide model performs well in the moderate amplitude range except it over-predicts the inner loop in some cases. The model also should be improved to predict the response over the small amplitude range.
The behavior of the elastomer under a dual frequency excitation with a slowly-varying amplitude modulated periodic loading can also be predicted using the analytical model. For simplicity, the analytical and experimental simulation results are only shown for one scenario, in which the amplitude for 7.5 Hz is 1.5 mm and the amplitude for 5 Hz is assumed to be as below:
The predicted forced response data shown in Fig. 20a and 20b compared well to the experimental results for two different time scales. Similarly, the modeling force-displacement hysteresis cycle is also matched well with the experimental data as shown in Fig. 20c. The predicted damper response due to the slowly varying displacement excitation exhibits the same varying trend as the observed elastomer behavior, and also the force value is tracked quite well. Clearly, the proposed elastomeric model performs fairly well in predicting dual frequency response, and especially the distributed elasto-slide model can predict the behavior of the elastomer under slowly-varying amplitude modulated periodic loadings.
5. Summary
Modeling methods for describing elastomeric material behavior were investigated. Most prior models introduced nonlinear terms into the conventional Kelvin model or Zener model. Because filled elastomers are anelastic materials, a friction mechanism damping element proves useful to model rate-independent damping. Nonlinearity in tested elastomeric materials manifested in two ways. First, the forced response of an elastomer subjected to harmonic displacements was nonlinear (non-elliptical), which meant that the response could not be predicted by linear differential or integral equation. Second, the stiffness and damping of elastomers varied as a function of amplitude and frequency. While some models capture the amplitude dependent complex moduli very well using constant parameters, such models cannot predict stress-strain or force-displacement hysteresis accurately. On the other hand, most hysteresis models can predict non-elliptical hysteresis quite well, but their parameters are usually amplitude and frequency dependent. The methods require amplitude and frequency as prior information when these models are implemented.
A nonlinear hysteresis model was developed to characterize the nonlinear behavior of the elastomer under a cyclic loading. This model is mechanically analogous to a nonlinear Kelvin model where the stiffness is a nonlinear monotonic function of displacement and the damping is a monotonic rate dependent friction function. Since it accurately describes the characteristics of the hysteresis loops, this model can predict steady state or harmonic forced response very well. However, the model parameters are still amplitude dependent. A challenge still remained to describe transient or stress relaxation behavior using this type of mechanisms-based model.
Therefore, a distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide elastomeric model was used to describe the amplitude dependent characteristics of an elastomer. This physically motivated damper model resembles the behavior of filler structures in the elastomer under cyclic loading. A method to determine the model parameters was presented. It was found that a unique exponential function could be used to describe the yield force distribution for elastomers. Numerical algorithms were developed for model applications. Dynamic test were conducted on a double lap shear elastomeric specimen and a linear concentric tubular elastomeric specimen, respectively, and the measured data were used to evaluate the modeling method. The fidelity of the model was verified by the good correlation between predicted single and dual frequency force-displacement hysteresis and the experimental results except that the damping at lower amplitude range cannot be fully predicted by the model. Since the proposed model is a time domain model, the adaptability of the model in predicting damper response under a slowly varying displacement excitation was evaluated. The predicted force response of the elastomeric specimen under this slowly varying displacement excitation correlated quite well with the corresponding experimental data.
In conclusion, the distributed rate-dependent elasto-slide elastomeric damper model is a time-domain modeling approach to capture nonlinear behavior of the elastomer. The damper model, formulated as a state space model has the advantage that it could easily be implemented into dynamic system models. Because the model is physically motivated, the flexibility in determining the distribution function provides means to improve the model performance especially over the low amplitude range. Although only a one-dimensional elastomeric model is described in this paper, the distributed elasto-slide model can also be extended into a three-dimensional form such that it can be implemented easily into a finite element analysis for a complex elastomeric damper configuration.
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