1. Introduction
Tree death in forests is an important process at many ecological levels. The mortality rates of trees affect carbon and nutrient cycling, stand structure, community composition, and successional processes (van Mantgem et al. 2009). Tree death substantially increases resources such as light, nutrients, water, and energy available to other organisms. Dead standing trees (snags) provide important habitat for wildlife and dead fallen trees are often critical to seedling establishment as nurse logs (Franklin et al 1987). Despite their importance, the mechanisms that drive tree mortality are often unclear, especially in tropical forests (Swaine et al. 1987). There is particular lack of information on how both mortality and longevity varies with the species, individual size, and competition with the other trees. In order to predict the various impacts of global change on the dynamics of tropical forests, it is essential to understand the role these factors play on tree mortality at both the individual and landscape scale.
While most tropical forests have very high species richness, there are some in which a single species dominates and richness is fairly low. In many of these forests, monodominance may be perpetuated through periodic mortality as a result of massive, landscape-level disturbances such as volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, landslides, and fire (Connell and Lowman 1989, Hart 1990, Read et al. 1995). Like their more diverse tropical counterparts, the basic life-history characteristics of the species that comprise monodominant forests, particularly those related to mortality patterns, remain poorly understood.
Forests on oceanic islands in the tropics are often dominated by one or a few tree species (Mueller-Dombois and Fosberg 1998). The native, wet forests of the Hawaiian archipelago are generally dominated by a single endemic tree species, ohia (
Here, I use information from a long term study in permanent vegetation plots within 200 ha of monodominant Hawaiian wet forest to address the following questions: How does tree mortality vary with respect to species, size, position in the canopy (crown class), and geographic location? What is the age of trees in this forest? To what extent can patterns of mortality provide evidence for succession in this forest?
2. Methods
2.1. Study area and data collection
Fieldwork was conducted from January 1996-August 2005 within the 13,246 hectare Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on the eastern slope of Mauna Kea volcano, island of Hawaii (approx. 19º50N, 155º 20W). The Koa/‘Ohi‘a (
2.2. Mortality rates
Annual mortality (
where ‘
To model survival, I used a logistic ANCOVA (Crawley 2007) with growth state (live vs. dead) as a response variable and DBH and crown class, along with their interaction, as predictors. Four different models were constructed and ranked with Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC:Akaike 1973) using R software (version 2.12.1; The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). This model selection criterion is based upon the principle of parsimony and represents a tradeoff between model fit and the number of parameters in the model (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Deletion tests (Crawley 2007) were then used to cross validate the model selection procedure by assessing the significance of the increase in deviance that resulted when a particular term was removed from the full model. Deletion tests were run on model pairs using the
If mortality is associated with stand-level dieback in
Mortality rates for
3. Results
A total of 480 of the original 6173 trees of all species greater than 5 cm DBH died over the course of the study. The mean number of years between measurements was 6.75. Total mortality (number of trees that died during the study divided by total number of trees) ranged from 6.4% for
There was no evidence for any sort of clumped spatial patterns in
Mortality for
Of 315 ohia trees between 5-29.9 cm DBH (generally those in the suppressed or intermediate categories) that died during the study period, 55.5% were “dead standing” and presumably victims of competition with neighboring trees, In contrast, of the 78 trees > 30cm DBH that died, only 33.3% were “dead standing. A chi-square test demonstrated a difference in presumed cause of mortality between the large and small size classes (χ2 = 12.35, df = 1, P < 0.001).
4. Discussion
Tree mortality patterns in this monodominant forest were somewhat similar to those in far more diverse continental tropical forests. The
While it is difficult to disentangle the effects of size vs. crown class on mortality rates due to autocorrelation, examining mortality as a function of crown class is especially revealing. Trees in the suppressed category (those that are competitively inhibited by taller neighbors) were able to grow slowly, but they suffered by far the highest annual mortality rates (Fig. 4). Conversely, the low annual mortality of 0.56% demonstrated here for the co-dominant and dominant size classes combined indicates that once trees become established in the canopy, mortality is relatively rare. Within this crown class category, the smaller size classes experience mortality rates as low as 0.33% per year, and the largest size classes up to 1.40% per year, possibly due to senescence.
With the exception of studies within
Tree mortality, at both the individual and stand level, is often the result of a combination of abiotic (drought, high winds) and biotic (predation, competition, disease, and senescence) factors. The way in which a tree dies suggests possible factors that contributed to its death (Carey et al. 1994). In this study, there was a significantly higher proportion of trees in the smaller size classes (< 30 cm DBH) than the larger size classes that were classified as “dead standing”. These smaller (often intermediate or suppressed) trees that died standing were assumed to be victims of light competition with larger neighbors, with the remainder primarily being killed by neighboring tree falls. This latter process may be important to successional processes in this forest in terms of gap formation. In contrast, large dominant or co-dominant trees that died standing were generally assumed to have senesced. Why might there be a lower proportion of large trees that are dead standing? The answer may be that the heartwood of the largest (>60cm DBH)
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