1. Introduction
The photonic crystal (PhC) is formed with a dielectric periodic structure and exhibits new electromagnetic phenomena (John, 1987). It shows some properties analog to the semiconductor, such as the photonic band structure (PBS) including photonic passing bands and photonic band gaps (PBGs), and complicated dispersion relations. In analogous to the electron transport in the semiconductor, the Bloch theorem is also applied to describe electromagnetic waves propagating in the PhC very well.
The PBS strongly depends on refracted indices of constituent materials and the geometry of the PhC. Once the materials and geometry structure of a PhC are constructed, the possible way to change its PBS is tuning the refracted indices of its constituent materials utilizing the temperature effect, the external electric field effect, or the external magnetic field effect, etc (Busch & John, 1999; Kee & Lim, 2001; Kee et al., 2000, 2001; Figotin et al., 1998; Takeda & Yoshino, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2003d, 2004). For PhCs composed of ferroelectric or ferromagnetic materials, PBSs can be tuned by the external electric field effect and the external magnetic field effect (Busch & John, 1999; Figotin et al.). On the other hand, the variation on the PBS of the liquid-crystal PhC controlled by the external electric field or the temperature has also been investigated (Kee & Lim, 2001b; Takeda & Yoshino, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2003d, 2004). Another potential material that can be used to tune the PBS is the superconductor by varying the temperature and the external magnetic field (Lee et al., 1995; Raymond Ooi et al., 2000; Takeda & Yoshino, 2003e).
In our previous works, we have designed a tunable PhC Mach-Zehnder interferometer composed of copper oxide high-temperature superconductors (HTSCs) utilizing the temperature modulation to reach the on and off states (Pei & Huang, 2007a). The Mach-Zehnder interferometer, whose path-length difference of two arms is fixed after designed, can be realized as an optical switching device or sensor due to the temperature effect. In the output, the signals from two arms interfere with each other, and the phases of these two signals can be modulated by HTSCs. Besides, we also discussed the superprism effect in the superconductor PhC (Pei & Huang, 2007b). The superprism effect was demonstrated experimentally by Kosaka
In this chapter, we deduce the way to calculate the PBS of the superconductor PhC based on the plane wave expansion method first. It is not like the way to calculate the PBS of the PhC only composed of dielectric materials. Second, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for the PhC composed of dispersive materials such as superconductors are derived carefully. The time-domain auxiliary differential equations (ADEs) are introduced to represent effects of currents in dispersive materials. The ADE-FDTD algorithm can be used to calculate the transmission of the finite superconductor PhC. It has also been used in our previous works to discuss the tunability of the PhC Mach-Zehnder interferometer composed of HTSCs and the superprism effect in the superconductor PhC.
Finally, the internal-field expansion method developed by Sakoda is also introduced (Sakoda, 1995a, 1995b, 2004). This method is used to calculate the transmission of the two-dimensional PhC composed of air cylinders embedded in certain background medium. It is much like the grating theory that describes the scattering waves as Bragg waves. He successively calculated the transmission and the Bragg reflection spectra using this method, and also mentioned that the existences of the uncoupled modes (Sakoda, 1995a, 1995b). However, this method has not been yet verified on the superconductor PhC. We use this method to calculate the transmission of the finite superconductor PhC and compare the result of it with that of the ADE-FDTD method.
2. The plane wave expansion method for calculating the photonic band structure of the superconductor photonic crystal
The superconductivity of the superconductor is strongly sensitive to the temperature and the external magnetic field. We only discuss the temperature effect in this chapter. The PhC structure is composed of superconductor cylinders with triangular lattice in air as shown in Fig. 1. The two-fluid model is used to describe the electromagnetic response of a typical superconductor without an additional magnetic field (Tinkham, 2004), and it describes that the electrons occupy two states. One is the superconducting state, in which the superconducting electrons of density
Utilizing this model, the E-polarized light with its electric field parallel to the
Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into the E-polarized wave equation results in the following equation (Pei & Huang, 2007a):
For HTSCs, optical characteristics show the anisotropic properties (Takeda & Yoshino, 2003e). The electric fields parallel and perpendicular to the
In the superconducting state, the electromagnetic wave can propagate in the range of the London penetration depth. The London penetration depth is dependent on the temperature
Eq. (9) is known as the Drude model (Grosso & Parravicini, 2000) which can also be applied to the kind of PhCs constituting metallic components.
Kuzmiak et al. (Kuzmiak et al., 1994) has dealt with the two-dimensional PhC containing metallic components. We use the same method based on the plane-wave expansion to calculate the PBSs of the superconductor PhCs. In this method, the dielectric function of the PhC is directly expanded in a Fourier series. The dielectric constant of the PhC can be written explicitly in the form
where the function
where the Fourier coefficient
where the integral is now over the 2D unit cell
Rearranging Eq. (16) that we have
To solve this matrix eigenvalue problem, the frequencies can be determined at a certain wave vector and the whole PBS can be obtained.
3. The E-polarized photonic band structure
In our designed device, we used high-
For this superconductor, the London penetration depth of the copper oxide HTSCs is λ = 23
The theory discussed in Section 2 is used to calculate the PBS along the three directions ΜΓ, ΓΚ, and ΚΜ in the reduced Brillouin zone when the periodic lattice constant of the PhC is
4. The finite-difference time-domain method for the photonic crystal composed of dispersive materials
In 1966, K. S. Yee first provided the FDTD method to solve electromagnetic scattering problems (Yee, 1966). The Yee’s equations are obtained to discretize Maxwell’s equations in time and space. The fields on the nodal points of the space-time mesh can be calculated in an iteration process when the source is excited. Because the finite resource of the hardware limits the size of simulation domain, an absorbing boundary condition (ABC) needs to be set on the outer surface of the computational domain. In 1994, Berenger proposed a perfectly matched layer (PML), which is an artificial electromagnetic wave absorber with electric conductivity σ and magnetic conductivity σ* (Berenger, 1994). The PML absorbs outgoing waves very well, so it can simulate the electromagnetic wave propagating in free space. Therefore, we apply the PML as the absorbing layer used in the FDTD method.
In the FDTD method, Maxwell's equations are solved directly in time domain via finite differences and time steps without any approximations or theoretical restrictions. The basic approach is relatively easy to understand and is an alternative to more usual frequency-domain approaches, so this method is widely used as a propagation solution technique in integrated optics. Imagine a region of space where no current flows and no isolated charge exists. Maxwell's curl equations can be written in Cartesian coordinates as six simple scalar equations. Two examples are:
The most common method to solve these equations is based on Yee's mesh and computes the
These equations are iteratively solved in a leapfrog manner, alternating between computing th
The method for implementing FDTD models of dispersive materials utilizes ADE equations which describe the time variation of the electric current densities (Taflove & Hagness, 2005). These equations are time-stepped synchronously with Maxwell’s equations. ADE-FDTD method is a second-order accurate method.
Consider a dispersive medium whose Ampere’s Law can be expressed as
Another time-dependent Maxwell’s curl equation is
Solving Eqs. (26) and (27) for
Then we can evaluate Eq. (24) at time-step
Applying Eq. (30) into the implementation of Eq. (25) in an FDTD code by finite differences, we obtain the
Thus, the ADE-FDTD algorithm for calculating dispersive media has three processes. Starting with the assumed known values of
In the end of this section, let us return to discuss the numerical stability. We choose the two-dimensional cell space steps, i.e. Δ
5. The transmission of the finite photonic crystal composed of the superconductor
In this section, the ADE-FDTD method is used to calculate the transmission of the finite thickness PhC from the frequency 0.01 to 1.00 (
Another possible low transmission predicted by the PBS occurs in the vicinity of the intersection between the fifth and sixth bands. In Fig. 4, these two bands intersect at the Γ point of the first Brillouin zone when the frequency is 0.86 (
The transmission and reflection become the problem of multiple scattering by interfaces as shown in Fig. 5 (Moreno, 2002). The total transmitted coefficient of the system consisting of one finite and two semi-infinite media with two interfaces is (Yariv & Yeh, 2002)
From the ADE-FDTD calculation in Fig. 4, we find out that the extremely low transmission not only takes place at the intersection, but also extends to the vicinity. They locate at frequencies between 0.80 and 0.88 (
Crosscutting the 3D EFS at a certain frequency reduces to a two-dimensional contour. Thus, we obtain a lot of
Next, we calculate the effectively refracted index varying with the incident angle only for negative refraction as shown in Fig. 16. From Figs. 15(a)-(c), the normally incident case belongs to negative refraction. It can be found out that the effectively refracted indices of three frequencies 0.81, 0.83, and 0.85 (
6. The internal-field expansion method
In this section, we introduce the internal-field expansion method (IFEM) to calculate the transmission of the finite thickness PhC (Sakoda, 1995a, 1995b, 2004). This method is based on
the internal fields expanded in Fourier series. We consider a two-dimensional PhC composed of a triangular array of air cylinders with radius of
Because the two-fluid model is only suitable for the currents flowing along the cylinder direction, we only discuss an E-polarized plane wave incident upon the superconductor PhC here. Two interfaces are along the ΓΜ direction of the PhC. The 2D wave vector of the incident wave is denoted by
where E0, Rn, and Tn are the amplitudes of the electric field of the incident wave, the reflected Bragg wave, and the transmitted Bragg wave, respectively. The electric field inside the PhC satisfies the following equation derived from Maxwell’s equations:
Now, we introduce a boundary value function fE(x,y):
where δnm is the Kronecker’s δ. The boundary value function fE(x,y) satisfies the boundary conditions at each interface:
Moreover, we define
If we substitute Eq. (47) into Eq. (44), we have
The problem of unknown Epc becomes to deal with the internal field. We have to solve Eq. (48) to obtain Epc field in the PhC. If we expand ψE(x,y) and ε-1(x,y,ω) in Fourier series, we have
Then the electric field in the PhC is expressed as
If we substitute Eqs. (45), (50), and (51) into Eq. (48) and compare the independent Fourier components, the equation about coefficients Rn, Tn, and Anm are obtained as follows:
where κn,m is the Fourier coefficient of the inverse of ε(x,y,ω). Next, we calculate the Fourier coefficients of the configuration shown in Fig. 17. In our case, we have
where εa=εs(ω) and
The S here is the spatial function of the cylinder. The inverse of ε(x,y,ω) now is extended symmetrically to the negative y region (-L≦y≦0) to calculate the Fourier coefficients. Then, we obtain
where f is the filling fraction of the superconductor rods in the calculation domain:
Finally, we want to solve the unknown coefficients, Anm, Rn, and Tn. Eq. (53) is not enough to solve all unknown coefficients because the number of equations is less than the number of all unknown coefficients. We need other boundary conditions to solve all Anm, Rn, and Tn. The reminder boundary conditions is the continuity of the x components of the magnetic field, which leads to
Follow the calculation processes and consider the boundary conditions for the E-polarized mode, we can determine the unknown coefficients, Anm, Rn, and Tn. In practical calculation, we restrict the Fourier expansion up to n = ±N and m = M. So there are (2N + 1)M terms in the Fourier expansion. The total number of the unknown coefficients is (2N + 1)(M + 2). From Eqs. (42) and (43) and the boundary conditions, we also obtain (2N + 1)(M + 2) independent equations. Solving these independent equations can obtain these coefficients.
To discuss the reflection and transmission along the y-direction, we can sum up the y-components of the Poynting vectors of all waves and consider the energy flow conservation across these two interfaces. The y component of the wave vector with an imaginary value represents the evanescent wave in the incident region or the transmitted region, so it’s not necessary to consider this kind of wave in the summation. Then, we obtain the following relations for the E-polarized mode:
where n and
7. The transmission calculated by internal-field expansion method
In previous Section, we have introduced the internal-field expansion method to calculate the finite thickness PhC. This method used to calculate the transmission of the electromagnetic wave propagating through the PhC is faster than the FDTD method if the size of the (2N + 1)(M + 2) × (2N + 1)(M + 2) matrix is not very large. In the original references (Sakoda, 1995a, 1995b, 2004), the author concludes that this method can be used for the general two-dimensional PhC. In the following, we use this method to calculate transmissions of the superconductor PhC. Obviously, the boundary conditions of the magnetic field in Eqs. (64) and (65) are no more suitable for the superconductor PhC if superconductor rods are embedded in air. It is the factor that the boundary conditions of the magnetic field in this method are dealt with at the interface between two homogeneous media but not between cylinders and a homogeneous medium. In the latter half part of this section, we try to overcome this problem by adding a virtual edge region. At the beginning, transmissions are directly calculated without adding a virtual edge region. Then we investigate the effect on transmissions after adding it.
The same parameters as those in the previous section are used. The final results of this method are compared with those of the ADE-FDTD method. The wave is supposed to be normally incident on the superconductor PhC, and the propagation direction is along the ΓΚ direction (y-direction) perpendicular to the interface which is along the ΓΜ direction (x-direction). The number of layers along the x-direction is assumed to be infinite. The number of layers along the y-direction is still 30. The lattice constant along the x-direction is a1 and that along the y-direction is a2. We choose a2 = a = 100 μm and a1 =
First, the width of the edge region d is considered to be zero. N is fixed at 5 and M is determined at the situation when the transmission is convergent. The frequency is chosen at 0.54 (2πc/a). In Fig. 18, it is found out that M=600 is enough for calculation. Then N=5 and M=600 are used to calculate transmissions from 0.01 to 1.00 (2πc/a). The transmissions of the internal-field expansion method have some differences with those of the ADE-FDTD method shown in Fig. 4. The transmissions at frequencies below 0.17 (2πc/a) are not all close to zero. They are more than 0.1 when the frequencies are below 0.035 (2πc/a) and at 0.105 (2πc/a). These results are not coincident with the results of the PBS and the ADE-FDTD method. From the calculations of the PBS before, no propagation modes exist below 0.16 (2πc/a). The calculations of the ADE-FDTD method also confirm this conclusion even if the thickness of the PhC is finite. It means that the internal-field expansion method has some errors at the low frequency region. In the frequency region from 0.17 to 0.33 (2πc/a), transmissions of the internal-field expansion method and the ADE-FDTD method almost match each other except for the value at 0.175 (2πc/a).
The region from 0.33 to 0.47 (2πc/a) is the PBG region. It is found out that this region shifts to the right in the internal-field expansion method. The region extends to 0.53 (2πc/a) in Fig. 19. After the PBG region, the PBS displays two photonic bands existing between 0.47 and 0.595 (2πc/a), and a narrow PBG region between 0.595 and 0.605 (2πc/a). However, the transmissions in Fig. 19 show that high values exist between 0.53 and 0.64 (2πc/a) and nearly zero between 0.64 and 0.65 (2πc/a). In this region, they show a shift about 0.035 (2πc/a) forward higher frequency. From 0.65 to 0.845 (2πc/a), the trend of the transmissions in Fig. 19 is much similar to that of the ADE-FDTD method but the frequency region shifts to the right about 0.045 (2πc/a). In frequencies from 0.80 to 0.895 (2πc/a), the transmissions of the ADE-FDTD method show the third zero-transmission region. This region exists between 0.845 and 0.955 (2πc/a) in Fig. 19, which is 0.02 (2πc/a) larger than that of the ADE-FDTD method.
Next, we try to extend the boundary away from the edge of the cylinder by increasing the width d of the edge region. It is an imaginary boundary between air and the superconductor PhC because the background medium of the superconductor PhC is also air. In fact, such edge region doesn’t exist. The nonzero edge region implies that the results should have something to do with the width of it. Several values of d=0.5a, 1.0a, 1.5a, and 2.0a are calculated and all of them are shown in Figs. 5-20(a)-(d). After comparing all results, we find out that the nonzero edge region only affects transmissions below 0.17 (2πc/a), where the dielectric function in Eq. (9) is negative. The transmissions above 0.17 (2πc/a) are almost unchanged. So it explicitly reveals that this method is not suitable for negative dielectric function.
To summarize, some transmissions of the internal-field expansion method are close to those of the ADE-FDTD method, and some frequency regions have relative shifts between two methods. Roughly speaking, the shift is about 0.06 multiplying the frequency, so it is obvious that all zero-transmission regions below 1.00 (2πc/a) broaden in the internal-field expansion method. In Fig. 21, both results of the internal-field expansion method and the ADE-FDTD method are shown, in which the frequency scale of the ADE-FDTD method is
multiplied by 1.06. It can be seen that most results of two methods can match each other much better after 0.17 (2πc/a). We find that the calculations of the internal-field expansion method exists some errors, which need to be overcome. It still cannot solve the problem, even the edge region is added in calculations. In order to match the results of the PBS and the ADE-FDTD method, the internal-field expansion method needs to be modified in some way.
8. Conclusion
This study focuses on the transmissions of the two-dimensional superconductor PhC. The PhC, composed of copper oxide high-temperature superconductor rods in a triangular array in air, can be tunable utilizing the temperature modulation. We use the plane wave expansion method introduced in Section 2 to calculate the PBS of it, which is much like a metallic PhC system described by the Drude’s model if the normal conducting current is ignored. The frequency of the fundamental mode in the superconductor PhC is far above zero. It is the reason that the dielectric function is positive when frequency is more than
Then we use the ADE-FDTD method introduced in Section 4 to calculate the transmission when light is normally incident from air into the superconductor PhC. The results of the ADE-FDTD method are consistent with the PBS and also verify the frequency of the fundamental mode is more than
Finally, we use the internal-field expansion method developed by Sakoda to calculate the transmission when light is also normally incident from air into the superconductor PhC. It can be found out that transmissions below 0.17 (2πc/a) are not all close to zero. These non-zero transmissions can’t reach convergent values even we use large M in calculations. The results point out that this method can’t be directly applied on the negative dielectric constant media. We try to increase the width of the edge region to overcome this problem, but it is useless. Transmissions above 0.17 (2πc/a) can reach stable values as long as M is large enough. However, the frequency scale has to reduce 1.06 times in order to match the results of the ADE-FDTD method. To sum up, this method is successful to calculate the transmission of the PhC with air cylinders embedded in the homogeneous medium but not suitable very well for the superconductor PhC. One reason is that the boundary conditions between the superconductor PhC and air are not correct. So this method needs modification to obtain correct transmissions.
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