@incollection{Manuel18, author = {Mazón-Suástegui José Manuel and Tovar-Ramírez Dariel and Salas-Leiva Joan Sebastian and Arcos-Ortega Guadalupe Fabiola and García-Bernal Milagro and Avilés-Quevedo María Araceli and López-Carvallo Jesús Antonio and García-Corona José Luis and Ibarra-García Laura Elizabeth and Ortíz-Cornejo Nadia Livia and Teles Andressa and Rosero-García Antonia and Abasolo-Pacheco Fernando and Campa-Córdova Ángel Isidro and Saucedo Pedro and Barajas-Frías José Delfino and Ormart-Castro Pablo and Rodríguez- Jaramillo Carmen and González-González Reinaldo and Barajas-Ponce Ulysses and Tordecillas-Guillén Jorge Luis and Álvarez-Gil Francisco Antonio and Pineda-Mahr Gustavo and Peiro-López Jesús and Robles- Mungaray Miguel}, title = {Aquacultural Homoeopathy: A Focus on Marine Species}, booktitle = {Aquaculture}, publisher = {IntechOpen}, address = {Rijeka}, year = {2018}, editor = {Genaro Diarte-Plata and Ruth Escamilla-Montes}, chapter = {4}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.78030}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.78030} }