Maria Garcia

National University of La Plata Argentina

Maria Laura Garcia (PhD) is a Professor at the University of La Plata (UNLP) and she also holds a Senior Researcher position of the National Reserach Council (CONICET, Argentina) at the Institute of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (IBBM) in La Plata, Argentina, where she is currently the leader of a group working on plant viruses and plant resistance using transgenesis. Her PhD studies were on purification and characterization of Citrus psorosis virus at the IBBM. As a postdoctoral fellow she stayed at Leiden University (The Netherlands) studying replication mechanisms of Alfalfa mosaic virus, and later, at the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (Spain) and the Instituto di Fitovirologia Aplicatta (Italy) working on Citrus psorosis virus detection and variability. Her contributions helped to describe a new virus family (Ophioviridae) and she is currently the chair for the Ophioviridae study group of International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).

Maria Garcia

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Maria Garcia

Viruses are small infectious agents that can replicate only inside the living cells of susceptible organisms. The understanding of the molecular events underlying the infectious process has been of central interest to improve strategies aimed at combating viral diseases of medical, veterinary and agricultural importance. Some of the viruses cause dreadful diseases, while others are also of interest as tools for gene transduction and expression and in non-poluting insect pest management strategies. The contributions in this book provide the reader with a perspective on the wide spectrum of virus-host systems. They are organized in sections based on the major topics covered: viral genomes organization, regulation of replication and gene expression, genome diversity and evolution, virus-host interactions, including clinically relevant features. The chapters also cover a wide range of technical approaches, including high throughput methods to assess genome variation or stability. This book should appeal to all those interested in fundamental and applied aspects of virology.

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