Paul Miskovitz

Weill Cornell Medicine United States of America

Dr. Paul Miskovitz is Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College and Attending Physician at the New York—Presbyterian Hospital Weill/Cornell Campus in New York. The author of a variety of articles on gastroenterology, hepatology and internal medicine topics, co-developer of several medical computer software programs, the co-author of three books in the field of gastroenterology, Dr. Miskovitz currently maintains a clinical consultative practice for gastroenterology, hepatology, gastrointestinal endoscopy and gastrointestinal parasitology, and teaches at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City and Doha, Qatar. In the Fall of 2009 Dr. Miskovitz was the recipient of a CINE Golden Eagle Award in the Professional Advertising and Promotion Division, Public Service Announcements, for participation in the CBS Cares Colonoscopy Sweepstakes, a very successful PSA designed to increased public awareness nationwide with regard to colorectal cancer screening using colonoscopy.

Paul Miskovitz

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Paul Miskovitz

To publish a book on colonoscopy suitable for an international medical audience, drawing upon the expertise and talents of many outstanding world-wide clinicians, is a daunting task. New developments in videocolonoscope instruments, procedural technique, patient selection and preparation, and moderate sedation and monitoring are being made and reported daily in both the medical and the lay press. Just as over the last several decades colonoscopy has largely supplanted the use of barium enema x-ray study of the colon, new developments in gastrointestinal imaging such as computerized tomographic colonography and video transmitted capsule study of the colonic lumen and new discoveries in cellular and molecular biology that may facilitate the early detection of colon cancer, colon polyps and other gastrointestinal pathology threaten to relegate the role of screening colonoscopy to the side lines of medical practice. This book draws on the talents of renowned physicians who convey a sense of the history, the present state-of-the art and ongoing confronting issues, and the predicted future of this discipline.

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