Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Utilizing Blockchain Technology in the Realm of Sports Medicine

Written By

Thomas Wojda, Carlie Hoffman and Mateusz Plaza

Submitted: 29 August 2023 Reviewed: 03 October 2023 Published: 22 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003265

From the Edited Volume

Technology in Sports - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Application

Thomas Wojda

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Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT), originally devised for cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, has garnered widespread interest for its capacity to transform data administration, enhance transparency, and fortify security across diverse sectors. Its progressive assimilation into Sports Medicine has surfaced as a compelling realm of exploration. This book chapter delves into extant research and advancements regarding the integration of distributed ledger technology in Sports Medicine, elucidating potential advantages and obstacles. By scrutinizing the multifaceted applications of distributed ledger technology, this review underscores its promise in revolutionizing aspects of data management within the domain while acknowledging the inherent challenges that necessitate further consideration.


  • blockchain
  • distributed ledger technology
  • machine learning
  • Sports Medicine
  • sports health
  • management
  • injuries

1. Introduction

Blockchain, characterized as a decentralized ledger, monitors transaction entries concurrently across multiple computers via a cooperative network. It is built upon a type of distributed database technology that securely and permanently stores transactions, ensuring their resistance to tampering. A blockchain is an evolving series of interconnected records, referred to as blocks. Every block includes encrypted hashes preceding the previously linked unit, accompanied by a chronological notation and specifics related to the exchange. Blockchain technology primarily consists of a digital ledger encoding transactions as blocks, stored in an open and decentralized manner. Information is dispersed among autonomous nodes that authenticate it without dependence on a central authority. Essential elements are present within this framework Figure 1 [1]. Key characteristics of blockchain technology are found in Figure 2 [2, 3]. Blockchain systems differ based on user access and information visibility, encompassing public, private, consortium, and hybrid categories, each with unique traits found in Figure 3 [4].

Figure 1.

Essential elements of distributed ledger technology.

Figure 2.

Key characteristics of blockchain technology.

Figure 3.

Unique traits of blockchain.


2. Methodology

We conducted online searches using Google Scholar and PubMed using key terms such as “Blockchain,” “Distributed Ledger Technology,” “Machine Learning,” “Sports Medicine,” “Sports” “Health,” “Management,” and “Injuries.” We also identified additional sources by examining references in the primary studies. After reviewing the literature, all pertinent authors collaborated to create a comprehensive outline for the research manuscript applying blockchain in healthcare, specifically the discipline of Sports Medicine, classified based on various use cases. These utilization scenarios include electronic medical records (EMR), sports supply chain management (SCM), injury monitoring and prevention, and personal health information (PHI). The writers also explore the practicality of these blockchain solutions and their technological constraints. In addition, this chapter highlights fundamental obstacles and distinct possibilities for exploration in implementing blockchain technology in Sports Medicine. It identifies lessons learned from existing studies and suggests future research directions in this domain.

Studies that did not relate to the previously mentioned topics were not considered. The manuscript provided here showcases different applications of blockchain technology that are currently active or in development. A single evaluator (T.W) reviewed the titles and summaries of the articles. Full manuscripts were reviewed and included by two authors.


3. Enhancing medical records management in Sports Medicine

3.1 Challenges in managing electronic medical records (EMR)

Health system databases are often proprietary, exclusively accessible, and demonstrate limited interoperability [5]. In certain instances, patients and doctors might experience restricted external entry to health records. Lack of data sharing among healthcare providers may lead to outdated patient information when patients are treated by different providers [6]. Another concern arises from the possible presence of duplicate health records within institutions, caused by uncertainties or repetitions in patient names [5, 7]. Also, increasing volume of health data and managing this information requires addressing issues like data standardization, storage capacity, location, security, and efficient data filtering and analysis [7].

The obstacles to increased standardization and EMR interoperability include concerns about the sensitive nature of health records and the complexities in managing ownership and access for both owners and users [8, 9]. Users have reservations about disclosing their data, concerned about the storage location and the entities that could get to it [10]. Healthcare providers also raise worries about overseeing and verifying records as patients have ownership and control over their own records [5]. Because of the considerable expenses involved in sustaining data centers, numerous services have transitioned to external providers utilizing cloud computing infrastructures [8]. Nevertheless, this shift gives rise to apprehensions regarding access control, security vulnerabilities, legal considerations, and the possibility of data loss, all of which could have adverse effects on the storage of health information in cloud environments [11].

3.2 Securing health information via blockchain

DLT integration in managing medical records offers solutions for data security, transparency, interoperability, and patient control. By addressing existing challenges in sharing, accessing, and managing health data, these applications pave the way for a more efficient and secure healthcare ecosystem.

One such implementation is MedRec, employing a non-hierarchical methodology to oversee approval, access rights, as well as data transfer among participants [12]. Using the Ethereum platform, MedRec empowers patients with control over who accesses their healthcare information. FHIRChain (Fast Health Interoperability Records + Blockchain) stands as an additional blockchain-driven application merging EMRs [13]. Constructed upon the Ethereum platform, FHIRChain concentrates on overseeing healthcare record administration, delivering remedies attuned to Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) stipulations. This application aims to enhance data sharing and interoperability in the healthcare sector.

Medshare addresses collaboration challenges in sharing medical data between cloud services while safeguarding the privacy of private data [14]. This Ethereum-based application offers solutions for data provenance, auditing, and control within cloud repositories, ensuring secure and controlled sharing of medical data. Additional EMR applications based on blockchain technology encompass MedBlock and BlocHIE [1516]. MedBlock, a system for documented information, arranges patient data into blocks linked to particular healthcare providers or departments. In contrast, BlocHIE introduces a healthcare framework merging off-chain storage with on-chain validation. This methodology upholds a hashed representation of external records on the blockchain, enhancing equity and efficiency through inventive transaction packaging algorithms.

Ancile, another blockchain-based framework, leverages employing Ethereum smart contracts to realize data confidentiality, safeguarding, access management, and the harmonization of EMR data [17]. This framework addresses critical concerns in the management of sensitive medical information. OmniPHR, an expansive framework, establishes a harmonized, accessible perspective of personal health records (PHR) through a distributed model [18]. By employing a flexible, interoperative, and expandable framework, omniPHR ensures seamless access to PHR data through a routing overlay network.

3.3 Benefits of decentralized medical records

A variety of academic research collectively underline blockchain technology’s versatility and potential in healthcare. Addressing pivotal concerns encompassing data security, transparency, and patient autonomy, blockchain stands poised to reshape medical records management, ushering in more streamlined and secure healthcare systems. Zyskind and Nathan explore blockchain’s effectiveness in access control and secure data storage [19]. Their study highlights how strong access controls in DLT safeguard sensitive medical records, allowing exclusive access and modifications by authorized personnel. Azaria et al. present a DLT system, which ensures EMRs remain secure and accessible only to authorized parties [20]. Fan et al.’s energy-efficient information management proposal addresses energy consumption concerns by refining consensus mechanisms, reducing energy usage while efficiently managing patient data—showcasing sustainable blockchain solutions in healthcare [15]. Zhou et al.’s research introduces a health insurance DLT repository leveraging Shamir’s secret sharing, a cryptographic technique, to bolster security and confidentiality [21]. This method fortifies sensitive insurance data, permitting access and utilization solely by authorized entities. Xia et al.’s data sharing framework, underpinned by blockchain, tackles challenges associated with confidential medical information sharing in cloud environments. Their solution harmonizes data privacy and security with controlled sharing among large-scale data entities, facilitating collaboration without compromising data integrity [14]. In a patient-centric paradigm, Li et al.’s framework accentuates user rights for records contained within reliable platforms [22]. Employing attribute-based encryption (ABE), which allows data encryption and accessibility based on specific attributes or traits, empowers self-governance of information sharing while upholding privacy and security. Guo et al.’s work concentrates on patient privacy and EMR validity within a blockchain milieu [23]. Their application of ABE may preserve EMR credibility and safeguarding patient confidentiality.

3.4 Case studies of blockchain-based medical record systems in Sports Medicine

DLT stands to reshape athlete care and management, bolstering data security, accessibility, and collaboration. This potential can be realized by adapting insights from the above referenced case studies and models to achieve these advancements.

Zyskind et al.’s emphasis on access control and secure data storage can safeguard athletes’ sensitive health data [19]. Employing blockchain’s encryption and permission-based access ensures that only authorized individuals, such as medical staff and coaches, can access specific information based on their roles. This dual action promotes privacy and facilitates collaboration. The decentralized record management system conceptualized by Azaria et al. seamlessly aligns with the management of athletes’ EMRs [20]. Storing athlete health records, diagnostics, treatments, and recovery plans on a blockchain ensures data integrity and facilitates collaboration among sports medical professionals. Authorized parties can securely access and update information, promoting efficient care.

Fan et al.’s energy-efficient blockchain information management system can effectively monitor athletes’ health metrics and training progress. Real-time data collection and analysis provide insights into performance and well-being. By optimizing consensus mechanisms, blockchain operations can be energy-efficient, ensuring sustainable application in Sports Medicine. A DLT driven medical insurance repository, utilizing extended Shamir’s secret sharing, can adeptly manage athletes’ insurance-related information (Zhou et al.). This encompasses coverage for injuries, rehabilitation costs, and medical expenses related to sports. Blockchain’s distributed nature ensures security and accessibility for sensitive insurance data.

By incorporating blockchain technology, athlete care can undergo a transformative evolution. Secure, transparent, and collaborative platforms for managing health data, injury history, treatment plans, insurance coverage, and more can be established. This adoption promises informed decisions, improved care outcomes, and overall enhanced well-being for athletes.


4. Facilitating anti-doping efforts

4.1 Overview of anti-doping practices in Sports Medicine

Anti-doping (AD) practices in Sports Medicine encompass a range of strategies aimed at ensuring fair competition and safeguarding the well-being of sports participants. These practices involve identification, prevention, and screening for performance-enhancing drug use in sports. A key component includes implementation of strict drug testing protocols. Athletes are regularly tested for prohibited substances, and rigorous laboratory analysis is conducted to detect doping agents. Additionally, therapeutic use exemptions (TUE) allow athletes with legitimate medical needs to use certain prohibited substances under specific conditions. Anti-doping practices play a crucial role in maintaining integrity and promoting clean sports, fostering a level playing field for all participants. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) spearheads international performance augmentation deterrence efforts. Numerous other parties abide by WADA’s rules and conditions. WADA has authority over the Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), an online integrated repository for tamper-control practices, accessible to various concerned parties [24]. ADAMS distills confidential doping information that includes location, reports, TUEs, blood work, rule violations, and other communications [25]. The Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), an AD monitoring program detects banned materials through blood and urine analysis [26]. Fluctuations in markers are identified, which indicate a possible doping infraction.

4.2 Current challenges in anti-doping efforts

Current difficulties in AD efforts pose ongoing obstacles to fair sports. Constant adaptation of detection techniques is required due to new performance-enhancing substances and underground markets. Complexities surrounding therapeutic use exemptions and balancing athlete health with regulations present ongoing problems. Despite efforts, doubts persist about the effectiveness of anti-doping, as few cases are caught compared to widespread suspicion. Some individuals still cheat and evade detection, risking shame, despite the commitment to a drug-free environment [24, 27]. From a technical standpoint WADA’s anti-doping management faces challenges, including sharing medical records, maintaining medication records, and banning harmful drugs. An incident involving withheld test results raised concerns about potential doping violations and investigation obstacles [24]. Data handling in ADAMS, controlled solely by WADA, raises conflict of interest and cybersecurity worries, leading to athlete information leaks from cyber-attacks. Non-digitalized processes for critical procedures like doping control sample collection create opportunities for manipulation and cheating without traces, as exemplified in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics [24]. Privacy risks arise from privileged access to confidential files, and requesting special permission for medication exposes identities to various system users. Implementing digital technologies can improve data protection and address these issues, enhancing the integrity and effectiveness of anti-doping efforts [242528, 29].

4.3 Utilizing blockchain for transparent and tamper-proof drug testing

The utilization of DLT offers a robust solution to address challenges related to drug testing, counterfeit medications, and regulatory compliance. By providing transparency, traceability, and immutability, DLT has the potential to transform drug testing processes into secure and tamper-proof endeavors. AG, an emerging company utilizing blockchain to attain material constancy, ensuring adherent quality control temperature prerequisites, AG utilizes blockchain to create public accessibility to temperature records during the transportation of pharmaceutical products [30]. This approach guarantees that the temperature conditions for these products are accurately recorded and cannot be tampered with, thereby enhancing the integrity of drug testing protocols.

The issue of counterfeit drugs is also effectively addressed through blockchain technology. Various authors propose safe, unchangeable, and trackable medical supply chains facilitated by DLT [28, 30, 31]. By utilizing this advancement, organizations can establish a transparent system where the origin and movement of drugs can be tracked at every stage, mitigating the risk of counterfeit medications entering the market. Jamil et al.’s research tackles problems associated with drug standardization and counterfeits [32]. The authors highlight the challenges in detecting falsified drugs and propose a blockchain-based solution. By leveraging blockchain’s transparency and immutability, this approach enables the detection of counterfeit drugs within the supply chain, ensuring patient safety.

4.4 Examples of blockchain applications in anti-doping initiatives

In the future DLT may address pressing issues in AD efforts within the sports industry. Now research delves into the conceptual framework of using blockchain to enhance doping control applications in sports. In the proposed conceptual approach, blockchain acts as a distributed and unalterable ledger that records every step of the anti-doping process, from sample collection to testing to result verification [24]. By integrating blockchain into anti-doping initiatives, the study envisions a comprehensive and tamper-proof system that streamlines the collection, testing, and verification of samples. Athletes’ data, test results, and related information can be stored securely, ensuring that the anti-doping process remains transparent, fair, and free from manipulation.


5. Ensuring supply chain integrity

5.1 Importance of supply chain management (SCM) in sport

SCM wields a central function in sport, streamlining the flow of resources, equipment, and vital medical supplies essential for athlete care and performance optimization. In this dynamic realm prioritizing athletes’ health, a well-functioning SCM system is paramount. The comprehensive SCM approach encompasses procurement, distribution, and oversight of medical equipment, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and rehabilitation products. Swift access to top-tier supplies is fundamental for precise diagnoses, effective treatment, and efficient recovery protocols. From averting injuries to post-injury rehabilitation, appropriate resource availability significantly influences athletes’ journeys. SCM bolsters athlete safety by ensuring the credibility and purity of medical supplies, crucial in anti-doping endeavors to thwart counterfeit or prohibited substances. Transparent, traceable supply chains amplify trust in product quality and origins, upholding ethical benchmarks. An effective SCM system curbs waste, optimizes resource allocation, and reduces disruptions caused by supply shortages. In sport, where prompt interventions are vital, this efficiency substantially impacts athletes’ recovery progress. Essentially, SCM safeguards athlete health, elevates performance, and maintains ethical standards, facilitating uninterrupted access to crucial medical resources and contributing ultimately to athletes’ overall triumph and well-being.

5.2 Counterfeit drugs and equipment in sport

Sport faces significant challenges due to counterfeit drugs and equipment, posing risks to athletes’ health, fair competition, and the integrity of the sporting ecosystem. Illicit activities involving fake substances and gear encompass production, distribution, and use, impacting sports at various levels. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals, including steroids and stimulants, risk athletes’ health by offering inconsistent quality. Such actions compromise fairness and athletes’ well-being, undermining sportsmanship. Fake sports equipment, from attire to technology, endangers athletes who unknowingly purchase subpar gear. Exploiting reputable brands erodes trust and leads to injuries. These issues tarnish sports integrity and discourage clean competition. Combatting this requires strict regulations, transparent supply chains, and innovative technologies like blockchain for authentication. These measures ensure athletes’ safety and the authenticity of their resources, upholding the true spirit of sports.

5.3 Leveraging blockchain for traceability and authenticity verification

The exemplars mentioned below exhibit the significant role of DLT in ensuring traceability and authenticity verification within the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. The utilization of blockchain for these purposes brings about a transformation in how critical information is managed and shared.

MedicalChain introduces a smart healthcare ecosystem that utilizes blockchain to ensuretraceability and immutability through smart contracts [32]. By implementing smart contracts, MedicalChain offers patients a restricted timeframe for EMR usage, enabling secure sharing of medical data between doctors, pharmacies, insurers, and even research institutions. This approach ensures the authenticity of medical data while promoting patient-centric care. MeFy’s subscription-based model utilizes blockchain to offer secure and authentic medical tests [33]. The integration of the MeMe Edge apparatus guarantees the credibility of conducted tests, while the use of artificial intelligence (AI) generated autoprescriptions enhances patient care. MediBloc focuses on creating a private information habitat for involved stakeholders, leveraging DLT to streamline data ownership and sharing [32]. This approach enhances the transparency and accessibility of medical data, enabling efficient communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

5.4 Real-world examples of blockchain implementation in sports supply chains

Although there are many real-world and academic proposals regarding DLT and SCM, there remains a dearth of information in relation to its applicability in Sports Medicine. Nevertheless, one article focuses on enhancing delivery in the realm of athletics through DLT [34]. The inefficiencies arising from inadequate stakeholder management within the sports SCM are addressed using a combination of AI and fuzzy comprehensive appraisal (FCA) algorithm. FCA is a decision-making approach that establishes a comprehensive set of evaluation factors, forming the basis for assessing risks. Experts carry out fuzzy evaluations on each individual factor, contributing to the creation of an evaluation matrix. Incorporating AI technology, an information mining system is developed for SCM vulnerability control. This system creates coherent hierarchical connections between indicators and regulations, leading to systematic standardization of SCM and associated guidelines. It serves as a unified platform for surveillance and trend assessment. Subsequently, this approach is utilized to assess SCM vulnerability in sport. The outcomes of this thorough risk assessment are examined, uncovering uniform evaluation cues in sports SCM.

The study’s findings hold practical significance for those involved in Sports Medicine, offering guidance for refining management strategies, and enhancing organizations competitiveness. Moreover, the study elucidates the hazards and results linked in sports SCM, adding to scholarly comprehension, and pushing forward the concepts pertaining to its restructuring and progress. The implementation of DLT could further contribute to transparency, reliability, and traceability of Sports Medicine SCM. By securely recording and sharing information among stakeholders, blockchain could streamline verification processes, improve data management, and elevate overall transparency within Sports Medicine SCM.


6. Improving athlete performance and injuries management

6.1 Introduction to athlete performance tracking and injury management

Performance tracking and injury management are vital in optimizing athletic performance and ensuring athlete well-being. Tracking metrics like speed, endurance, and strength aid progress assessment and program customization. Injury management involves prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, enhancing performance and reducing injury risks. Proactive measures and timely interventions promote long-term athletic success.

The conventional system for managing and monitoring athlete injuries relies heavily on manual records maintained by team medical staff, lacking the ability to intelligently analyze the gathered information. This renders the system of limited practical relevance. Moreover, the data storage in the traditional system is insecure. Several studies have focused on analyzing athlete movements and types of injuries to improve injury recovery and prevention. For example, Guo et al. examines the impact of fatigue in player movements with its impact on knee joints [23]. Other researchers oversaw sequence of injuries experienced by high school football athletes and aided in their quick recovery based on past injury experiences [35]. Tee et al. emphasized the importance of supervising and analyzing the entire sports process to prevent injuries and identify their causes promptly [36]. Kerr monitored sports injuries in American high school football for a decade, gathering valuable data for effective injury treatment and recovery [37].

While these studies have helped in understanding and improving injury recovery, the current systems lack intelligent technology for smart data collection and processing of athlete injury information. Incorporating advanced analytical and data processing capabilities into the injury management and monitoring system could substantially augment the comprehension of injury origins, leading to more effective injury recovery and prevention strategies for athletes.

6.2 Blockchain-enabled performance monitoring systems

Innovative strategies are emerging that leverage electronic devices for data collection. DLT and the Internet of Things (IoT), which pertains to an interlinked web of tangible items and gadgets capable of communicating, gathering, and trading information through cyberspace, may seamlessly integrate to gather crucial body-related information from athletes, presenting a comprehensive approach to enhancing performance and health management.

Wearable devices equipped with acceleration sensors, such as the ADXL345 three-axis acceleration sensor, offer continuous monitoring of athletes’ movements [38]. This real-time data acquisition during training sessions and competitions yields invaluable insights into the intensity and patterns of their physical activities, enabling a deeper understanding of their performance dynamics. Another avenue explored involves embedding integrated sensors in fitness equipment [39]. Armbands housing acceleration sensors, temperature sensors, and heart rate monitors hold immense potential for Sports Medicine applications. Working in tandem, these sensors capture data on movement, body temperature, and heart rate throughout workout sessions. This data aggregation contributes to assessing exercise intensity, energy expenditure, and physiological responses, offering a holistic view of athletes’ well-being.

The integration of data transmission techniques, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee, further enriches this landscape [40, 41]. Through wireless connectivity, real-time monitoring of athletes’ performance and health indicators becomes feasible. This seamless link provides coaches and medical professionals with immediate feedback, facilitating prompt adjustments to training routines and recovery strategies to maximize efficacy. Acceleration data seamlessly integrated with physiological indicators emerges as a pivotal approach. Combining metrics from acceleration sensors with temperature and heart rate data results in a comprehensive assessment of exercise intensity [42]. This holistic perspective enables a precise evaluation of athletes’ exertion levels and potential fatigue during training, consequently contributing significantly to injury prevention and performance optimization.

The fusion of IoT and DLT introduces a transformative paradigm for sports fitness management. In the context of Sports Medicine, this concept establishes a secure and transparent platform dedicated to collecting, storing, and analyzing athletes’ movement and health data. IoT devices continuously gather data, which is securely stored and processed within a blockchain framework. This immutable ledger records athletes’ activities and health metrics, furnishing medical professionals and coaches with invaluable insights for tracking progress and making well-informed decisions.

6.3 Examples of blockchain applications for athlete performance and injuries management

Injuries stand as the foremost prevalent factor influencing a player’s performance, a scenario diametrically opposed to their aspirations. Comprehensive insights into the genesis of athlete injuries and optimal methods of recuperating from sports-related setbacks are constantly being scrutinized. Nevertheless, the conventional paradigm governing the management and oversight of athlete injuries is inherently fraught with vulnerabilities concerning data retention, yet more crucially, it lacks the cognitive prowess to dissect the amassed data. In the backdrop of the ceaseless evolution of blockchain and machine learning (ML) domains, the tenets of DLT have been harnessed to gather, stockpile, refine, uncover, and visualize the unbroken gamut of data regarding football players’ injuries. In tandem, ML has been harnessed to deliver astute remedies for the convalescence of football players from their injuries. For example, a comparative analysis was drawn between the holistic management and monitoring scheme for athlete ailments via DLT and ML, with an archetypal scheme of managing and overseeing such injuries in the football milieu [35]. The experimental findings underscored that the mean autonomous processing capacity of this technology, which reached an impressive 70%, in stark contrast to a conventional system, pegged at 50%. The assimilation of DLT and ML into this thorough supervision and oversight system for athlete injuries emerges as a potent catalyst in substantively heightening the system’s autonomous processing acumen, which may play a role in future Sports Medicine athlete injury and performance management.


7. Ensuring data privacy and consent

7.1 Importance of data privacy in Sports Medicine

Data privacy is of paramount importance in Sports Medicine for several critical reasons. Firstly, the field involves sensitive health data collection, encompassing athletes’ medical histories, injuries, treatment plans, and genetic details, necessitating protection to maintain confidentiality and trust. Secondly, adherence to legal frameworks like HIPAA is essential to prevent legal repercussions and uphold the credibility of medical professionals and sports institutions. Athletes rely on healthcare providers to safeguard their health information, breaches of which can lead to withheld data and strained doctor-patient relationships. Leaked data jeopardizes reputations, invites legal liabilities, and compromises fair competition by enabling unfair advantages. Data privacy also supports medical research by providing confidential data access for advancements in athlete well-being and injury prevention. It addresses discrimination concerns, cybersecurity risks, and ethical obligations. Ultimately, data privacy preserves athletes’ health information, sustains trust, adheres to regulations, and maintains sports integrity, fostering research progress while mitigating legal, ethical, and reputational challenges.

7.2 Blockchain-incorporated remedies for safeguarded and agreement-guided data exchange

Each of the case studies provided presents a different approach to utilizing blockchain technology for secure and consent-driven data sharing. These solutions address the challenges of maintaining privacy, data integrity, and controlled access to sensitive athlete health data.

To enhance the security of sensitive health records stored on various platforms, the Modified Blowfish Algorithm may be employed [43]. This algorithm encrypts medical records, treatment histories, and treatment plans, effectively preserving data privacy and preventing unauthorized access. The CF Model emphasizes security [44]. By combining a wearable health system with cloud server distribution, sensitive medical information can be securely stored. The model’s security protocols, including Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA), and adherence to HIPAA rules, provide comprehensive protection for athletes’ information. Microsoft’s HealthVault addresses security, privacy, and interoperability concerns specific to patient needs [45]. By customizing the platform, health data can be managed securely, enabling efficient data sharing while maintaining privacy. The healthTicket model’s focus on ubiquitous access to personal health records via mobile devices and web applications is valuable [46]. By integrating security mechanisms like ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE), stakeholders can securely enter health data on-the-go, especially when dealing with sensitive health information. The implementation of a distributed accountability mechanism in cloud-based data sharing, as proposed by Sundareswaran et al., enables collaborators to monitor data access [47]. This transparency builds trust and enhances security by ensuring that only authorized personnel interact with health records. Incorporating a blockchain-based decentralized monitoring infrastructure, such as DRAMS, could prove invaluable because this system detects policy violations in access control, ensuring data integrity and reducing unauthorized access risks by decentralizing the monitoring process [48]. The ChainAnchor system’s anonymous yet verifiable identity approach can safeguard health data while maintaining identity confidentiality [49]. This becomes crucial when sharing sensitive health information while preserving personal privacy.

7.3 Case studies demonstrating blockchain’s role in data privacy in Sports Medicine

As sports activities increase, safeguarding athletes’ health information has become a critical concern. Nonetheless, owing to the distinct attributes of the information and the constraints of conventional security paradigms, guaranteeing the confidentiality of athlete health data presents a multifaceted predicament. Liu et al. focuses on quantitatively assessing exercise volume and level through the accumulation of health and physical activity information from athletes and highlights DLT-driven data privacy functions in Sports Medicine [50].

In this scenario, blockchain technology is employed to address key objectives, including the assurance, distribution, tracking, and reliability of the system safeguarding and assembling athletes’ health data. The primary focus of the study centers around the development of a Machine Learning and Blockchain-based Athlete Health Information Protection System (MLB-AHIPS), which helps clean and process health data, ensuring accurate recognition and secure management of sportspersons’ physical well-being data.

The platform employs a feature-dependent access control system, facilitating flexible and detailed entry to athlete health information. This access control framework ensures that only authorized parties can interact with specific components of the data. To safeguard the data’s integrity and invulnerability, the health details are housed within a blockchain framework. This blockchain-based storage is further fortified by utilizing smart contracts, which enhance the security and tamper-proof nature of the stored health data. Simulation results showcase the efficacy of the proposed MLB-AHIPS. It achieves notable outcomes, including a 97.8% precision rate, 98.3% protection proportion, 97.1% effectiveness index, 98.9% expandability factor, and a 97.2% query response time. These achievements are in comparison to other existing approaches. This demonstrates the robustness of the blockchain-based solution in safeguarding athlete health information while ensuring accurate data processing, secure access, scalability, and high levels of data protection.


8. Future directions and challenges

8.1 Discussion

DLT holds the capacity to drastically transform Sports Medicine, reshaping EMR management, athlete safety, and service transactions. Through a tamper-proof repository, athlete health records can be securely managed, facilitating secure data sharing between medical professionals and athletes. Smart contracts ensure that data sharing is consent-driven, granting athletes control over their personal health information. Furthermore, blockchain can contribute significantly to verifying supplement authenticity, enhancing athlete safety, and bolstering anti-doping efforts. Additionally, the introduction of blockchain-based tokens and marketplaces could usher in a new era of secure transactions for sports-related services, thereby marking a significant advancement within the sports industry.

8.2 Challenges and future research

However, the implementation of blockchain technology faces technical and practical challenges. Scalability issues must be addressed when handling substantial volumes of data efficiently. Striking the right balance between data privacy and transparency is essential, as well as integrating different blockchain platforms with existing systems. Navigating regulatory compliance and legal considerations is paramount. Moreover, overcoming the challenge of educating stakeholders and addressing resistance to change is crucial to enhancing DLT capacity in Sports Medicine. Collaborative efforts and standardization initiatives are vital for the widespread adoption of blockchain within Sports Medicine. Through industry-wide collaboration, stakeholders can collectively confront challenges, share insights, and drive innovative solutions. Standardization ensures interoperability and robust data security, fostering trust and transparency within the ecosystem. The widespread integration of blockchain could lead to enhanced data privacy, improved healthcare outcomes, and transformative advancements in the Sports Medicine field.

Ethical considerations and potential risks associated with blockchain’s implementation are of paramount importance. Striking a delicate equilibrium between data privacy and transparency is a fundamental ethical concern, necessitating the protection of informed consent and athlete data control. Mitigating potential risks, such as vulnerabilities in smart contracts and over-reliance on untested platforms, demands the implementation of stringent security measures. By addressing these challenges, responsible and ethically sound blockchain implementation can be ensured within Sports Medicine.

8.3 Conclusion

In conclusion, DLT may revolutionize Sports Medicine by offering transformative applications. From secure health record management to enhancing athlete safety and enabling secure transactions, blockchain introduces unprecedented opportunities to the sports industry. Although challenges exist, fostering collaboration, standardization, and ethical considerations will be pivotal in harnessing blockchain’s potential for elevating athlete care and propelling the progress of Sports Medicine. As blockchain technology matures, its seamless integration into Sports Medicine is poised to gather momentum, providing heightened efficiency, trust, and automation. Further research is imperative to address technical intricacies, ensure interoperability, and tackle scalability concerns. The outlook for blockchain within Sports Medicine holds promise and excitement for transformative advancements.


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Written By

Thomas Wojda, Carlie Hoffman and Mateusz Plaza

Submitted: 29 August 2023 Reviewed: 03 October 2023 Published: 22 November 2023